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Christmas break was interesting to say the least, as everyone seemed in high spirits. Harper acted like everything was ok due to the fact she didn't want her friends to pity her - but Sirius could see right through his girlfriend. Each and every night, he'd let her cry into his chest about her mother and how she was scared for the future. By the end of break, Euphemia seemed to cheer the girl up with a present that shocked everyone to say the least. "As I know you two became pretty good friends, I present to you someone who's missed his friend dearly. Amos!" She called out. Harper jumped from her seat as the older boy entered the room looking as delighted as ever to see her. "Rossi! How good it is to see you. Sorry about your mother." The girl felt extremely happy to see him that she didn't feel the pain of her mother's name being mentioned.

"How is the job at the ministry?" James asked, shaking Amos's hand who replied with "Absolutely amazing. I've actually met someone too and we're going to be wed." The room filled with congratulations towards the boy who soon began gushing over Lily's ring. Sirius seemed the only one who had not forgiven Amos fully yet, but was still polite to him as he was Harper's friend. "Sit! Sit! We can talk over tea and biscuits." Euphemia said pulling the group over to the table where Fleamont sat drinking coffee. Different topics were brought up, including the task that was set for February 24th, which Amos was extremely proud of Harper for. "I've got an idea to reveal the note. Have you tried placing it under water by any chance?" Lily squealed in delight as she kissed the boys cheek. "That's an amazing idea! Remus go fetch the note." Remus grumbled "I'm not a dog. I don't fetch things." As he went to grab the note from Harper and Sirius's room.

"When are you and Harper getting married?" Amos asked making Harper choke on her tea and Sirius spit his out. James laughed at the two before helping his mother clean up the messy table. "Haven't really talked about it with everything going on." Sirius sighed. Harper looked towards Sirius who turned a violent shade of red making her giggle uncontrollably. Remus came back with the note making everyone rush into the kitchen to place it under the sink. "Here goes nothing." Harper whispered before turning the sink on. There it was - the sign they were looking for. Words began to bleed through the paper making everyone around cheer and pat Amos on the back. "Cheers mate!" Sirius yelled, wrapping his arms around him, not caring about the grudge he held. "Oh fuck." Remus whispered grabbing the note out of Harper's hand making everyone turn towards him. "What is it, Rem?" Lily questioned him before grabbing his shoulder.

"It's a.. I'm not quite sure what it is actually. Seems like a trick to me." It was Fleamonts turn to check the note as he grabbed it and began reading it to himself. "Trick indeed not, Mr.Lupin. They've given you one word which is: Night. So the night has to do with it, yes? Now you've got to find another way of figuring out the second word with this paper." A groan escaped Harper as she slapped her head with her hand. Amos took a look at the note while Sirius comforted the girl, whispering they'd find it out and kissing her forehead repeatedly. "Night.. Moon.. Moonlight!" Lily screamed out, jumping up and down. "Are you mental, red? What's the moon got to do with anything besides Moony?" Sirius joked earning a slap in the back of the head from Remus. "Who's Moony?" Amos asked which James responded with, "The man on the moon - yeah it's what we call him."

The answer satisfied Amos as he turned back to Lily who has rambling to Euphemia and Fleamont about the note. "So you're saying - she has to look at it in the moonlight? How'd you even get that from the word night?" Fleamont asked dumbfounded, but resembled James in many ways of not exactly understanding everything right away. "Monty, please not right now. So Harper, tonight we'll look." Euphemia smiled before pulling the girl into a long hug and leading her husband out of the room. "I've got to leave now, the soon to be Mrs. is making Lasgna. Never had it before." Amos said before hugging everyone goodbye, but Harper walked him outside. "Diggory, I really miss you at school.. It's so lonely in the common room." She whispered before hugging him once more. "If you're lonely - write to me, okay?" Harper nodded as she watched the boy apparate away - leaving nothing but air where he was last.

Sighing, she returned indoors and walked up to her bedroom so she could avoid her friends. She heard her name being called as she walked in, making her heart jump as she saw Regulus in the mirror on her dresser. "Black! You've not contacted me so far, I was beginning to think your forgot me." The slytherin smiled back before ranting about how dull his house was and how he'd couldn't wait on returning back to Hogwarts. "Well, Reggie - only have to wait all day tomorrow then the next day you return back and see my beautiful smiling face." Harper giggled as she watched him smile but not as bright as before. "I'm scared." He admitted to her. Letting out a breath Harper whispered back, "I am too. I'm gonna be there with you Reg. I'm not going to let you go anywhere." This seemed to cheer him up a bit as his usual smile came back. A knock on the door from his side came making him shout, "Hold on! Got to go.. See ya later, sis." Just like that, Regulus was gone and her reflection remained.

Another knock came but this time it was from her side. Remus walked inside before shutting the door and jumping on the bed next to her. "Hello there beautiful!" The girl laid on her back next to him as the began to talk about the different ways someone could possibly ask someone to marry them. "How about, 'Hey shawty. Wanna be my main hoe for life?' Bloody hell - I'd SWOON." Harper cackled at her words making Remus burst out into laughter too. "In honesty Harp.. Padfoot and you are gonna get married. I've never seen him talk about a girl like he does with you, he's whipped! Absolutely in love. He practically worships the ground you walk on." Remus said making the girl turn red in the face. "Of course I do, Harper's the best thing to happen to me." Sirius said leaning on the door frame making both the girl and boy jump. "I didn't know you were there." Remus laughed before leaving.

"You worship the ground I walk on, huh?" She smirked at him causing his eyes to roll before jumping on top of her. "Of course Harper Azkaban Rossi. You're my everything." Harper let out a giggle before placing her lips onto his which he gladly accepted. The two stayed kissing for a good minute before it turned into a full on snogging session. "Can I come in or are your clothes off?" James's voice rang outside the door before a loud yelp came after. "Come in." Sirius groaned before getting off his girlfriend. Lily, James, and Remus walked in but James was rubbing his head from the slap Lily gave him. "I was thinking.. Well we were thinking.. Since Phemi and I have been spending much time on planning James and I's wedding, that we have our annual girl night? Remus included of course as I explained to her how he's our honorary bitch." Lily smiled proudly as Remus shot her a playful glare at her calling him a bitch. "How'd you do it, Moony? You've made it into the girls group. Do they have naked sleepovers? Actually I don't want to know since my mothers included on this one." James said making everyone uncomfortable.

"Well of course I'm down. Before we'll do the note?" Harper asked sitting up. Remus nodded before saying, "Prongs, Pads, and Mr.Potter - sorry Fleamont are going to have a boys night. Thank you Merlin for saving me from that." Harper and Lily laughed at the betrayed looks on James and Sirius's face. James fell to his knees in front of Remus before grabbing onto his shirt and fake sobbing. "How could you do this too us, Moony?!" Sirius took his chance of using his skill of knowing how to make himself cry, which nobody knew he could do. "Woah - Pads I'm sorry mate. Didn't know you'd take it seriously." Sirius let out a loud bark like laugh before saying, "I take everything Siriusly. Anyway - it's a talent I figured out I could do, neat right?" Lily rolled her eyes at him pushing Sirius off the bed and instructing him and James to leave. "Our girls night starts now! Leave!"

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