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The last day of school. Graduation day. Sirius zipped up Harper's white lace dress and whispered, "Harp,
you are absolutely stunning." She let out a small giggle and turned around to face her soon to be husband. "Graduation day, baby!! Come on Euphemia and Fleamont are gonna be down there and I can't wait to take the boats back." Sirius laughed before taking her hand and leading her out of the dorm where their friends all were waiting, besides James. "He's making sure he looks absolutely handsome for his Head Boy speech." Marlene said with a scoff. Lily smiled towards the dorm where James was coming down in his fancy outfit with his robes matched on top. "Let's go graduate mates!!" Harper stood up and wrapped Remus in a hug before taking a deep breath and saying, "Let's do this."

The 7 rowdy teenagers bustled out of the portrait hole with excitement coursing through their crowns.
After today, there lives officially start and they can become what they want too. "Full time members of the Order of the Phoenix sounds like a good career for now. Maybe after I'll become an auror or a quidditch player." James said with a huge smile as Lily nodded, "An auror or a healer for me." Harper hadn't really thought of what she wanted to be in the future. She loved the thought of becoming a healer but something was pulling her in a direction she didn't understand. She wanted to remain at Hogwarts as an astronomy teacher but part of her knew it wouldn't happen with the war coming up. The Great Hall doors were pushed open by Peter, Remus, and Marlene to show the four house banners shining over different sections for the houses. The yellow, brown, and black house banner waved high above the back left section, behind the Gryffindors. To the right were the Ravenclaws in front with the Slytherins behind them.

Harper waved goodbye as she walked over to her seat next to a smiling boy who animatedly talking to his friends. Harper sat down and looked around: she was officially leaving her home and starting a new life. Her mother left her the house but part of her was torn on going back due to all the memories. "Welcome everyone. Today we celebrate the graduation of our seventh year students." Dumbledore's voice boomed over the room. Harper looked over her left shoulder to see the Potter's smiling at their son with such pride, it was heartwarming. As the Headmaster talked about the years at Hogwarts, he made sure to include the pranks by the boys, Harper couldn't help but tear up at the memories. Students began to walk across the stage and thank 3 people before walking off and soon enough Sirius Black is on stage. "I'd like to thank my haters out, my Marauder best friends, and my sexy fiancée! Goodbye Hogwarts and go Gryffindor!" Laughter filled the room, mostly from James.

Harper smiled brightly as she watched Lily go next, then Remus, then Marlene, then Peter, then James, and finally, it was her turn. Walking across the stage, Sirius couldn't help but scream for his girl as everyone else clapped along. "Hi! I'd like to thank my amazing friends, my loving and supportive fiancé, my parents, and I know we said only three but I also have to thank Mr. and Mrs. Potter for taking me in as there own. Thank you all." Whoops and hollars sounded as she smiled at her professors and walked off stage, returning back to her seat. "Now, before you are officially free, a word from our Head girl and Head boy, Lily Evans and James Potter!" Fleamont could be heard above all yelling for his son who was walking proudly up to the stage with his beloved Lily-Flower. "Hello Hogwarts. It's been absolutely incredible being your Head Girl. These past years-" Before Lily could finish her sentence Head boy James took over

"As much as I adore you Lily-Flower, nobody wants to hear the sob story. Congratulations everyone for  graduating, we hope you succeed! The Marauders wish to make it known that we hope you all had a very, very, very.. good last year. GO GRYFFINDOR!" With James's word, red and gold was splattered all over everyone, which wasn't much of a shocker as they do that prank every year to remind everyone - Gryffindor is the best house. Laughter sounded in the room from the adults, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Gryffindors while the Slytherin's all grumbled in annoyance. "WE GRADUATED BITCHES!" Remus yelled as he pulled all the friends into a tight hug that was a mixture of red, gold, tears, smiles, and love. "Congratulations kids!" Euphemia smiled as she flicked her wand for the paint to fly off of them. Everyone pulled her and Fleamont into a hug while they all celebrated graduating. "We'll see you
tomorrow when you come home, son. Kids - hope to see you all soon." Fleamont said as he grabbed onto his wife's hand and led her to where the other parents stood waiting.

Sirius wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and kissed her cheek, "Our lives start now." Harper laughed and turned around to kiss him. Her lips connected with his and once again, like it was there first ever kiss, fireworks went off. "Come on. We should finish packing and then hangout for our last night." Marlene yelled as she pulled Dorcas into one last kiss. Happiness is all Harper felt so she blurted out, "Move in with me." Sirius looked down at her and laughed, "What? You didn't think we weren't moving in together, right? Harper we are getting married!" Lily laughed at the two before running off to the common room in a panic over the things she might've forgotten to pack. "Where'd Peter go?" Remus asked looking around. Shrugs were all he got in return so they ignored it and walked to the common room. Harper slipped away to the Hufflepuff common room and sat on the couch. It had been the first time she was officially alone by herself in the common room since Amos.

Happy tears fell from her eyes as she thought of all the memories. Meeting Amos, dating him, him cheating on her, her becoming inseparable to Lily and Marlene, the boys becoming her family, Sirius and her getting together. Her years at Hogwarts have been wild and she couldn't wait for the rest of her life to take off her and see where it would go. She had weddings coming up for her and Lily, the horcrux with Regulus, and hopefully kids someday. She felt actually happy and couldn't let the tears stop falling. She got up and walked to her bedroom so she could pack but was meet with her owl. 2 letters were attached which she noticed had the Black family crest on it and one didn't know. She tore one open and it read:

Dear, Harper.
You've graduated, Bee. Daddy couldn't be more proud his little girl. I've watched you grow up and become the most beautiful and strong girl. Mom and I couldn't be prouder then we are now and I can't wait till you come home so I can kiss your face and hug you. I love you Bee. Don't ever forget that. I'm writing this before you even got to go to Hogwarts but I know I'll give it to someone trustworthy enough if anything happens to me. Love you, see you soon.
Xoxo, Dad

Hello, it's Amos. I promised your mom I'd give you this letter since your dad wrote it. You have two more for your future. See you soon,

Harper laughed as she read the letter. For once, it didn't pain her to read his words but it felt good. Her father did truly love his daughter more then life itself.  She looked to the next letter that she knew was going to be from Regulus.

Dear Harper,
This is my last letter. I've taken an early leave and set on my way to destroy the horcrux. Kreacher is by my side so there is no need to worry for me. You've just graduated and deserve to happy with your soon to be husband. I'll always be greatful for you Harper May. I love you so much big sis and I'm so proud of you graduating-

Harper dropped the letter and ran off to the Gryffindor common room for Sirius. This had to be a joke, he couldn't have really gone by himself. Could he have?

Hey guys, i know the timeline is very off. Narcissa and Lucius are older and Regulus went for the Horcrux at 18, when he's not 18 in this book. Love you, have a good day.

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