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When Harper woke up, she was not in Dumbledore's office like she initially had been - but was in the Marauders dorm surrounded by her friends. They'd all looked as if they'd just woken up. Harper sat up in Sirius's bed and received looks of pity making her question, then the night has flooded back along with the news of her deceased mother. Harper felt the familiar feeling of pain in her heart before letting out a sob. "I'm so sorry, Harper." Lily began to cry, pulling the girl into a hug as the others followed suit. It was a few moments of hugging eachother until Harper finally felt like she could speak. "Thanks guys.. Aren't we supposed to be going to the train?" James shot over to his bed and pulled up a trunk that was Harper's and nodded. "Mom and dad are waiting for us."

Harper stood up and asked if she could use their bathroom to get ready. "No, you can't. Harper did you really just bloody ask that?" Remus asked with a smile on his face before pointing to the bathroom. Harper grabbed the clothes that Marlene had pulled out for her and pulled herself into the bathroom. She felt positively dreadful but knew better then to let her friends see the weak side of her. She had a lot to worry about: the tournament, NEWTS, and the summer quest with Regulus. As she pulled on her jeans, a knock came at the door before it opened to show Sirius. "Sit." He pointed to the toilet. She listened to the boy making him let out a laugh. "Such a good girl." He grabbed a hairbrush and a ponytail holder before brushing her hair back. "I'm not incapable of brushing my hair, Black." She let out a laugh that seemed to fake.

"I know, you're just going through some shit and I want to be there for you." Finishing her hair, Harper began to cry again before wrapping her arms around the boy. "I wish I didn't storm out and treat her horribly last time I saw her.." The boy didn't know what to say as he'd never had a good relationship with his deranged parents. He kissed her forehhead and rubbed her back before whispering, "She loved you. You loved her. And I love you." She let out a shaky breath and wiped the tears from her eyes before retreating out of the bathroom. "Alright, Rossi?" Marlene asked her earning a kick in the shin from Lily, knowing it was an insensitive question. "Never better." The friends all pulled her into a hug once more, knowing she was obviously broken up about the death, but she didn't let herself cry again. "Come on before we miss the carriages."

It was a comfortable silence as the Gryffindors and Hufflepuff walked down to leave Hogwarts, missing breakfast. Part of her wished that she would be staying at the school but the other part was more then excited to see her other parents: the Potters. Remus helped her into the carriage before letting everyone else on as he said, "Queen Rossi deserves to be first." A real laugh escaped from Harper at the words which was a relief to all that surrounded her. The ride to the train was filled with conversation surrounding the newly engaged couple. "Ah yes - when will this be hosted? I'm a very busy man, no time. I guess I can make an exception for Prongs here though." Sirius said checking his non-existent watch. "Piss off, Pads - you're my best man! Sorry Moony and Wormtail, you'll be my other men." Peter seemed satisfied with that answer as did Remus.

"I always thought it'd be Prongs and Pads getting married - not Prongs and his Lily-Flower." Peter laughed, staring out the window. This seemed to get Sirius riled up as he went on for the rest of the ride about how his dearly beloved lover would be choosing the girl over him again. "She's a GINGER. You bloody weirdo." He grumbled before stepping out of the carriage and making his way towards the train. "You'll always have Harper." Marlene shrugged before running off to find her girlfriend. "You okay? You're quiet there." Remus nudged Harper who snapped out of her thoughts and nodded. "Oou and we can open our presents on the train!" James giggled before running onto the train, pushing a group of first years out of the way. "Oh! Creevey! Happy Christmas, little one." Harper smiled before pulling the extremely small boy into a hug. "You too Harper! Hey I saw about your mom in the prophet.. Sorry for your loss."

Shaking it off, Harper waved goodbye before following her friends into an empty compartment. They instantly dove into their presents which were all incredibly cool but none where as cool as Regulus's gift. Everyone agreed as they pulled it out and let the room fall into darkness as the night sky shot onto the train ceiling. Watching the sky seemed peaceful to everyone but Harper's mind was full of tenseness and fear as her mind thought of her mother. Sirius noticed and went to ask if she was alright but before he could, a knock came on the door making everyone jump. The compartment door slid open and in walked Regulus who smiled and said, "Glad you all like the gift. Harper, can I talk to you?" The girl nodded and followed him out of the compartment into an empty one next door. "What's wrong?" She asked as she noticed the boys sad face. "I'm so sorry about your mother, it was the Dark Lord. That's why the git Lucius came late - they were celebrating."

Rage flowed through the Hufflepuff girl's veins at the thought of others celebrating her mother's death. "She's a pureblood. W-why'd they do it?" Harper asked before taking a seat next to the boy. "She refused to.. become one of us." Harper felt a bit better at the thought of her mother not being a Death Eater but still felt horrible at her death. She nodded her head and let a tear slip down her face which Regulus wiped away. "That's not exactly what I wanted to discuss. I know how to get the horcrux.. Kreacher was given to the Dark Lord as test subject practically and I ordered him to tell me what they did." Harper's mood changed drastically as she pulled him to a hug, "This is amazing Reg! Oh Merlin, we're gonna destroy it and go for the next one." The boy played with his fingers with a worried look on his face. "Bee, I don't t-think you should come."

The girl looked at him and let out a bark like laugh making the boy jump. "Funny. I'm coming wether you like it or not. I'm not letting my brother die without me doing everything I can to save him." Regulus smiled at her before laughing along - they both laughed for what seemed like forever. "I have to get back to the compartment before those gits come-" On cue, the door slid open but luckily, it was only Sirius. "Harper, save me from them." She let out a giggle before standing up and hugging Regulus once more. "Come in our compartment if you want. I'm sure James will hide you under his cloak." Sirius said the boy who looked at him confused. "He has an invisibility cloak?!" Realizing what he had said, Sirius slapped his hand over his mouth and went wide-eyed. "It's only Regulus, he won't tell. Bye Reg, talk to me over the mirror."

Returning back to the compartment, it was completely trashed. James and Lily had been gone on Head Boy/Girl duties which left Marlene who'd joined them, Remus, and Peter alone who were on an energy surge. "CHOCOLATE!" Remus screamed before shoving some into Harper's mouth - which she very much enjoyed the taste of. "Thanks, uh are you all ok?" Harper said chewing but felt the energy hit her like a bus too. "These are definitely spiked." Marlene laughed uncontrollably as Sirius watched the scene unfold. "I want some." He pouted before stealing a bite of Peter's who kicked him in the leg. "Wormtail! That's not- MERLINS BEARD THIS IS GOOD!" Sirius shouted before stealing the whole pierce from Peter who cried out. Harper had completely forgotten her worries as she enjoyed the feeling of pure bliss with her friends.

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