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Everything was normal for the Marauders and their 3 female friends. Though more murders have sprung up, Regulus was still choosing being a death eater, and a huge quidditch game was coming up in about, oh 10 minutes. Remus, Marlene. Lily, Peter, and Harper all piled onto the Gryffindor side of the stadium as they waited to cheer on Sirius and James. "James has been nonstop practicing. He better do good or we'll never hear the end of it." Remus said picking up a book.

Marlene cackled at him and looked around the stadium for her girlfriend, Dorcas. The Slytherin team flew out first, only earning cheers from the Slytherins. Regulus was the seeker for the team so he'd be going against his brother and his brother's best mate. Then, the Gryffindor team came out making all 3 other houses roar in loud cheers. James was a chaser while Sirius played beater. "That's my boyfriend bitches!" Harper yelled making some girls next to her scowl.

She turned back to the game where Madam Hooch was. "Shake hands. I want a good CLEAN match." She barked looking at the Slytherin captain and the Gryffindor captain. "I reckon that James'll be captain next year when that bloak leaves." Lily said blushing as her boyfriend winked at her. The game begun, with James getting the quaffle into the hoop almost instantly. "GO PRONGS!" Wormtail screamed.

The game went on and the score was 40-10 Slytherin. The Slytherin team was playing dirty - a bludger almost crashed into James's head but Sirius was there to protect him. "Cheers mate!" James smiled at his mate. Nobody was paying much attention to the announcer of the game until they heard, "BLACK.. uhhh. THE SLYTHERIN ONE HAS HIS EYES ON THE SNITCH. YES! THE GRYFFINDOR SEEKER HAS SUCCESSFULLY KNOCKED BLACK OFF COURSE. Both teams lose eye on the snitch! The score is now 40-20 as Potter scored again!"

The friends turned back to watch James as they had been distracted by the seeker situation. Harper's eyes traveled over to the sweaty Sirius making her heart run a thousand times faster. A bludger was thrown towards James's head again making Sirius slam it with a growl. A crunch was heard as the bludger hit Regulus Black making him fall off his broom. Sirius raced and caught him before he could fall and hurt himself more. A gasp was let out from Marlene as she watched the Gryffindor seeker catch sight of the snitch.

"THE GRYFFINDOR SEEKER CATCHES THE SNITCH! 170-40! WE WIN!" The announcer yelled making the crowd cheer. It seemed as though only Remus and Harper cared that Regulus had been hurt. The two raced down to the field, pushing past the crowd of cheering people. "Sirius!" Harper yelled taking him into her arms as he cried. "I-I didn't mean to hurt him!" Madam Pomfrey, Mcgonagall, and Dumbledore rushed over to the unconscious young boy.

He was rushed to the hospital wing with Sirius right behind. James, Harper, and Remus helped him get there as he cried. Lily, Marlene, and Peter were nowhere to be seen so Harper took a guess they had no idea what was going on still. "Padfoot, breathe mate. We know you didn't mean too. Pucey, the git, moved and it hit him. Alright?" James said setting him down on the hospital bed next to his brother. "I think you all should head back to your dorms." Mcgonagall approached them.

"You're insane if you think i'm leaving my brother." Sirius whimpered into Harper's shoulder. "I'm not leaving him. Neither are these two. So you could forget it Minnie." James shrugged at her. Remus politely reworded both boys sentences earning a nod from the Professor. "He should be alright, Mr.Black. Knocked out cold, I repaired the skull injury. He should awake but you should know.. Your mother and father are on their way."

That made Sirius stand up and walk over to his brother. He kissed his forehead and whispered, "I'm leaving now, Reggie.. I'm sorry again." Harper grabbed his arm and led him out of the hospital wing before he could run into his insufferable parents. James and Remus quickly followed and led the couple into their dorm room. "I'll go talk to Lils and Mars. Moony take care of Wormy." James said before running out of the room.

Wormtail sat on his bed waiting to hear what was going on as Remus sat next to him. Harper pulled some clean clothes out of Sirius's trunk before leading him into the bathroom. She ran a bath and helped him inside. "I love you Rossi." He whispered as she washed his hair for him. "I love you more Black. Please don't blame yourself ok? I watched it all go down. You meant to hit Pucey.." Sirius nodded before kissing her. She kissed back before pulling away and finishing washing him.

He got out of the bath and was helped putting on his clothes. "Can we skip the party? Please." He whispered crawling into bed. She nodded and laid next to him. "Of course, bubs.." She kissed his forehead making him smile. "Can you tell me a story? I told you one last time." She giggled at the thought but was cut off as loud music blasted and screams of delight was heard. "Ugh.. Muffalito." She called making the room go silent. "That's better. Now."

"There once was a girl named.. Let's call her Bee. Her and a boy named Snuffles fell in love!" Sirius groaned making Harper giggle. As I was saying.. Bee and Snuffles fell in love. Lots of drama occurred throughout the relationship but it only made them stronger. And uh.. Oh ummmmm... Okay I know! Snuffles created a picnic in a field of dandelions! He proposed to her there and they slowdanced to a song by Elvis called, "Cant Help Falling in Love." The end.

Sirius looked at her before breaking out in laughter. "T-that was t-t-the stupidest story I've EVER heard! Kreacher told better stories!" Harper slapped his chest before grinning up on him. "I know you hate your parents.. But you never really told me why.." Sirius let out a deep breath before looking Harper in the eye. "Don't show me pity, eh? I hate that shit. So I've always been different. They're pureblood supremacists, I love everyone. Generation after generation of my family have been Slytherin and I'm the only one to become Gryffindor."

Harper looked at him before getting more comfortable. "So my parents resented me. I did anything I could to piss them off. Muggle posters, muggle clothes, blasting music! Finally, they had enough of me. I swore to myself I'd never leave Regulus behind but I had too. They used the Cruciatus curse on me numerous times when I refused to marry Narcissa. My own cousin for Merlins sake. I packed my shit and left last year. Went to the Potters. Now you already know, Walburga blasted me off the tapestry. Good. I want it that way."

Harper couldn't help but feel pity for the boy. She smiled at him before running her hand through his hair. "You're safe now. I'll protect you. I'd die before I'd let that bitch do anything to you again." Sirius couldn't help but feel extreme love and respect for the girl that lay in his arms. He'd never dated a girl before. Only shagged them and guys. "I love you Harper Nymphomaniac Rossi. I promise to bathe you next time you're sad too." Harper cackled at the last comment but also at the fact he'd said her middle name was Nymphomaniac.

"I love you too, Sirius Onion Black. Yes, that would be great too." She smiled. "Don't make fun of my middle name! It's already a burden to carry that monsters name." She smiled sadly at him as the door burst open. Lily and James were snogging very passionately. He threw her on the bed and used the silencing spell around the bed. "Oh Merlin, save us!" Sirius groaned. Harper giggled as she laid down to sleep. "We missed a party for the first time ever." He whispered down to her.

She had already fallen asleep so he kissed her and relaxed. He was worried for his little brother. Worried for Newts, though he still wouldn't study. Worried for his friends. Why you may ask? He was worried for them because it was only a matter of time before something hectic happened again. They was like a magnet for bad things. He shook away the thoughts and focused on the sleeping beauty he held in his arms.

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