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"Stop moving, Harper!" Marlene scolded the girl who kept jolting back and forth. Euphemia, Marlene, and Harper were sitting in James's room, doing Harper's makeup for the wedding. Lily was in the bathroom, but little did anyone know that she was freaking out. "You're almost done- Lily? What's wrong?" Euphemia asked as she clipped the last strand of Harper's hair to the back of her head. Marlene's head whipped around to see the girl standing in shock with a hint of a smile growing on her face, "I think James and I are going to try for a child soon." Silence filled the room for a second as everyone registered what was just said. "Oh my Godric. Already?!" Harper yelled before running over to hug her friend who was trying to not cry as her makeup was done. "Congrats Evans! I call godmother." Marlene laughed before pulling her best friend into a hug. The girls all talked about it as they finished Harper up. Lily smiled and said, "I'm not going to tell James just yet, it's his best mates wedding day. Now come, let's get you into your wedding dress and us in our bridesmaids!"

She hurried over to the closet where Harper's dress hung and pulled it out of its bag. It took almost 45 minutes for them to officially get the girl into her wedding dress and lots of sweat was put into it. Euphemia fixed everything that was out place before smiling down at the girl and pulling her into a hug. "I have to go downstairs and make sure the guests are settled. You look beautiful." Waving goodbye, Harper looked in the mirror at herself and felt tears pool into her eyes. Today was the day she'd be marrying the love of her life, and her parents weren't here. "Knock knock! Your favorite males are here." James yelled before walking in with Remus hot on his tails. They both stood in shock as they saw how beautiful the girl looked in her dress. Lily and Marlene were in the bathroom getting there bridesmaids dresses on so it was just the three of them alone. "Remus, would you walk me down the isle? Since my dads.." Remus's face lit up as he nodded and pulled the girl into a long hug.

"Hey, why not me?" James grumbled as he crossed his arms and put a pout on his face. "You're the best man, James. Sirius needs you. Now come here and hug me." The boy's pout turned into a large smile, hugging her he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride that a father would feel for his child. He smiled one last time before walking downstairs so that he wouldn't be late to the wedding. "Sirius has been suspecting me as the traitor.." Remus awkwardly said as he sat down on Jame's bed. "He's insane. I'll talk to him, it's obviously Peter!" Before either of them could say anything else, Dorcas,
Narcissa, and the two girls appeared in the doorway with their dresses on, looking absolutely stunning. "Ready to get get married?" Narcissa asked with a huge grin plastered across her face as she rocked back and forth on her heels. Harper nodded and let out a breath before Remus entangled there arms so he could help her down the stairs as she was wearing heels and a decently long dress.

Once they'd made it down, Harper let out a breath as she walked the girls walk into the room. "You'll be alright, Harp. Breathe." The song for Harper to walk into began to play, making the girl start to shake in fear, but her legs moved along with Remus's who wrapped is arms around her with a bit more strength. The doors opened and the room was filled with fall colors and people she knew well from school, her family, and even most of James's family decided on coming to celebrate them. Harper didn't even notice that she was now standing in front of Sirius who had tears leaking down from his eyes as he was staring at her. Neither of the two seemed to notice that the wedding officiant began to speak and everyone's eyes were planted on the two. Harper smiled when she heard Sirius finally say, "I do." Now even James was standing there crying next to his best mate. "Do you Harper May Rossi, take Sirius Orion Black to be your husband?"

The room waited for the girl to say yes but she just stood there for a moment, staring at him. "Harper?" Marlene whispered from behind her with a nudge. "Sorry.. I-I do. I really do." The crowd began to laugh at the answer, even the wedding officiant let out a chuckle before continuing. Sirius said his vows first, "I know I've told you this everyday, and I better have, but you are the love of my life. You've brought out the side of me I'd never known and I promise you that I'll always love you. I promise you I'll always care for you and I promise you that through sickness, health, and anything else - I will be there for you. Together we will face all that life brings our way, knowing we have one another to lean onto, to guide and to follow one another. I love you, Harper May Rossi. Forever. Hey! I said your real middle name, not something funny. Sorry, your turn." Harper let out a teary laugh before shaking her head and smiling up at the boy. She wasn't short but next to Sirius who was only a few inches taller then her, she had too look up. She stood at 5'6 while the boy was 5'9.

"Okay. Sirius Orion Black. Through the years, you've always been the one to comfort me wether it be when my dad passed away or wether it was when I was stressed over the littlest things. I promise you to be your lover, companion, best friend, and your greatest fan. Our future begins now and there is nobody else on this planet that I'd rather start my future with than you. I choose you Sirius. I choose you in life. I choose you to be my lover and partner for the rest of my life. I choose you. I love when you do those stupid pranks on me and I want to deal with that for the rest of my existence. Why? Because I choose you. I love you, Snuffles." By the end of Harper's vows, there wasn't a dry eye in the room which made her feel really good. "Well than. By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may- You are already kissing the bride. Alright then!" The now married couple had already began their kiss and cheered erupted from all around. Orange and gold confetti fell from the ceiling making the two break away in laughter. "I love you, Harper Sunray Black."

"I love you too, Sirius Onion Black," Harper smiled before kissing him again. He pulled away before entangling there hands and pulling her out of the room towards the room they'd be waiting till everyone piled into the ballroom. Harper giggled as she saw Sirius with a huge grin on his face "We're married Harp!" The two shared another kiss before the door burst open to show James, Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, Remus, Peter, and Narcissa. "Congratulations guys!" They all yelled before pulling them into a large group hug. "Thank you. I've got the most beautiful wife, isn't that right Mrs.Black? OH! How I bloody love saying that, Mrs.Black." Sirius laughed once more before feeling James sling his arm around him. "Remus." Sirius said with a straight face as he saw the boy who he was under the impression of being the betrayer. "Sirius, congrats mate." Remus said pulling the boy into a hug. Harper noticed the encounter as she pulled both boys by there hands over to the unoccupied side of the room.

"Sirius as your wife, I'm allowed to say this. Stop being a child, it's obviously not Remus! It's Peter. I refused to let you ruin a good friendship." The girl scolded before crossing her arms and giving the boy a motherly stern face. "I know, I'm just cautious. Sorry mate." Sirius said shyly before reaching his hand out in a way of apologizing. "Shut the bloody hell up and hug me, Black." The two engaged in a hug before laughing at one another. Remus hurried after the others who had just left, leaving the two in the room. Sirius began kissing her again which she gladly accepted. "Can you gits hurry up? They've just called for the bridesmaids and groomsmen, now they're waiting on you. Oh, and congratulations." Narcissa laughed before closing the door and hurrying back out. "Let's go Mr.Black." Sirius smiled down at the girl before pecking her lips once more, "Of course, Mrs.Black."

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