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At four in the morning, James Potter was jumping on Harper and Sirius's bed. "Get up! Come on we have to go!" he screamed shaking the both of them. "Mate, it's not the quidditch cup!" Lily said walking into the room. Though half asleep, even Sirius and Harper were appalled by what she had said. "Bloody hell, Evans! You might as well have turned us over to Lord Voldemort with that!" James crossed his arms. Harper smiled at her friend before pushing James out so she could get dressed.

Harper pulled on a Chudley Cannon jersey - Sirius let her wear his -, black leggings, and some beat up sneakers. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and looked in the mirror. Excitement filled her at the thought of going to her first professional quidditch game. Sirius grabbed her waist before kissing her forehead and whispering, "Come on. We've to go before James hex's us for making him wait." Right, Sirius was because James had his wand in his hands, counting down the seconds.

"Come on!" Lily said before apparating. Lily was never a fan of quidditch since she was not only scared of flying but also the bludgers. Harper apparated to the stadium and was instantly surrounded by fans. She grabbed onto Lily as the boys lead them up to their seats. Arriving at the top of the stadium, Harper let out a gasp. It was beautiful. The sun rising over the field that was filled with pure excitement. James squealed as Sirius screamed out loud. The girls laughed until they spotted someone familiar.

His long blonde hair looked pristine as usual, smug face, and black fancy suit. "Malfoy." James sneered at the boy. He smirked before looking behind him to reveal Narcissa Black and Regulus Black. Sirius began to shake with rage but kept silence. "Hello blood-traitor and mudblood." Before retaliation could happen, Narcissa dragged Lucius away with an apologetic smile. Regulus stayed behind. He looked miserable, his face was tired and grey, his hair was long and unkept, his frown was visual, and he overall just looked like a boy who needed saving.

"Regulus, please come stay with us.." Harper begged him before he could leave. "I can't Rossi. You know who's side I'm on and it will remain this way." Sirius grunted before pulling his little brother into a hug. "Incase this is the last time we're ever civil, I love you Reggie.." Regulus pushed him off before nodding curtly and murmured, "Love you too." He stalked off after Malfoy and the other Black leaving a whole in Harper's chest. Sirius threw his arm over her and started cheering again. She knew he was upset but it was best to let him enjoy this.

Puddlemere United was the team to come out first, earning loud cheers from the crowd on the other side of the stadium. "BOOO! Bloody awful team!" James called out making Lily laugh. The team did a few laps before The Chudley Cannons bustled out. The team earned louder screams considering Sirius and James were yelling like girls over the The Weird Sister. Harper screamed loud too but it was drowned out by the excited boys. "Thank you so much Harper!" James began almost crying.

[I'm literally awful at writing quidditch matches so uh i'm sorry but i skipped most of it]
The score was 70-80 Puddlemere United which was stressing the three quidditch fans immensely. Lily didn't understand much was amused with her friends. The Cannon's seeker dove forward followed by the Puddlemere seeker. "Get it!! BLOODY CATCH THE SNITCH YOU STUPID GIT TOERAG ARSEHOLE!" Harper yelled making James and Sirius turn to her. They fell over laughing until the Puddlemere seeker was thrown off course by a bludger leaving an open space for the Cannon's seeker. He caught it. The Chudley Cannon's won the match.

"YES! WE DID IT!" James jumped into Sirius's arms. The two boys began to bawl their eyes out as Harper did a victory dance, with Lily soon being dragged in aswell. Sirius grabbed Harper's wrist and pulled her into a passionate kiss. "This was the best thing ever. Thank you." She grinned brightly before James kissed her cheek with a loud "MWAH!" and a "I LOVE YOU SO BLOODY MUCH HARPER AC/DC ROSSI!" The crew stuck around a little longer as everyone else began to leave. Regulus and his crowd left first which was highly suspicious but the 4 friends ignored it.

