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Harper woke the next day with a splitting headache from her hang over. "Ugh.." She groaned and rolled over to see Sirius asleep. She pecked his lips a few times till he woke up. "I could wake up like forever." They both laughed but Harper grabbed her head. "Ah yes, a hangover. You almost slept in your dress. I changed you and took of your makeup. I see the look on you face, Rossi. No, pervert."

Harper smiled and rolled into his arms. "Can we lay in all day?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. "See the puppy dog eyes would work but I am a dog." He said transforming. Where Sirius laid once, a black dog took its place. Harper rubbed its belly making it squirm. "Hello snuffles!" She cooed. Sirius transformed back with a disgusted look on his face. "Okay the belly rubs felt good but Snuffles? Really?"

Harper giggled again but faced the consequences of another round of intense pain in her head. "Mom should have something for your headache, darling. I'll go find James." With that being said, he walked off to find James. a knock came on the door and in walked Lily. "Hello Ms.Evans! How was your night?" Harper smirked at her.

"Shut up." She fell back onto the bed. A sigh fell from both of their mouths as they laid in silence. Both of their eyes fluttered closed and off to sleep they were again. Knocks came on the door but to no answer from inside, they walked in. All 4 boys strolled in and sat down on the bed with the two sleeping girls. "We should let them sleep.. Right?" Peter asked hoping he'd get a yes.

"Hmm I don't know. I kinda wanted to do something fun today but we can't if their sleeping." James whined. Sirius smirked and laid on top of the two girls. Then James piled on top followed by Remus and then Peter. Both girls woke up struggling to breathe. They got off of them and smiled. "Morning! Here is a potion for your headache." Remus said cheerfully. Lily flipped them off but Harper was another story.

She drank the potion, scowled, and cracked her knuckles. "Merlin, save us." James cried out shaking. The boys ran as Harper got up and chased them. Snatching Peter first, she threw him into a closet and locked him in. When she finally caught the other three, she threw them in there too. "Let us out, Rossi!" Sirius complained. "I think I'll go get changed first. Hey Lily! Wanna shag?" She smirked at Lily.

"Oh of course! Come here sexy!" Lily called out. A groan came from the closet when James yelled, "Let us watch!" Remus must've slapped him because he then cried out, "Ouch moony! Not the hair!!" Lily and Harper went into the bedroom and changed into cute outfits. Finally letting the boys out, they all apologized for waking them up.

Remus and Peter seemed genuinely sorry but the other two, not so much. "What's the plan for today boys?" Lily sighed sitting on James's bed. They all filed in and sat wherever there was room. "Want to go save Marlene from her family?" Harper suggested. Sirius shuttered, "The Mckinnons are scary. No thank you." Ideas were thrown out until they all decided to go to a muggle mall.

"I've never been!" squealed Harper. James, Harper, and Peter all grew up in pureblood families so they didn't see much of the muggle word. Sirius was a pureblood but did anything in his power to piss of his bitch of a mother. Lily went through a lot of trouble with taxi's and things to get them to a mall. They arrived and wow, the place was amazing.

A food court, clothing stores, gadget stores, and more! It was like a mini heaven for the girls. "Where too first?" James asked fascinated by all the muggles walking around. "Let's go try fancy clothes on!" Lily said grabbing Remus and Harper's hands. The other 3 boys followed but complained about how they always wore fancy clothes.

The store had stunning dresses and tux's making the three complainers up. "Okay I know I just complained about this but I have an idea. Can we walk around the mall in fancy outfits?" Sirius said staring at a sparkly suit. Everyone agreed and went there separate ways. Sirius followed Harper and whispered in her ear, "I want to see what you're wearing so we can match." She laughed and looked around.

"What about this?" Sirius asked holding a short, gold, v-neck, tight-fitted, shimmering dress. "It's really pretty. Yeah, i'll try it on. Let's find you something to match." She said grabbing the dress out of his hand. They found a gold suit that was sort of obnoxious but right up Sirius's alley. Sirius dragged her into a changing room and started getting undressed. Harper blushed and undressed too. They looked in the mirror in front of them and laughed at themselves. "This. This is it." She said through laughs.

Without taking them off, they paid for their outfits and waited for the rest. Remus decided on a dark purple velvet tux while Peter went with a orange one that was horrendous. Lily and James decided on matching by wearing navy. Lily's dress was knee length, lace, and well fitted. Everyone paid and out of the store they want. People stared as they passed making them all die of laughter.

"G-Great Idea P-Padfoot!" Remus said between breaths. Shopping some more they decided they had enough. It was still pretty early in the day so they decided to stop by a brunch place. The waitress loved the fancy attire and flirted with James,
much to Lily's disgust. "So, what's this? Are you two a thing?" Sirius questioned the two who. Lily blushed and looked at James. "If she'll have me as her boyfriend.." Lily kissed him earning claps from their friends.

Peter picked up his orange juice and toasted, "To the new couple!" Sirius's hand found its way right into Harper's making her smile even brighter. Nothing could be better then her spending time with her best friends and lover. The food came out which was absolutely delicious. "Why can't food be this good back home?" Harper groaned.

"Not from around here?" Someone said scaring the group. Turning around they saw Professor Mcgonagall. "Minnie?!" Sirius said while his face contorted into a smile. "What are you 6 doing here?" She questioned them while looking at their attire. "Could ask you the same thing." James replied smartly. "Touché." She responded.

Bidding farewell, they paid for their meal with Lily's muggle money. "Where too next? It's only 3:00 and we've done so much already." Sirius complained. Harper climbed on his back as he handed Remus his bag full of muggle clothes so he could get a better grip on her. "Wouldn't want my baby to fall now would I?" he said kissing her.

Throwing up noises came from their friends so Harper shot back, "Shut up all of you. Lily and James literally shagged last night and Peter slept with Mary! Remus, I've got nothing on you. Carry on." The 3 shushed as Remus and Sirius laughed at them. "Did you ever sleep with Diggory?" James asked her. Harper groaned and hid her face into Sirius's shoulder. "You stooped as low to sleep with HIM?!" Sirius laughed at her.

"You've slept with half of the school so I'd shut up if I were you." Lily shot at him. They decided to go back home and unwind from their day which consisted of another long hour of them trying to get home. Walking inside, Fleamont looked at them all weirdly and said, "What's with the dresses and tuxes?" They all had forgotten they were wearing them so they just shrugged.

"I've got to go home. Mom will have a heart attack if I'm late. Bye all." Peter said stepping into the fire place. "The Pettigrew Estate." He yelled and with that, the green flames engulfed him. All Harper wanted to do was to climb back into bed with Sirius and fall asleep. "James and I are gonna go play quidditch. You guys are welcome to join." Sirius shrugged. The 3 others declined and went upstairs to get back into pajamas.

They met back up in Sirius and Harper's room. "I'm tired." Remus groaned climbing in between the two girls and laying down. The girls laid back too and agreed. The three ended up falling asleep together and took the best nap they possibly could.

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