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The next few months were dull, nothing interesting happened much for the group of friends. Regulus was out of the hospital wing and was fully healed. His parents wanted Sirius expelled but Dumbledore very much disagreed. More murders have gone down but not much was heard about it due to the fact everyone was incredibly stressed with NEWTS. The group only had one test left and they were leaving Hogwarts till next year.

"Come on, Mckinnon! Ask your parents. We have the whole beach house to ourselves." James begged her. She shook her head but said, "fine. I'll ask. They'll say no I guarantee!" The seemed to satisfy James so he shut his mouth. "Are you ready for our last exam? Luckily it's only Transfiguration." Lily skipped to the room where it would be held. Sirius scowled at her since he was already annoyed with all the exams. "No Evans. I'm ready to be done with these bloody exams!"

Luckily, all of the friends except for Peter passed their apparition test. Walking into the room, desks were spread out so they couldn't cheat. "Good luck baby." Harper said kissing his her boyfriends cheek. He smiled at her and walked to the desk next to James. The exam was rather easy for them all except for Peter who couldn't turn a shoe into a cup fully, it still had the heel and velvet feeling. "Alright! That's all your exams done. Enjoy." Professor Mcgonagall yelled but it didn't sound like herself. As everyone piled out, Harper walked up to her professors desk.

"How can I help you, Ms.Rossi?" A monotone expression was across her face as she spoke making Harper more nervous. "Are you alright, Minnie?" Mcgonagall seemed a bit taken back by the question, never having a student care as much to ask. She let out a smile grin and nodded. "Yes. Just so much to do! Triwizard tournament next year, grading, and all." Harper nodded and said "I hope you have a good summer." Waving goodbye, she walked out to see her friends curiously waiting.

"What took so long? Are you SNOGGING Minnie?" James said with wide eyes. Lily and Remus both slapped his head making him cry out. "Come on, we have packing too do. Oh cheer up Wormtail!" Remus said comforting the smaller boy. Marlene cackled at the state of her girlfriend passing, "Meadows, you look like your exams went fun! See you later?" Dorcas smiled weakly before running off back to that bitch, Mary Macdonald. Mary was scowling at Lily again and Harper stuck her middle finger up at her. "Fuck off, Macdonald."

Separating from the group, Harper walked down to the Hufflepuff's room. She bumped into Amos on the way so they walked together. "Got plans for the summer?" He asked. "Yeah, staying at Potter's beach house with my friends. He invited me, Sirius, and Lily to the Quidditch cup too. Exciting isn't it?" She asked barely containing herself. "Yeah. I'm actually going too, so I'll see you there." Harper smiled before telling the password so they can enter to common room. "Want to come help me pack?" She asked.

He nodded and followed her up to her room. Plopping down on her bed, he pulled her trunk out from under the bed. "Why don't you just use magic like the rest of us to pack?" Harper rolled her eyes at the impatient boy and let out a laugh. "How will I know how to do anything if I use magic all the time?" He smiled at her and stood up to hug her. "I'm glad we're still friends. I'll never forgive myself for what I did but I'm glad you don't hate me anymore." She let out a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding and let out a grin. "I'm glad too, Diggory."

The two friends talked for a bit until Amos said they should go to the Great Hall for the last feast. He'd be leaving this year since he was a year older making Harper's heart hurt for her friend. She loved him for so long, it was hard to just not care for him anymore. She wasn't IN love with him but she did still love him. He locked her trunk for her and they walked to the great hall together. "Are you going to sit with your friends." He asked as they approached the Great Hall.

She shook her head to say no. "Final meals are meant to be spent with your house. I thought we could eat together since it's your last year." He smiled down at her and they walked into the room. Her friends waved hello to her but gave Amos warning looks. He gulped but directed her too the seats where they'd remain. Students piled into the hall for the delicious dinner till next year or it would be there last. As everyone was there, Dumbledore approached the front.

"The end of another year. I won't bore you with the long speech as I know we are all starved. The house cup points are to be awarded still. In 4th place, with a record of having the lowest points that Hogwarts has ever seen, Gryffindor with -1205 points!" The Gryffindor table cheered with excitement, especially the Marauders. "Yes, yes it's great. Next, Slytherin with 320 points. Second, is Ravenclaw with 345 points. That leaves, Hufflepuff with 400 points! Hufflepuff wins!"

The Hufflepuff table screamed with joy as they had finally got a chance to shine. Gryffindor won the house cup against Ravenclaw, which was not much of a shocker. Harper hugged Amos and the girl next to her as she was so excited to finally show that Hufflepuffs were a force to reckoned with. "Yes, yes congratulations Hufflepuff! Now, I know I'm hungry so let the feast begin!" Delicious food piled over the table making Harper's mouth water. She took some macaroni, vegetables, chicken, and whatever else she could shove onto her plate

"Slow down there, Rossi!" Amos laughed at her. She smiled before shoving a spoonful of macaroni into her mouth and doing a small victory dance. The rest of dinner was peaceful until explosions were heard. Harper looked around to spot everyone had been covered in Red & Gold pain except her, Marlene, Lily, and the Marauders. "See ya next year Hogwarts!" James yelled laughing his ass off. "Merlin!" Harper yelled looking to see Amos covered from head to toe.

She giggled at him making him scowl back. "Your friends are bloody gits. I'm gonna miss the pranks sort of though." Harper slapped his back, covering her hand in red and gold and smeared it across her cheeks. Rolling his eyes at her - the two continued to eat their dinner that had been successfully saved from the coloring. The boys were scolded at by Mcgonagall but she couldn't do much due to the fact it was the last day. Sirius smiled at his girlfriend making her blush and wave in greeting.

Dinner ended, meaning that it was almost time to leave Hogwarts. 'Tomorrow' she thought sadly. Lily came running up to her friend and cried into her shoulder. "Oh how I'll miss this place until we come back!" Marlene tried to stifle her laugh but failed as Lily full on sobbed. "I-I'm sorry but this is hilarious. We'll be back in no time, Evans." James pulled his girlfriend away from the loving embrace of her best friend. "Alright Evans?" He asked smiling at her. She wiped her tears then nodded at him.

"Alright! Your sleeping in our dorm, yeah?" Sirius asked wrapping his arm around his girlfriend. "No, love. I'm gonna stay in my dorm. You know, cause it's the last day." Sirius nodded before waving goodbye to his departing friends. "Where are you going?" Peter and Remus called to him. "Sleeping in the Hufflepuff dorm. Duh" Harper laughed before instructing him to bring his trunk to her room so he wouldn't have to run all the way to the Gryffindor tower in the morning.

She waited only a little bit before Sirius's smiling face came into the room. "Fancy seeing you here beautiful!" She giggled before he pushed her back onto the bed. "I love you Sirius Orion Black." He kissed her passionately before saying "and I love you Harper Ravenclaw Rossi." He kissed down her chest before taking her pants off. They closed the blinds and used a silencing spell incase there roommates came into the room for sleep or to pack up their trunks.

The couple made love for an hour before they both were to tired to go another round. "Goodnight baby." She whispered as he laid down on her chest. "Goodnight, il mio amore."

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