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Monday. The first day back to class since she'd been named the Champion of Hogwarts. Harper was in Herbology with the Slytherin's when Professor Sprout came over. "Well done on this. An O! Congratulations by the way, Ms.Rossi. You'll do a fabulous job in the tournament." Thanking her, Harper turned back to her Mimbulus mimbletonia to finish setting it's soil. "Psst.. Rossi!" She heard from across the table. Looking up she saw Narcissa who smiled at her, "Here. Read this when you want." A letter lay in her hands making Harper pocket it quickly and nod in approval.

"I'd be careful if I were you. Those Slytherins aren't too happy a Hufflepuff got chosen as the champion." Macmillan leant over and said. Before being able to respond, a 5th year Gryffindor came in and said, "Excuse me Professor Sprout. I was sent down to retrieve Harper Rossi for pictures for the Daily Prophet." Sprout nodded and let Harper leave. "Last picture before she dies." Lucius yelled as Harper walked out of the classroom with the younger boy. "Hello Creevy." She said making the younger boy grin. "Hi Rossi! Congratulations on being a Champion. My friends and I know you'll win. I have to get back to class. See you later!"

With that, the boy ran away leaving Harper in front of 2 large doors. "Oh! She's here." Igor Karkoff grumbled as Harper walked into the room finding
Viktor and Estelle there also, "Hello! I'm Rita Skeeter! Daily prophet news reporter." A woman in an ugly green colored dress said shaking each of the champions hands. The woman was highly annoying as she seemed to not really care what anyone had to say but wrote down things that never happened like Estelle and Viktor's "love" for one another and Harper seeing the ghost of her past when her father was brought up.

'The pictures came out good at least' Harper thought as the weird woman left. "Sorry about that! You two are free to return to class, Harper stay behind." Headmaster Dumbledore said making Harper's stomach turn. Was she in trouble? Estelle hugged the girl behind and walked off with Viktor to their lessons as Madam Maxime and Karkoff left suspiciously behind them. "Hello Ms.Rossi. Follow me to my office. The others will be joining us there." Harper looked at him but followed in silence.

They made small-talk about the tournament until they reached his office. The door opened and there stood Sirius, James, Lily, Remus, Marlene, Peter, Dorcas, Mary Macdonald, and some other students from other houses. "What are you doing here?" Harper asked Sirius. He kissed her forehead in greeting and said, "We're about to find out." Dumbledore walked to his desk making everyone quiet and pay attention to the older man. "Hello! You all must be wondering why I've assembled you." Marlene whispered something causing Dorcas to snort and Lily to shush them. "I've called you here for a very topic secret ordeal that I think you'd all be keen on joining. Yes?"

Everyone nodded as the man went on, "It's called The Order of The Phoenix. It's an organization put together to fight Voldemort. You've all shown courage, bravery, knowledge, strength, and more traits that went into the choosing of welcoming you. Private meetings will be held for you all to practice defense and attack spells and charms. If you are intrested, stay if not - please leave. But I ask you keep this quiet and not tell anyone." Nobody moved an inch as everyone was very intrigued on what this "order" was about. "Ah, very well then. November 14th will be the first day for you too meet. I'll let you know further details in a letter. Head back to class now."

Everyone began to file out besides Harper, Sirius, James, Marlene, Lily, Remus, and Peter. "Ah yes, you stayed. I have to ask you all something." Sirius crossed his arms and looked very spectacle of what there Headmaster was planning for them all. "I'm putting you in charge of these lessons. Ms.Evans and Mr.Lupin are the best in their year as you all are very bright aswell. You'll be using the Room of Requriments. Yes? Very well. Head to your next class." Dumbedore said not letting any of them talk back. The group walked out in silence until James broke it, "I'm ready to put my all into this. Protect witches and wizards of all kind!"

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