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Everyone went into the ball except for Sirius and Harper as they walked over to the other champions who'd also be dancing. Viktor had brought a Slytherin girl, who Harper didn't know the name of, and Estelle had gone with some other Beauxbaton boy, with the last name of a Delacour. Harper knew the school wouldn't approve of two girls going to the ball together, if they were champions, so she understood why Estelle was with the boy. Sirius tightened his grip on her hand as they came up to all the champions. "Hello, Rozzi, Black." She smiled making Sirius grimace at her. Harper greeted Viktor who looked bored already but happy to see the girl. Her nerves were getting the best of her and she began to shake. Sirius bent down and kissed her cheek, "You'll be fine. You did fine last year at the Potter's ball. I love you, Harper Bumblebee Rossi." The girl laughed whispered back, "I love you too."

Finally, the champions all got in line and the doors opened for them to walk in. Many people gawked at Estelle as others admired Harper's beautiful gown, including Dorcas. "Her gown is absolutely stunning! Way to go Mama Potter." James felt pride swell inside him as he saw his brother and the girl he loved so much walk in together, smiling, and happy as ever. "They're a hot couple." Remus laughed before continuing his conversation with Peter who didn't understand what was going on. The room fell silent as the first dance was commencing, which Harper felt extremely worried for, but she did fine as Sirius looked into her eyes and whispered the steps. What was weird that nobody noticed was that Malfoy and his gang showed up late with large smirks on their faces as they sat down at their table next to Narcissa and Regulus.

Regulus was awestruck at the girl with his brother and her beauty. "Going to stop drooling over, Rossi?" Rosier leaned over and whispered in his ear, making Regulus flip him off and turn to his date. Soon enough, others began to join in on the dance, which soothed Harper's nerves. "See? Wasn't that bad, now was it?" Sirius laughed before spinning the girl around. The night commenced and James ended up stealing Harper away for a slow dance as Sirius danced with Marlene. "I'm really glad Pads has you, Rossi. You make him really happy which makes me really happy." Harper laid her head on his chest and swayed to the music, feeling extreme happiness fill her up at the approval. "I try.." She whispered before the song changed into a very upbeat one that she knew was Remus's favorite. As she guessed, the boy ran over and grabbed her, Lily, and Marlene away from their dates or friends and pulled them into the crowd of dancing students.

"Always stealing our girls, isn't he that Moony?" Sirius joked before taking a sip of the pumpkin juice Peter supplied. Lucius was looking over at them and waving his hand to Peter who turned a bright shade of red. "What's that git want?" James grumbled before his hands balled into fists, "Not sure - be right back!" Peter squeaked before running off towards the boy, leaving James and Sirius in question. "Wormtails been acting weird lately, don't ya think?" Nodding, Sirius began to question the boy who was now sitting with the Slytherin's, whispering. Dragging James up, he guided them through the crowd, and danced along to the song with their friends. "I FUCKING LOVE YOU GUYS!" Marlene screamed before bringing Dorcas into a long and heated kiss, which Harper and Lily cheered on. Sirius wrapped his arms around his girlfriends waist as he danced to the music.

The room became hot as all the couples, in the friend group, began to dance sexually. Remus even danced with a girl he knew of but was respectful and decided against doing anything too far for the sake of Carter. "I'm bloody thirsty, come on." Lily yelled loud enough for them to hear as she dragged James over to the drink station. Everyone followed as they felt parched from the excessive upbeat dancing, but continued singing along to the music. Mcgonagall seemed to be keeping a close eye on the boys, waiting for a prank to be pulled off, and as she expected, it did. Fireworks shot off into the ceiling making everyone scream and jump, but they admired the beautiful colors that boomed in the sky. "Wow." Marlene whispered before wrapping her arm around Dorcas. High-fiving his friends, James whispered, "Just wait." They watched lions form and roar loudly before disintegrating into the air. Then, 3
words popped up that read, "Marry me Evans?" Harper covered his mouth as she looked towards the shocked girl.

"Potter, what the hell?" She looked towards the smiling boy who let out a laugh. "After we get out of
school, marry me. We don't know when we're gonna die and I want to die knowing I had you as my wife." Sirius passed him a tiny box that with held a ring inside of it as James got to one knee. "Marry me Evans." Harper jumped up and down in excitement as everyone else in the room seemed to be too fascinated by the fireworks. "Y-yes.." Lily cried out before bringing the boy into a long kiss. The friends cheered for the engaged couple who were both crying their eyes out. "Merlin, I almost forgot with all the stuff that's going on, there's a war going on outside of the school." Marlene laughed, wiping her eyes of tears. Remus and Dorcas let out large gasps before yelling at the same time, "IS MARLENE MCKINNON ACTUALLY CRYING?!" This was a shock to all of their friends since the girl never cries. "Shut up, I'm happy for my best friend."

Lily brought Marlene into a hug before showing off her ring to the 2 other girls. "You did it Prongsie. My boys getting married." Sirius laughed patting his friend on the back. Peter ran back over and congratulated his friends but looked oddly shaken up and nervous. "Wormtail, what's wrong? What did they say or do?" Sirius said crossing his arms, ready to fight for the smaller boy. "N-nothing he just asked a-a question!" The three boys knew it was a lie but decided to ignore it as now they were celebrating the engagement of their two friends: almost Mr. and Mrs. Potter. "Cheers, to the newly engaged couple!" Harper yelled holding up her glass and toasting to her friends. "Ms.Rossi, if you'd follow me please."Harper heard from behind her. She turned around to face Professor Sprout, making her heart drop. Lily looked to her friends, knowing it wasn't something good to come.

"C-can Sirius come too?" Harper whispered. "It would be best, yes of course." Waving goodbye to their friends, the couple walked out of the Great Hall with their nerves on edge. Sirius noticed Lucius watching with a grin on his face and Regulus looking horrified with what was going on. Right then and there he knew, it had to do with the Dark Lord and him killing someone she loved. They followed her down the hall, in silence, until they met with the statue of an Eagle that led up to Dumbledore's office. "Jelly slugs." Sprout said before the stairs formed and they walked up to the office. Arriving inside, nobody was there besides the sleeping paintings. "Please, have a seat Ms.Rossi and Mr.Black." Agreeing, Sirius led her over to the chairs that sat before Dumbledore's desk. Harper played with her hands as the anxiety inside her built up. "I regret to inform you on Christmas, that your mother was killed. I'm not exactly supposed to disclose this but as you are one of my best students.. It's believed it was done by death eaters under the Dark Lords orders."

Harper felt the air in her lungs being sucked out of her at the speed of light. She fell to her knees and broke out in uncontrollable sobs. She thought back to the last letter that said something about being safe, which Harper just brushed off as a way of saying be safe during the tournament! Sirius sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug as she cried into his shoulder, "i-i didn't get to see her again.. O-oh Merlin s-s-shes with dad now." Harper felt like her world was crashing down and there was no way to stop it, now the only people she had left were her friends and Sirius. 'What if Lily is killed for being muggle-born? What if Remus is for being not only a half-blood but a lyncanthrop? What if Regulus dies during their trip to kill the horcrux? What if James, Marlene, or Sirius are killed in the line of fire?'

The thoughts plagued her mind - making her pass out in tears.

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