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Faster then a light bolt, Harper ran out of Charms when class ended. She always liked that class when she was with Gryffindor but Ravenclaw made it boring since she didn't have any friends there. "Rossi!" Someone yelled to break her out of her trans like state. She whipped her head around to see Narcissa Black.

"What can I do for you Narcissa?" She asked through gritted teeth. Harper could sense the awkwardness so she continued walking. "I know we were never friends but I must apologize. Amos told me you broke up.." She said chasing after Harper. She let out a scoff and said, "Of course he did. Well there's no bad blood between us. I'm over it."

Narcissa smilied at her but before leaving, she complimented the new style. Harper waved goodbye and walked to potions where she'd be seeing Regulus. Sitting down next to him, he jumped a little. "Are you alright Regulus?" She asked worried. "Oh uh yeah - I thought you were someone else." Harper's heart stopped knowing that Regulus was scared of someone.

"Reg-" She began to say before being cut off by the teacher telling them to resume the potion from the day before. Harper let a groan out before walking to the table where Amos sat. "Hello, love." He smiled at her. She let out a sarcastic laugh and worked on the potion in front of her.

Finishing the potion up, she knew that the potion they had created would be good but nowhere near perfect like Snape's. She never had a problem with him until he called Lily a mudblood. A hand rested on her thigh and her eyes shot to Diggory. "Get your filthy, cheating, paws off of me!" She exclaimed. Regulus heard the altercation and his head shot up.

Diggory didn't move his hand even when Harper grabbed it too take it off. Regulus stood up and walked over to their table. "Is there a problem here, Diggory?" He asked in a scary tone. Diggory's smirk grew more, "Hello little Black. No - no problem here. How's Sirius? Oh right he-" Before he finished his sentence, Regulus punched him.

"The first ones for mentioning my git of a brother - the rest are for touching Harper." He yelled punching him repeatedly. Slughorn separated the two and gave Regulus detention. Diggory was taken to the hospital wing by a Slytherin who was very pleased with Regulus.

"Thanks, Reg.." Harper whispered to him. He nodded and returned back to his seat with a look of shame on his face. It confused Harper but she continued her potion that ended up with getting an E. She smiled at the professor who carried onto announce how well Snape had one.

Regulus waited for Harper after class and began walking her to the astronomy tower when her friends spotted them. "I should go.. Uh see you later Rossi." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks again, Black." She hugged him. Walking off to his next class, she walked to her friends.

"We heard what happened! Are you alright?" Lily said hugging her tightly. Harper nodded at her and began leading the way to astronomy. Sirius, James, and Marlene planned on killing Diggory while Peter, Lily, and Remus comforted Harper. "I'm fine guys. I cant believe the word traveled that fast." She said sitting in her seat.

Marlene went to sit next to her but Sirius stole the seat causing her to scowl at him. "Hi darling." He smiled at her causing her to smile back. "Hello handsome!" Their flirty banter continued through the rest of class until worksheets came out. "You have the rest of class to finish. If you don't, it becomes homework." The professor called out.

Harper looked at the worksheet and giggled because to her it looked like 1st year work. Sirius noticed and laughed back since he was also amazing at astronomy. They both finished in the matter of 20 minutes. Class had 10 minutes left so they passed notes.

Rossi, you're outfit is hot today ;)
Thanks decided to switch it up and let loose
You look good. If Diggory so happens to lay another hand on you, I'll kill him.
It's alright Sirius. Your brother took care of it.
Wow he actually did something nice for someone for once.
You may not like him but he's actually really sweet.

Sirius let out a scoff and looked Harper in the eye. Butterflies formed in her stomach but she blamed it on her nerves being out of wack. Marlene tapped on her shoulder and whispered in her ear, "You guys look like a couple. It's quite cute." Lily and James laughed from behind them. She flipped her off and grabbed her books. "Only a few more classes, Harper Hotdog Rossi!" Sirius said wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Hotdog?" She giggled.

He explained that since he didn't know her middle name, he decided to take matters into her own hands. She rolled her eyes at him and began a conversation with Marlene. "What are you wearing to the party on Friday?" Marlene asked raising her eyebrows. "Was hoping you and Lil could help with that."

Lily nodded but James began asking her to be his date to the party or to at least go to Hogsmeade with him. Parting ways again for Transfiguration with the Ravenclaws - she realized she didn't have many friends in her own house. She frowned but continued her way to class. "Ms.Rossi, late. That'll be -5 points from Hufflepuff." Mcgonagall called out. She smiled weakly and sat down next to a Ravenclaw boy.

"Don't worry about her, she's in a bad mood today." He smiled at her. She smiled back and noticed how cute he was. His blonde hair, athletic stature, blue eyes, and gorgeous white smile. "Sorry forgot to introduce myself. Justin Lembo at your service." He said blushing. "Harper Rossi." She blushed.

They worked on their class work together until class ended. "This may be really forward so I apologize, but would you want to be my date to the Gryffindor party that's happening friday?" He asked her shyly. A smile spread across her face, "Sure! Why not?" He smiled back at her and waved goodbye.

"So he just asked you out?!" Lily squealed. Harper went over the story again when the boys came in. "I'm happy for you Harp." Remus said not taking his eyes off his book. "We all are. Well maybe not so much Sirius - OW!" James cried out after get an elbow to the ribs from Sirius. "I'm happy for her. Just worried this guy might break her heart like that asshole Diggory." He shrugged.

Harper thought about it more and her heart sank. What if he ended up like Diggory? "Hey, don't worry about it. I'm sure he's great. If not, I'll break his kneecaps." Marlene said grabbing her hand. Harper let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and relaxed.

Lily and James were finally having a civilized conversation until Marlene brought up a new prank "Come on guys! It would be sooo fun!" She said jumping around. "I like it" Peter smiled up at her. "Then that's it. We'll do it tomorrow." Sirius stated with a mischievous smirk on his face. "Uh - no! You will not be doing that." Lily stood up in a motherly figure.

"Come on Lil, live a little! You can join us if you want. I won't ask you, Rossi, cause I already know you'll say no." James said. Lily huffed and grabbed her stuff. "I'll be upstairs Mar. Bye Harper." She stormed off causing silence to fill the room. "Someone's angry.." Sirius joked.

"Maybe it's not such a good idea?" Harper tried to reason with them. All 4 boys and Marlene were dead set on doing it since they didn't want the Slytherins to think they've gone soft on them. Grabbing her stuff, she bid farewell and went back to her common room.

"Rossi, heard you're going out with Lembo?"
She looked around the common room to spot the boy who called her out. She noticed it was the same guy who handed her the note from Amos. "Yeah, and what's it to you?" She asked crossing her arms. He let out a chuckle. "Nothing. Just don't think you're gonna be to happy when Amos finds out." He replied. "Fuck off. We're not together anymore. He can't control me."

She stormed off to her room and walked into nobody being there. She sat on her bed and let the tears flow. "I hate you Amos." She whispered while burning a picture of them together. She fell asleep that night with tears running down her face.

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