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"Watch Out!" Harper yelled. Viktor tackled Estelle to ensure that she wouldn't get hurt from the Dragon that was hurtling after Harper. Harper held out one hand and scooped up her memory. She quickly tossed into her other hand but didn't notice the Dragon was right next to her. The dragon blew fire right onto her right hand which made her scream out in pain as she felt her hand being burned. She pulled in into her chest and put the memory inside of her robe pocket so that she could still fly with her one unharmed hand. "Bloody hell, get out of there guys!" Harper yelled before taking off back to where the quidditch pitch was. Tears began to stream down her face at the pain of her hand which was now blistering. The dragon began to follow behind Harper. She tried speeding up but she was flying as fast as the broom would go, and it seemed as if it were giving up. "Come on broom!" She yelled at it and just like that she saw the pitch in the distance. "It seems one champion is on there way back! Who might it be? I-Is that a dragon flying after them?" she heard the announce say.

In no time, Harper was flying over the pitch with everyone else screaming, "Harper! Harper! Harper!" She laughed but then remembered the dragon was chasing after her. Before she could zoom off, the dragon collapsed on the ground with many dragon tamers holding it in place with their wands. Harper flew down to the pitch and hopped of her broom. "Harper Rossi has won the Tri-Wizard Tournament!" The announcer yelled out and the crowd went wild. Harper noticed 3 familiar faces waiting for her; Fleamont, Euphemia, and Amos. Amos quickly ran up to the girl and took her hand into his, "Euphemia look." Euphemia let out a stream of cuss words towards the school for allowing such a dangerous creature to be apart of the tasks. "I'm fine-" Before Harper could finish her sentence, Sirius was by her side and kissing her. "Congrats Harp! Bloody hell, your hand!" Pomfrey shoved past everyone to examine her burnt hand and instantly healed it. "Congrats, dear."

Harper felt her hand restore back to normal and she felt the pain go away. "Hi guys!" She finally yelled and everyone piled her into a hug. Screams were heard of excitement around her, especially from Lily and James. The girl felt pure glory after winning but she was worried for the other two champions who had still not returned yet. "Harper, oh- CONGRATS!" She heard from behind her. She turned around and saw Regulus with a huge grin on his face before he tackled her in a hug. "Thank you!" She cried out as she felt him hugging her. Everything became overwhelming as more and more people came up to congratulate the girl on her winning. Viktor arrived before Estelle though they both reacted in the same way; wrapping their arms around Harper and whispering congratulations. Harper soon enough was whisked away and brought to have dinner with her friends, the Potters, and Amos.

Harper sat in between Remus and Sirius, who had his arm proudly around her, during dinner. "So, tell us everything!" Marlene squealed, still amazed by the girl who they all doubted in the beginning. Harper recited the story but left out the part of seeing her father as it would make her seem insane. "Wow Harper. What are you gonna do with the 1000 galleon bonus?" Peter questioned her. "I'm going to save it form my future wedding and future children." Sirius smiled at the girl who smiled back. It seemed like they were the only two there until they heard Euphemia yell, "Sirius Orion! You didn't tell me you proposed! Congratulations!" Fleamont and Amos looked just as shocked by the friends all were well aware as they were told the night of. "You didn't respond to any of Harper's mail so I didn't expect you to answer me." Sirius laughed before shaking Amos's hand who was overjoyed with the news of the wedding.

"Phemi felt that Amos or I would spill the news of us coming here so we couldn't write. Unbelievable, right Jamsie?" Fleamont said, faking hurt. "Father like son." Lily grumbled before tossing a biscuit towards Remus who was laughing at her. They all talked for a while until Dumbledore led the Potters and Diggory out of Hogwarts. "Bye kids. We'll see you all in 3 days when you finally come home to us." Fleamont said, hugging everyone goodbye. Harper was on cloud nine for the rest of the day but it soon crashed down when Viktor came over. "We leave tomorrow morning. I just wanted to tell you that I'll write to you whenever I can, it was wonderful meeting you Rossi. You and your friends have been amazing." Harper felt tears sting her eyes as she hugged him goodbye. "I'll write to you of course. You'll be invited to our wedding too."

Estelle said her goodbye's but they were rather short and bitter as everyone noticed her jealousy of not winning. "Come on, let's go to the common room." Remus said before standing up and walking out of the Great Hall. They all followed the boy but Peter slipped away unnoticed by everyone. "I can't believe we're leaving this soon." Everyone nodded in agreement as the reminisced on the past. "Remember our first ever prank boys?" James asked them and then realized Peter wasn't there, "Where did Wormtail - actually nevermind. Do you guys remember?" Sirius let out a laugh before saying, "How could we forget Prongs? We lit Mcgonagalls whole room on fire by accident in the end of it. Never again will I cross her." All three boys let out a shudder from the memory while Harper, Lily, and Marlene laughed at them. 

"Can you believe that just a few years ago; Harper was dating Amos, Lily hated James, Marlene was straight, and we all weren't nearly as close as we are now?" Remus smiled before holding Marlene's hand who was getting a bit emotional. "Marlene's crying? Merlin.. Wow never though I'd see the day!" James laughed before earning a slap in the chest from Lily. The memory reminiscence ended in everyone crying about how much they would miss Hogwarts. "I'm going to miss waking up to my boys - any occasionally Harper and Lily." Remus laughed wiping his eyes, free of tears. "But you'll be going home and seeing Carter right?" Harper laughed. "No actually, we broke up." The drink that Sirius and Marlene were both drinking ended in them spitting it out. "WHAT?! When?" Marlene yelled. "He met someone else while I was here. I don't mind though, we're alright I guess." Lily gave Remus a hug in comfort but he shrugged her off, "I'm fine. Really okay? Let's talk about your wedding."

Lily and James's wedding was coming up quickly. Two weeks to be exact and James was internally freaking out. He'd always wanted this but now that it was happening, it all felt like a dream to him. Lily chose a rose gold color theme for the wedding which was much to Harper's delight as she was Maid of Honor and got to wear a special dress. "Ugh! I'm so excited!!" Harper squealed in delight. "When's your trip with Regulus?" Remus asked her, making the smile vanish from her face. "Oh. Uh, two days after Lily and James's wedding." Sirius gave the small girl a squeeze on her shoulder before returning the conversation back to the wedding. "Her dress is just brilliant, James! You're going to LOVE it." Marlene gushed on. "I think I want a fall wedding." Harper whispered into Sirius's ear who nodded back. "That would be splendid, dear." Sirius was beyond ecstatic to get married to the girl but was worried for her trip with Regulus. What if she died? What if his brother died? "I'm coming with you on the trip." All heads snapped to Sirius as he said that. "No. You're not Padfoot. You're not." James said standing up. "Yeah I am. She's to be my wife and I want to stick by her side with everything. I love you, Harper Gerta Rossi and I'll follow you anywhere you go."

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