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The day had finally come, the final task. Harper's stomach felt like millions of children eating butterflies were flying around in it while her heart hammered inside her chest. The champions all gathered around to see that they were in the middle of the normal quidditch pitch with everyone staring down at them. She looked around and saw Sirius whooping and hollaring, making her giggle and wave towards him. Viktor quickly hugged both girls in good luck before whispering into Harper ear, "I'll be happy you if win, Rossi. Just as long as it's Estelle." Harper let out a snort and quickly grabbed onto both champions hands. "Welcome to the last task!" The announcer's voice boomed over the arena which caused everyone else to let out loud cheers. As it settled down, James yelled out so he was heard by her, "You got this Harp!" Harper gave him a thumbs up and turned back to where the 3 Headmasters stood. "Hello. zampions!" Madam Maxime said in her deep yet loud voice.

"You're task is a very important one. Each champion has been extracted of an important or memorable memory. To save the memory, the champion must complete a series of miniature tasks. Each champion will be told their memory by their Headmaster. Once finished and you've grabbed your memory, you have  to get back to the pitch. Good-luck." The announcer called earning loud yells from the crowd once again. Harper quickly walked over Dumbledore who wore a small smile as he greeted her, "Good morning Ms.Rossi. You're memory is one that was a while ago yet is most memorable. April 17th of 1968." Harper felt her heart plummet as her hands began to become sweaty, "Thats- that's the day my dad died.." Dumbledore gave a small nod before placing a hand on her shoulder and walking back to the other headmasters. "Iz your memory zuzt az terribull az mine?" Estelle asked only earning a teary nod from Harper.

The three champions lined up at the pitch and waited for the cannon to boom. Harper noticed that the other champions were ready to run but she'd noticed 3 brooms hidden on the side of the wall under her friends. Harper was about to tell Viktor but the canon went off and off he was, soon followed by Estelle. Cheering students were louder then ever but soon turned into questioning glances as Harper ran towards the wall. She quickly picked up the broom and heard Sirius and Remus both yelling, "YES!" Climbing on, she kicked off and zoomed out of the stadium. She noticed there was a trail not only in the sky but on the ground of small fairies that were directing the way towards the first mini task. Harper sped off and watched as Viktor looked up to see her flying, with a confused yet happy smile on his face. She soon realized when she landed, she was in the middle of the Forbidden Forest. There stood a banshee who was looking rather evil. "You must answer my three questions. Fail to do so, I let you hear my scream."

With a shudder, Harper nodded and said, "Give me all you've got." The Banshee walked a bit around before finally giving the first question. "I am a charm that that reveals where I go by showing my footprint. Magic allows it to be seen so you won't have to squint. I was used by a man who's name is a test, he was a Hufflepuff man - better then the rest." Harper let out a breath of annoyance as she had to think harder then she expected. "..Newt Scammander? Footprints? OH!" The Banshee looked at the with hunger in her eyes until she said, "It's Appare Vestigium!" Harper felt the air become a bit more cold as the banshee let out an evil smirk. "Who you
must guess next is the protectors of a cruel place - along the way you will meet them on this race. All hope is lost when they come near-" Before the banshee could finish what it was saying Harper yelled, "Dementors! Easy!" A scowl appeared across its face before it barked, "Question 3."

Harper let out a breath before she started playing with her hands. "This is an unforgivable curse that nobody wishes to go through, it'll feel like you have knives, whips, and spikes in you too. This feeling will course through your body and veins as it as known as pain, you'll wish your heart will stop along with your breathing and brain." The cruelness of her words shot down Harper's body making her jump. Viktor had just arrived and was waiting for the banshee to finish with Harper who was racking her brain for anything. "The cruciatrus curse?" The air became colder as the banshee signaled her to leave much to Harper's excitement. She climbed back on her broom just as Estelle arrived out of breath, "Good luck guys." Off she went, but she noticed the old trail of fairies in the sky were gone and new one replaced it. Following it, she realized how she they were all leading into Hogwarts. Quickly climbing off her broom, she ran inside and followed the little fairies down to the dungeons.

Coldness and despair hit the girl like the Knight Bus as she continued to follow even though she just felt like giving up. Finally, she met with 10 dementors that instantly went to attack her. Harper backed up quickly and reached for her wand. She grabbed it just as a dementor came down and basically started to suck her soul out. Tiredness filled Harper but she kept hearing someone's voice in the back of her. She saw her dad sitting in the corner of the room, "combattere Bee. combatti per me." A fire lit inside Harper's stomach and she quickly got up and yelled, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" The white wisp burst out her wand as she thought of Sirius proposing to her with the dandelion that was in her pocket as her good luck charm. The dementors swarmed towards the back of the room to get away from the wisp. Something fell down from the ceiling and landed on the floor, so Harper dived for it. She caught it and smiled as she saw a possession she cherished very much. Not her memory, but a picture of Sirius, her, Regulus, Narcissa, James, Lily, Marlene, Remus, and Peter all sitting together on her birthday.

Harper stood up and turned the picture over and pointed her wand at the back of it. "Aparecium" she whispered and watched as words began to form on the back of it. She let out a gasp as the words instructed her to retreat to the back of the school. Running towards the entrance she passed Estelle but not Viktor which made her worry. "Estelle! Where Viktor?" Estelles face went pale for a second before shrugging slightly and running off to where Harper just came from. The Hufflepuff girl felt her heart drop as she began running again. She came outside to see Viktor laying on the ground in pain, with blood coming out of him. "Oh my Merlin. Okay I know what to do shh." She whispered before saying the charm to make his wounds close. A wave of relief passed over the boy who was in pain not even two seconds ago. "That stupid veela jinxed me! Good luck Harp!" He yelled before racing off, most likely to get his revenge on Estelle. Harper giggled before finding her broom and climbing on once again. She zoomed to the back of the school and let out a scream. Dragon. There was a dragon in front of her, guarding 3 small balls that she came to realize was her memory.

"Okay. You've got to distract it." Harper whispered to herself as she zoomed past the dragons head, making it blow fire towards her. Her robes caught on fire but with one swish of her wand, the fire was ceased and now her robes just lay singed. "Nice try,
dickhead." The dragon let out another puff of fire but missed her by a long shot. Then an idea hit her, what if she rose into the air where the dragon couldn't see the plummeted down and grabbed the memory. It was tied up, what was the worse that could possibly happen? She began to fly upwards into the sky when she heard a large snap. Looking backwards, she noticed the dragon had got lose and was flying right after her. "FUCK!" She screamed out as she began to fly faster. The dragon was chasing after her with all its might but got a shock when she soon began to fly downwards. Harper smiled at the shock that she gave the dragon but quickly got her head back into the task. Plummeting down, she came to see Viktor and Estelle grabbing their memories confused on why it was so easy. "Watch out!" Harper yelled

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