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'Of course I missed breakfast. I don't even know what class I'm going too!' Harper thought as she ran to find Professor Sprout for her timetable. Luckily, Sprout had not begun her lesson but was extremely happy to Harper. "Hello, Ms.Rossi! Here for timetable I presume?" She nodded quickly and looked down at the timetable she was given. Charms with Gryffindor, oh thank Merlin it wasn't Transfiguration or Mcgonagall would of given her a detention.

"Thank you! See you later for herbology!" Harper yelled running out of the greenhouse and to the Charms classroom. The portraits whispered about her as she ran through the hallways like a mad-woman. Finally she reached the classroom and burst into the room. "Professor Flitwick, I am so sorry I'm late." She saw The Marauders and Lily in her class who were all containing their laughter. "That's quite alright. We were just going to begin. Sit down please." Harper nodded thankfully and sat down next to Lily.

"What the bloody hell happened to you?" James whispered from behind her. Lily shushed him as began to focus on the lesson for today; gouging charms. Harper luckily had not forgotten her wand which is hazel wood with a unicorn hair core, 12 1/4", and reasonably supple flexibility. "I'll help you since I've had this mastered." Lily said proudly before demonstrating the charm. "Very well Ms.Evans! 10 points to Gryffindor." Flitwick squealed earning a happy cheer from the Gryffindors. Sirius scoffed before doing it too earning a round of applause from his friends.

Harper scoffed and muttered, "Show offs." Herbology was always Harper's best class, besides Astrology, as not a surprise since she was a Hufflepuff. She never really cared for any other classes due to the fact they all bored her half to death. She looked at her timetable and let out a breath; Charms with Gryffindor, Potions with Ravenclaw, Astrology with Ravenclaw, Transfiguration with Gryffindor, DADA with Gryffindor again, and Herbology with Slytherin. "We have most our classes together." Sirius whispered from next to James.

"Yeah. Lucky I only have Herbology with Slytherin." Harper laughed earning pitiful looks from her friends. "Oh it's not that bad! It happened in 5th year." Remus turned to look at her and said, "3rd year too. Every time you have herbology with them, they make it a nightmare for you." She rolled her eyes before returning to her new charm. Finally accomplishing it at the end of class, she grabbed her wands and books before setting off the potions with the Ravenclaws.

It's been boring without Amos being in the school though they've been back for less then a day. Potions was a drag and so was all their other classes except for Astrology. She loved Astrology just as much as Herbology but the Slytherin's made it miserable for her. Harper's hand was always up making them laugh and call her a 'know-it-all.' Not to mention since they were working on the Venomous Tentacula, Lucius kept trying to make it infect her. "Hey blood-traitor, watch your back. the Dark Lord's always watching!"

Harper shuttered before running out of class when it ended. Unluckily, he caught up and yelled, "Densaugeo!" Harper felt her teeth growing at an alarming rate making her eyes water. "Blood-traitor." He spat one last time before waking off with some Slytherin friends who were laughing at her. She wished Regulus had been in advanced herbology so he could've helped her. She stood up but feel back down as her teeth were dragging her to the floor. "Ms.Rossi? Oh, Harper what happened?" She heard Sprout say as she helped her up.

"Come on, I'll get you to Madam Pomfrey and she'll fix you up so you can tell us what happened." The walk to the hospital wing with nothing short then embarrassing as students watched the girl's teeth grow larger making them all hysterically laugh at her. Tears streamed down her face as all she wanted was for Sirius to be with her. None of her friends passed her on the walk but that was off her mind as Pomfrey rushed over to her. "Someone hexed her after class."

In no time, Harper's teeth were back to normal which was a relief but she still had to face everyone soon enough. "Can I stay here a bit longer? Please.?" Harper pleaded but only got a "No" from the elderly medi-with. With a groan, Harper walked over to the mirror and looked at her teeth. Straight. Good. "No need to come back for a check-up or anything. As much as I love to see you, I hope you won't return." Harper waved goodbye before trudging off to the Great Hall for dinner. She walked into have all of Slytherin laughing at her but she just ignored it and walked to the Hufflepuff table.

Her friends were trying to get her attention to ask what happened but she ignored them and started eating. If anyone tried to talk to her she'd just scowl at them and continue her meal. Luckily, she was gonna sneak off and throw her name into the Goblet when nobody else was around to see her. Harper loved her friends dearly but she knew they'd all be apprehensive about her joining though they seemed like they were all for it. A tap was felt on her shoulder and she turned around to see Sirius. "What's wrong, darling?" He asked sitting next to her making people throw worried glances for the boy.

"Bloody nothing. Can we just not talk about it?" She growled earning a gulp from Sirius. "Y-yeah. I'm gonna enter in the tournament. Want to come?" She nodded before standing up and grabbing his hand. She pulled him out of their obviously still angry but tried her best to be supportive of him. Their friends met up with them but knew better then to ask as they saw the mood she was in. Everyone screamed for James, Sirius, and Marlene as they put there names into the goblet but Lily looked almost hurt they did. "I can't believe you actually entered, James. What if you get hurt?"

This led to an argument between the head boy and girl making everyone extremely uncomfortable. Harper almost didn't notice Estelle put her name into the goblet but felt her heart speed up when she winked at her doing so. Sirius looked at Harper before bursting into laughter, "Look at your face! You're BLUSHING." Harper turned away from him but not before sticking her middle finger up at him. More and more people put their names in until there was nobody in the room left but Sirius and Harper. "Can you keep a secret?" she asked him making him kiss her knuckles.

"Of course pet." She took the parchment with her name out of her pocket and stood up. She walked over to the goblet and threw it in. The blue flames engulfed it as she watched mesmerized by them. "I'm proud of you Harp.. Though I do have to say I hope you don't get picked.. I'm scared for you." Sirius said honestly. She kissed him before whispering, "I love you Black. Shut up, I'll be fine." He kissed back and said, "I love you too Harper Hagrid Rossi." The two laughed before walking hand and hand out of the room until Regulus burst in.

"Harper, I heard what Malfoy did.. I'm sorry." he said before throwing his name into the goblet and running out. "MALFOY?! Now you better bloody tell me before I murder the got with my bare hands." Sirius growled. "He just made my teeth grow really big with a hex. It's fine ok?" That seemed to piss him off more as he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the Hufflepuff common room. She whispered the password before being dragged over to the couch that was surrounded by plants. "Are you ok? Listen, I'll make sure it never happens a-" "I'm fine Sirius. Trust me. Now let's do a little less talking, yeah?" Harper smirked at the boy.

He shut his mouth quickly before picking her up over his shoulder and barging into her room. The girls inside laughed as Sirius threw her onto the bed and proceeded to tickle her, making it look innocent for them. "STOPPPP!" Harper begged him before he shoved his thumb into her mouth. She sucked it
making him groan and close the shades around the bed. A quick spell later, their roommates couldn't hear them which was probably for the best as nobody would want to hear Sirius and Harper fucking eachother.

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