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Over Christmas break, not only did the Yule Ball happen but Harper's mother passed, a funeral for her happened, girls nights, New Year's, and Harper and Sirius's one year! It was a huge New Year's party since it was their last year - so it had to be the best one yet according to James and Sirius. Back on the train, everyone was in such high spirits that they were giggling messes. "Oh Rossi! I never asked - did you get the other hint from the paper?" Marlene asked before kicking Sirius in the knee for stealing her Chocolate Frog. "Oh actually yeah. Sorry forgot to tell of you - only Lily, Remus, and Euphemia know. So there was three words: cave, spiders, and special." Everyone exchanged looks of unknowing before indulging in a long conversation about what it could be. "Maybe inside a cave? Then there's spiders? I don't know about special." Peter said.

"That's brilliant, Wormtail! Say, you've been disappearing lately, where too?" Remus asked nonchalantly but only received a nervous giggle and a shrug of the shoulders back. "Does Wormy have a secret girlfriend?" Sirius gasped. Peter turned a bright shade of red and shook his head violently, "No! No, just doing loads of stuff.. Yeah. Back to the tasks." Harper had noticed the nervous behavior of Peter lately but knew he wouldn't budge on telling anyone: but why? She knew he had been consorting with Malfoy's crowd as she'd been told he was at the Yule Ball. He couldn't possibly have become friends with them or become a part of their group.. Could he? Ignoring the thought, she began a game of
exploding snap with Marlene as James, Lily, and Remus left for their Head Boy/Girl & Prefect duties. "It's boring when they're gone!" Sirius groaned before laying his head onto Harper's lap.

"Sleep then. We'll wake you." Harper responded after a minute as she was very invested in winning the game that Marlene was extremely good at. "Bullocks Mckinnon! You're too good. Go again, yeah?" By the end of the train ride back to the school, it was Marlene 12 and Harper 1, which was good enough for the girl. The group of 4 got off the train and began their hunt for looking for there other friends who were talking to some first years. "Come on, Prongsie! Our you-know-what is waiting for us." Sirius yelled, pulling the boy away from Lily. The two ran off, followed by Peter and Remus, which left Marlene, Harper, and Lily. "Ugh, boys. This is why I'm lesbian." Marlene grumbled before leading the way making Lily giggle at her. "So soon-to-be Mrs.Potter. Excited yet?" Harper brushed her elbow against the girls.

"Yeah I am. I heard Sev's enraged which makes the situation a lot better for James. I'm just upset because I've got the okay from my parents.. but Petunia is refusing to come." Lily sighed as tears filled her eyes. Petunia is Lily's sister, a muggle, who was jealous of Lily for being a witch. She'd married someone even worse of a cow then she is, Vernon Dursley. "It's alright - you have me and Marlene as your sisters.." Harper smiled at the girl who smiled back sadly. "D-do you want to be my maid of honor?" Lily asked quietly but a shriek of disgust rang from Marlene. "EVANS I WILL PULL A VOLDEMORT IF YOU DON'T TAKE THAT BACK." Harper giggled at her friend but pulled Lily into a hug and whispered that she'd be honored. The girls split up to put their stuff into their dorms before dinner but when Harper got to her room, a note lay on her bed.

Dear, Harper Rossi
Hey you, it's Amos. Just wanted to let you know, you can always still write to me even if I don't attend the school. I'm here for you through thick and thin as you were for me. I'm so proud of you and I wish you luck in the task for next month. Don't forget about it - time flys by fast and you're gonna need every second possible to be prepared. Please write back soon.
From, Amos Diggory
P.S: I better hear of a proposal from Sirius!

Harper let out a loud laugh at the ending as her heart swelled with joy. Through everything they'd been through, Amos kept his promise from the first day they started dating. He had told her that if they were to ever break up, they'd remain close friends no matter what. She set the note down before returning to the Great Hall for the feast where everyone already was. Not minding she was late, Harper slips into her seat the Hufflepuff table with a grin on her face that wouldn't or should I say couldn't be wiped off. "Mate, look." James pushed Sirius before pointing to Harper who was enjoying her meal looking extremely happy. "I wonder what's got her spirits up." Remus said before waving to her causing her to enthusiastically wave back. "She's adorable." Sirius said under his breath before taking a bite of his Shepard's Pie and looking around. "3..2.." BOOM!

The whole Great Hall fell silent at the boom before looking around to see what was going on. Already knowing it was the 4 Gryffindor boys - it had to be the Slytherin table - which if you guessed that, you're totally correct. The green on the robes had been turned neon pink while the black turned neon blue and the silver turned neon green. The hair on the Slytherin boys became designed with pigtails, ponytails, braids, and whatever else spells the Marauders could figure out. The room filled with shrieks of delight from the 3 other house tables while the one house table looked completely enraged at what they were wearing. Mcgonagall couldn't even keep a straight face as she called the boys to follow her to the office which made everything seem a lot more enjoyable. Lily was scolding the boys before they walked away but when they left, she began to tell Marlene how much she'd miss the pranks. Harper soon joined the girls at the Gryffindor table as they talked about Regulus in the neon outfit with his little pigtail hair.


"Do you think you're going to marry Harp?" Peter whispered from his bed as the boys talked about where their lives were going to go. Sirius took a moment before responding, "Honestly Wormtail? Yeah. Yeah I do, but I want to take our time you know? I love her. How her eyes light up when she's doing something astronomy or herbology related, how when she smiles you can see her dimples, how her freckles spread over her nose and almost look like constellations. I love how when she laughs it makes the room instantly turn peaceful. I love that when I'm with her, it feels like nobody else is there but us. So yes. I want to marry her, have kids; and grow old together. It's just not the time with her mom." The room fell into silence for a bit before James spoke, "That was deep mate. How about you Moony? How's Carter?"

Remus turned a bright shade of red and threw a pillow at James. This caused a war of pillows being thrown back and forth until they couldn't breathe from laughing. "Really, Moony! Is he the one?" Sirius piped up earning a glare. "I don't know. We haven't had much time together yet." The conversation turned into one of a confusing matter and ended in "Imagine Pads driving Harper and baby padfoot around but doesn't realize that baby harper fell off." Laughter rang through the room as everyone agreed it's something that he'd do. "I want to name my child Harry. Harry James Potter." James said which made everyone laugh at him but stop when they realized he wasn't joking. "Are you serious?" Peter asked. "No - he's Sirius, I am James." James responded with a smile.

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