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It had been two days since Harper had won her task and was last seen awake. Estelle was out of the hospital wing the same day but Viktor was still in there with her. Sirius never paid much attention in class but now he physically couldn't for the fact all he could think about was Harper not waking up. "Padfoot." Remus nudged the boy as he looked off into space. "Pads, Mcgonagall is gonna give you detention if she see's you not paying attention again." Sirius turned his attention back to where their professor was demonstrating human transfiguration.

"Mr.Lupin, your attention should be up here - not on Mr.Black." Mcgonagall scolded the boy who turned bright red. "Sorry Minnie.." He said before returning to take his notes for the other 3 boys aswell as himself since they all never pay attention. Class ended and the three boys were loaded with homework for the night meaning Remus would make them finish before any other curricular activities including quidditch. "Ugh, please Moony! I want to play quidditch before working." James pleaded with the boy who disagreed with him. "Prongs do your work and you will be rewarded." Peter had still been absent lately but seemed more talkative then normal.

"Yeah Prongs. Come on we'll do our work and then I'll even play quidditch with you." The small boy smiled up at his friend. "Thanks Wormy." The boys returned to their common room to actually do work for once so they'd get quidditch permissions back. "The fields back to normal. Let's hurry up so we can play." Sirius groaned sitting down and pulling out his potions homework. The 4 boys worked until night fall but were joined by Lily and Marlene half way through. "We've finished! I'm going to play. Who's coming?" James jumped off the couch before running to his room and grabbing his broom. Sirius, Peter, and Marlene all joined but Remus and Lily decided to get dinner.

The friendship that Remus and Lily have were unlike anyone else's. Without saying what they were thinking - the other one knew. Both of them looked over the Hufflepuff table at Estelle who was chatting along to her friend, Monsieur Delacour, a French boy who attended Beauxbaton. "How in Merlin's name did she get out the hospital wing before Viktor and Harper?" Lily said before taking a bite her Shepard's pie. Remus began to think about how strange it was that this girl was the last one to save herself yet was perfectly fine. "Do you think she.. She cheated?" Remus whispered making Lily look up and nod. "Yes. Of course." The two looked at each other before someone broke them apart. "Ms.Rossi haz awoken. Zhe wantz to zee her friendz"

Madam Maxime stood over them with an unusual frown on her face. Remus shot Lily a did-she-hear-us type of look before dropping his food and running off to the hospital wing with Lily hot on his heels. "Wait!" Lily exclaimed half way to the hospital wing. "Should we tell the others?" Remus thought for a moment before shaking his head no and said, "Let's see her first, yeah?" They continued to the hospital wing but upon arrival Madam Pomfrey instructed them to not stress her out or they'd have to leave. The two agreed before walking over to Harper's bed where she laid talking to Viktor who was in the bed next to her. "Hello Viktor. Harper.." Lily greeted the boy before rushing over to her best friend.

"You were amazing Harp. You did so good! Scared us to death though." Remus joked before planting a kiss on her forehead and sitting next to her. "Water?" Harper smiled at Lily who used her wand to conjure up a glass of water for her. "Thanks.. The task was hard. I haven't even read the note that would tell the clue of the next task. All I know is it's February 24th." Harper explained before taking a sip of her water and reaching over to the note. "Hey, no stress ok? It might stress you out to know so let's wait. You've got a little over 2 months. Your birthday comes first, remember?" Lily said grabbing the girls hand. "Sirius completely put his birthday off to help me with the task.. Do y'think he'd wanna do something to celebrate both our birthdays? Even if it's in February?"

Before answering, the 4 friends burst through the door looking clean as ever. "So, we all showered and waited for Moony to return. When he didn't, we staked him out to find that you were gone to Lils. Why didn't you tell us she was awake?!" Sirius cried out before rushing over and wrapping his girlfriend into a hug. "I love you. I love you Harper. I'm so glad you're ok." He whispered into her hair making her giggle, "I love you too, Black. Come on now, I'm alive! What's been going on?" Harper smiled making her friends burst into laughter at the girl. "You've luckily been excused from work until you attend class again. Bloody lucky." Marlene groaned laying on the bed next to the girl. "When can you leave? We miss you." Peter spoke up making Harper look at him.

Peter always had talked to her free willingly but didn't speak up as much when his friends were around. "I've got to go actually, I'll see you soon Harp." Peter squealed before waving and running out of the hospital wing. They all looked at eachother questiongly before continuing their conversation. "Yeah, when can I leave?" Harper asked them. James ran to grab Madam Pomfrey who hurried over. "Potter! I'd of thought she were dying! Don't do that again. Now, what can I do for you?" Sirius and Marlene both began to lean onto eachother laughing while Lily and Remus scolded the boy for worrying the poor older women. "Sorry Poppy.. Just was wondering when she could leave?" Sirius said after catching his breath. "Tomorrow morning if she's up to it. Same for you Mr.Miceli"

Viktor looked up from his book before giving a nod and returning to reading. "Don't talk much do you, Viktor?" Marlene asked the boy making Lily slap her arm. "Sorry about her.." The boy smiled before saying, "Is fine." Harper grabbed Sirius's chin so he'd face her and she gave him a quick peck. "You all should go sleep. Then come get me in the morning for class, yeah?" Everyone agreed and bid goodnight except for James who stayed behind with Harper. "You know Rossi, you're like my little sister. You scared the living daylights out of me." He said walking over and sitting down on the bed. "I'm sorry. I know Sirius told you we knew after the fact but I didn't want worry you all more. This time, I'll never your brain to help me. Read the note."

James gave her a look before taking the paper off the bedside table and looking over it. "You haven't read this yet, have you?" Shaking her head no, he began to explain that the paper had no words on it and they'd have to figure out how to reveal the words. "W-Would you stay with me?" Harper asked as the boy began to leave. "Of course Harper." He replied laying on the bed as she moved over and laid her head on his chest. She began to cry into his chest but she didn't understand why. He didn't leave or say anything but he pet her hair and held her close which was enough for Harper to feel safe. "I love you James. Thanks for being my little brother." She whispered before falling asleep. "What the fuck. Merlin, I hate being younger then you." He chuckled before falling asleep.

The next morning, her friends filed into the hospital wing to retrieve the girl. It was a sight to see that she was laying her head on James who was snoring like a mad man. "His snores' loud." Viktor groaned before crawling out of his bed and walking out of the hospital wing to get ready to go back to class. Sirius couldn't help but feel a bit jealous as his girlfriend slept soundly on his best friend but he brushed it off knowing that they were like siblings. "Harper's mum was furious with Dumbledore for allowing her into the task." Marlene whispered to her friends before they woke the two sleeping bodies up. "Why?" Remus questioned before Marlene said, "Apparently she believes that she should've be informed so she could've stopped her daughter. She literally threw her out the house, and now she cares?"

Sirius stopped the conversation so he could wake his girl and best mate up who were both extremely unhappy to be awaken. "Bloody hell, I was having a good dream!" Harper complained before sitting up and kicking off the blanket. "Rise and shine kids! Come on Harp, we've got to get you to the Hufflepuff common room for clothes. James here." Remus said before Peter chucked his uniform at him earning a grumbled 'thanks' from James. "Hi love." Lily greeted him before kissing his lips making Marlene gag. "Shut up, they're in LOVE." Harper joked as she got up and stretched. "To the Hufflepuff common room we go!"

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