When the stadium was clear, they left. James and Harper talked vividly of the game as Sirius carried Lily on his back. The group apparated back to the beach house to be greeted by a very impatient Marlene. "It's fucking 4 at night, I've waited long enough. Tell. Me. Everything!" She screamed. Sirius, James, and Harper filled her in as Lily sat with Peter and Remus. The two boys looked on edge making her uneasy. Remus stood up, grabbing Peter and Lily's wrists before pulling them into his bedroom. "What? Are you ok?" She asked.

The two boys sat on the bed, playing with their hands. "What? Tell me!" Peter finally broke and whisper-yelled, "I caught Moony and Carter shagging and I'm scarred for life." Lily gaped at the two boys before laughing until she couldn't breathe. Remus soon joined in but Peter stood confused. "Oh my Merlin, this isn't funny! Why are we laughing?" Remus cried out. The other four burst into the bedroom, grinning but then spotted her two friends rolling on the door. Lily told them, making the group laugh too. "Oh Merlin, Moony! Poor Wormtail, come on I'll fetch you some firewhiskey." Sirius cackled leading the boy out of the room.

Marlene shoo'd James out leaving the girls and Remus alone. "So, tell us everything!" Harper said collapsing next to the boy on the bed. "Well, Carter came by.. He wanted to go on a walk so I went with him. He held my hand the whole time and it was quite nice, ya know? We talked and talked until we returned back at the house. He kissed me. I kissed back. One thing led to another and he was naked in my bedroom, fucking me. Poor Wormtail walked in and screamed." The three girls laughed at him again before regaining themselves.

"Well..? How was it?!" Lily shoved the boy playfully. He blushed before standing up, "Bloody amazing! Merlin.. He was amazing. His body too!" Harper got up and did another victory dance for her friend before running out of the room. She grabbed her muggle record player with some records and retreated back to the room. Remus and Marlene hooked it up and began to play songs. The other three boys came in not to long after with cigarettes. Everyone took one besides Lily. "Don't want a fag, eh Evans?" Marlene winked at her.

She shrugged before placing her head in James's lap. Harper looked at Sirius smoking and felt butterflies in her stomach. How could someone look so perfect all the time? "Oi! When you're done staring at Padfoot here, Wormy asked you a question." Remus joked with her. She turned to Peter who was bobbing his head to the music. "Sorry, Harp. I asked if you had a good time?" She nodded and smiled at the younger boy. She always had a soft spot for him since he was usually forgotten about.

"Yes I did, Pete. How are you doing?" The two engaged into a conversation while the others did Merlin knows what. Well actually, James and Lily were snogging while Marlene and Sirius danced around the room together. Remus seemed in a daze but quickly snapped out of it. "Is anyone entering in the tri-wizard tournament?" Everyone stopped what they were doing, before sitting on Remus's bed for the discussion at hand. "I sure am. I know Prongs and Mars are too." Sirius said proudly. Remus and Peter both were not as Lily wasn't either since she much disapproved of the tournament. "Harper?" James asked the girl.

All eyes turned on her making her face turn red. She shrugged before taking another drag of her cigarette. Lily scoffed, "Rossi you can't be fucking serious!" James snorted knowing what was to come. "Actually, she IS fucking Sirius." Sirius said smiling at the girl. Harper giggled before rolling her eyes. "Come on Lils, I never said yes and I never said no.. It could be good! 1000 galleons.. My dad would be so proud of me too. I would want to win for him." The room went silent as Harper thought of her father. "I'm not sure though. It's a lot to think about, yeah? I'll figure it out in time."

The topic quickly changed since it became uncomfortable making Harper extremely greatful. She very much missed her father and how the old days were. When her mom was around, she was happy, and her dad was alive. Sirius grabbed her hand and began to brush his thumb on the back of her hand. He bent over, "I support anything you do il mio amore. You're dad would be proud of anything you do. Even me." Harper giggled and nodded before paying attention to the others. It felt good to by her friends sides. They only had a week left here, then they'd al return back home till the first day of their last year. "We have to talk of something important.." James said evilly.


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