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Harper woke up to Lily shaking her. "Happy birthday sleepy head." Harper smiled and sat up. She was given a gift, "Open it. You have a day ahead of you. No class of course though I much disapprove." She teared open to box to see a Queen t-shirt, a muggle camera, and a note. The note read:
The birthday princess has a day full of fun,
where is somewhere she and her friends bask in the sun?
She should go there and look
to meet a friend with a book

She looked at Lily who smiled back. "I laid an outfit out for you to wear. See you soon!" She smiled walking out the room. Harper looked over to her trunk and on top laid her blue ripped jeans and her high-heeled boots. She pulled them on and matched it with her Queen shirt. She thought of where she was meant to go and face palmed herself. "Of course the black lake." She mumbled walking out of the room to the lake.

On the walk there, she smiled to herself. These 'poems' aren't great so they must've been written by the boy who loved to do them but sucked at them. Sirius Orion Black. She laughed and ran out of the school where she met Remus. "Happy birthday, Rossi!" He yelled and hugged her. Another gift she was given that held chocolate, a book of actually good poems written by Remus about her, and lastly another note.

This note read:
Congratulations, this is the second note you found.
Where you'll find your next friend, you won't hear a sound.
This is the room to study, give head, and read
Spending time here will help you succeed

Harper rolled her eyes knowing this meant she'd go to library. "Did he really have to add give head?" She groaned. Remus laughed at her and hugged her once more. "Your journey awaits! Be careful though next ones a bit of a.. challenge." He smirked. She waved goodbye and walked off to room where one of her friends awaited her.

Peeves was in the hallway so she had to take a bit of a longer way to the library. She walked in and spotted Lily reading a book. "You again?" She
smiled. Lily set her book down and stood up. "Hey! So since your gifts already been given, you are here to face a challenge. To get your third note, you must look through every book to find it. The trick is, the book you seek moves everytime you open a new one." Harper gaped at her and whisper-shouted, "There's hundreds of books here!"

Lily winked at her and went back to reading. Harper started in the section about taking care of Magical Creatures, not finding anything. She went through books about Defensive Spells, Merlin, The Founders of Hogwarts, and about 32 other types. Finally she spotted a book she'd seen twice before. Grabbing it she looked through and spotted a note. "Yes!" She yelled earning a look of despise from Pince. She apologized and ran over to Lily.

"Only took you 56 minutes! We thought it take longer. Alright, read your note." Harper let out a sigh of relief knowing she wouldn't have to look through anymore books. The note read:

There you are darling, this one took you some time
For the next place you go, you'll have to climb.
This is where your favorite class remains,
and you'll find the girl who always complains.

Harper giggled and made a mental note to give a high-five to Sirius for this one. Marlene was the one who was at the astronomy tower. Not saying goodbye, she ran off to the astronomy tower. Panting, she finally made but didn't have to climb to the top since Marlene and Dorcas were sitting on the bottom step. "Can't go up, class going on or something. Anyways, happy birthday bestie!" Marlene said hugging her.

Dorcas handed her the gift and smiled. She opened it and inside there was her own record player with two records from Elvis and Queen. "Thank you both.. Where's the note?" She asked hugging them. They both laughed at her and Dorcas asked, "Did you really think it be that easy? No love. To get your note, you must score a 90 or higher on this quiz. Easy enough though, eh?" Harper knew it wasn't going to be easy but nodded.

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