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For the time leading up to the first task, Harper was either found in class, the library, or playing quidditch by her lonesome. Her friends worried for the poor girl due to the stress that was being put on her - though she was the one who signed up for it. Harper woke up on November 24th nervous as ever but decided to get dressed so she could eat quickly before the task. Her roommates waited for her this time and sat down at the Hufflepuff table next to her. "You'll do great Harper!" A brunette hufflepuff she didn't know the name of exclaimed. She shoved some food into her mouth quickly as everyone started filing into the Great Hall to eat before the task.

The Marauders and their 2 female friends sat in utter silence waiting for the task. Sirius hadn't dare touched his food at the thought of what Harper would have to do which could kill her. "Harper! Ze champions have to go to ze ztaudium now." Estelle said tapping on her shoulder. Still not saying a word, Harper followed Estelle and Viktor out of the Great Hall as people cheered loudly for them. "I've got too go see her before this." Sirius decided standing up and chasing after his beloved girlfriend who was shocked when he picked her up. "Didn't think I wouldn't say good luck did you? Not that you'll need it because you'll do fine."

He bent down to kiss her making her thoughts clear for a split second. "We have zo go! Zorry!" Estelle growled grabbing the girl and walking out towards the stadium that was where the Quidditch pitch used to be. Arriving at the tent that was set up; Barty Crouch, Madam Maxime, Igor Karkoff, Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor Mcgonagall were already there. "These so called death-eaters are extremely dangerous Albus! Oh hello champions." Mcgonagall said, quickly chanting the subject as the 3 students walked in. Viktor grunted before walking over to Karkoff who began to whisper something in his ear. The stadium began to fill up, Harper knew because of the noise, with students who were eager to see what was going to happen.

"Gather around, gather around Champions. After completing your first task, there will be a clue that'll pop up for your next task." Barty announced before going on. "You will drink one vial each of poison when you get down into the ring. You'll have one hour each to make a cure for yourself with the herbs provided. Our Hogwarts Healer, Madam Pomfrey will be on the side waiting incase anything happens. Yes? Everyone take a number out of the bag to see the order." Estelle pulled first, getting the number 1, making Harper extremely grateful she wouldn't have to go first - Viktor pulled the 2 out which left the Hogwarts Champion last. "On the cannon, you'll walk down and it'll be your turn. See you down there." Barty said leaving.

The three headmasters gave pep-talks to their champions before going down to judge the tournament. "Good luck Estelle." Harper hugged the girl tight before letting go at the sound a CLICK! Turning around, Rita Skeeter stood with her camera man, "Oh young love! How would poor.. What's his name? Sirus? Feel when he finds out?" Viktor stepped in front of the girls before taking the camera out of the man's hands and setting it on fire with his wand. "Man of no words but man of violence?" She whispered with joy written all over her face. BOOM! The cannon went off meaning it was time for Estelle to go down and complete her task. That left Viktor and Harper alone when Rita finally left after being threatened by the boy.

"Good luck, Rossi." Viktor punched her shoulder playfully before strolling over to a chair and pulling out a book. Loud cheers were heard meaning that the task had begun the silence. Then gasps. What in Merlin's name was going on down there? Heart thumping out of her chest, Harper began to think over all the herbology notes she knew, which was almost everything thank Merlin. Time went by as claps and shouts were heard. Estelle had completed her task but was being dragged off by Madam Pomfrey is what Harper heard from the man who was announcing. BOOM! The second cannon shot off meaning that Viktor had to go down for the task now. "Good luck Viktor."

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