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Stretching to wake herself up, Harper forced herself out of bed. She trudged down the stairs and spotted a note on the counter that read:
Goodmorning love,
I'll be home for dinner. Work needed me so I had to go in. You know the deal since I work for the Ministry of Magic. If you want too, you can invite 2-3 friends over for dinner.
Xoxo, mom.

Letting out a breath, Harper made her way over to the cereal cabinet and pulled out whatever she could find. "Harper?" She heard from her bag across the room. Walking over, she pulled out the other side of the two-way mirror. "Hey Reggie. What's up?" She smiled at him. "Just wanted to check on you. A winter ball is coming up for the Pureblood families though I know you aren't going sadly." He said with a frown. They began to talk more until Walburga, Sirius and Regulus's mother, called for him.

Returning to her food, she ate in silence. She decided on inviting Sirius, James, and Remus since she knew Lily and Marlene would both be busy with their own families. She took her owl, Eclipse, and attached a letter asking for the three boys to join her for dinner. "Take the letters to the Lupin and Potter estate. Alright?" She said stroking Eclipse's head. The owl flew out the window and left Harper alone again.

Finding something to do, she turned on her father's old record player and put Elvis on. A smile spread across her face and she sat and listened to it for the next two hours. A knock came on the door making Harper jump out of her skin. She walked to the door and opened it to see the three boys standing there. "What the fuck are you doing here so early?" She laughed at them.

"You're still in your pajamas? Uh no sweetie. Let's go! You need an outfit." James said grabbing her hand acting like Marlene. She took the boys to her bedroom as they all sat on her bed. "Nice room. I like the muggle posters!" Remus smiled at her. She smiled back in approval and looked for clothes. "Okay Ms.Mckinnon. How about this violet color shirt-" Harper addressed James before he cut her off "Oh no girl. Let me look."

Shoving her aside, he raided her closet. He ended up picking a champagne color shirt, with ripped jeans, and some Van sneakers. "I'll be in the bathroom changing, don't trash my room. Lupin's in charge!" She yelled making Sirius scoff at her. She changed fast and walked back into her room to find the boys all looking at her picture of her and her dad.

"That's my dad." She said making them all jump. Remus hugged her as he noticed her get a little sad at the thought of another Christmas without him. "Harper Cleaning Mop Rossi!" Sirius said picking her up. "Put me down! Bad dog!" She squealed. The boys laughed hard making her confused. "What..?"

"Come on let's go downstairs and we'll explain." Remus said smiling. They walked into the dining room where Remus told her about his lycanthropy issue and how the boys became illegal anamagi. Her jaw dropped but she realized that's what he always sick. "I still love you, Moony" She said using his nickname.

They heard the door open when a voice called out, "Harper May! Oh hello boys, hello Harper!" Her mother smiled and introduced herself. "Hello Mrs.Rossi" Remus said shaking her hand. "Call me, Arabelle, darling. James, my have you've grown up! Look exactly like your father, with your mother eyes of course." She said smiling. James smiled back as him and Remus went to help cook in the kitchen.

"May? THAT'S your middle name? Harper May Rossi?!" Sirius said dumbfounded making her giggle. "I like Harper Candle Wax Rossi better." He said smiling. She rolled her eyes and took him into the kitchen to help her grab things to set the table. "Mrs.Ro- I mean Arabelle, you have created a wonderful creature and i'm very happy to have her as a friend." Sirius said to Harper's mother. Arabelle rubbed his shoulder and thanked him.

"Stop flirting with my mom Sirius. Let's go and set the table." Harper joked with him. The two walked out of the kitchen and when they were not in earshot, Arabelle whispered to the boys, "Are they a thing?" Remus and James both laughed but Remus responded with, "He's been in love with her since 3rd year. She's just now liking him back but doesn't realize it. We'll make it happen though, right Prongs?" James nodded back.

Dinner was served which was Steak served with corn, callie flower, and garlic bread on the side. "Wow this is really good!" Sirius said shoving the food into his mouth. Arabelle giggled and asked the boys which each of their families were like. When it landed on Sirius, the room got uncomfortable. "Oh you don't have to love-" She began before he cut her off.

"It's alright. My family is complicated. They are all pureblood Slytherin supremacists while I was always the odd one out. I believe everyone's equal and I'm a Gryffindor. My mother disowned me last year so I've been staying with the Potters." He recited like it was from a book. "Well, i'm glad you aren't like that. You'd be perfect for my daughter! If you need anywhere to stay or anything, don't be afraid to come here." Arabelle smiled and grabbed his hand.

Dinner continued and it was filled with laughter and excitement. "Alright kids, I wouldn't want you to get in yourselves in trouble for staying so late." Arabelle said smiling. The boys thanked her for dinner and said goodbye to Harper. Helping her mother clean up was an easy task as they sat on the couch. "Christmas Eve's tomorrow!" Harper said happily.

Arabelle's smile faltered. "What's wrong, mom.?" Harper asked after noticing. Looking down at her hands, she spoke up, "I don't want too. Believe me I don't Harper. I have to work tomorrow and on Christmas." Harper's stomach dropped at the thought of another christmas alone. "You're joking." She said standing up.

"I'm sorry, love."  Harper let the tears that pooled in her eyes - fall down her cheek. "You do this every year mom! Ever since dad died. I've been alone. Every. Year. I'm tired of it." She yelled at her. Arabelle stood up and a war began of them yelling. A stinging feeling appeared on Harper's cheek.

She looked up and realized: her mom slapped her. "Fine then. I'll leave." Arabelle yelled back at her. "Good. You're lucky I didn't do worse. It should've been you. Not your father." Harper ran upstairs and grabbed her things she'd need. She stormed downstairs with her stuff and walked out of the house.

Where was she gonna go? It took her only a moment to think of the place to go. She began her journey which was freezing. It was below 20 degrees outside as she walked under the stars. She began to hum her fathers favorite song "Jailhouse Rock." Tears still falling down her face, she arrived at the Potter's estate.

She walked up to the door and knocked. Only a moment later, the door opened to show James who smile fell and turned into a worried expression. "Harper?!"

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