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"Rise and shine. Come on Harper." Lily said shaking the girl awake. All of her friends had been up bright and early, despite their horrible headaches due to their hangovers, just so they can figure out what the first task would be. "No." Harper deadpanned making the boys all laugh. Eventually, Remus just pulled out and her wand and yelled "Augamenti!" Water splashed all over Harper which soaked Sirius's bed completely. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT FOR!" Harper screamed, getting up and tackling Remus.

"Get my wand from the nightstand Sirius." Sirius didn't move - knowing she would hex the lycanthrope - making her scowl at him. "You're lucky this time." James used a drying spell on Sirius's bed and on the Hufflepuff which she was very thankful for. "I'm gonna go change. Then want to meet up at breakfast?" Harper asked earning nods from her friends. She skipped out of the room, down the stairs, and out of the portrait. The halls were empty as it was early in the morning but one person sat reading a book. "Hi Snape."

The boy looked up and gave a nod towards the girl making her question him. "Are you alright?" He seemed taken back by the question, she disliked him for calling her friend a 'mud-blood' so why was she being so nice now? "Uh yeah. What do you want?" Harper shook her head before walking off down the stairs and towards her common room. Walking inside, it seemed as though all of Hufflepuff was waiting for the girl to get back so they can congratulate her. "GIVE IT UP FOR ROSSI!" Finch-Fletchely yelled making the room cheer. Waving hello and thanking everyone, it took a while before Harper could sneak away into her room.

Sighing, she cleaned up her corner of the room that was a mess due to her hurrying to get to the party yesterday. She pulled on some black leggings, the band t-shirt Marlene got her, and a pair of sneakers before tying her hair up into a ponytail. Luckily,
nobody seemed to notice the girl as she walked out and too the Great Hall. "Hello, Harper. Zis iz a beautiful day!" Estelle said hurrying up to walk next to the girl with a bright smile on her face. "Yeah. It is." The two girls walked into the Great Hall but when Harper went to walk to the Gryffindor table, Estelle pulled her to the Hufflepuff table. "I'm actually gonna sit with my friends today."

Estelle put on a smile before waving goodbye and glaring at Harper's friends. "Bloody hell, she's a nightmare!" James said before shoving 4 pieces of bacon into his mouth, causing him to start choking and Lily having to help him out. "She's nice. Rather clingy though." Harper said sitting next to Marlene and Sirius. Marlene and Dorcas both let out a snort making everyone turn to them, "What did you two do?" Both girls broke out into laughter making all of Gryffindor turn to look at what was so funny but when they found nothing, they returned back to their conversations. "W-we threatened the veela yesterday. She's like planning to steal Ms.Rossi and make her Mrs.Annette."

This caused everyone to start laughing besides Sirius who stayed quiet. "Sirius, you know that's not gonna happen right? I love YOU." Harper said looking at the boy. Nodding, he smiled and returned to eating his breakfast. The boys seemed very excited today putting the girls on edge. "Just tell us!" Lily finally broke out making Peter jump. "Wait.. 5..4..3..2.." BANG! Screams rang from the Slytherins. The 4 boys had planted these muggle things called 'fire-crackers' - supplied by Mr.Lupin - under the Slytherin table and they charmed them to be 10x louder then they actually are.

All other houses broke out in laughter as the Slytherins were either ducking under the table, running out the room, or fighting with one another. "How do you do it?!" Marlene asked, absolutely amazed by the boys agility.  "Well, Mckinnon, the boys and I have decided you three are trustworthy enough to know. Prongs here, owns an invisibility cloak while Moony here has created this masterpiece." Sirius explained sliding the map into Marlenes hands. "Black! Potter! Lupin! Pettigrew! My classroom now!" Mcgonagall yelled walking out. "Minnie calls ladies, see you in the library." James waved goodbye.

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