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Harper woke up 3 days after the attack to her friends all asleep by her bedside. She sat up but groaned at the pain that coursed through her body. "How are you feeling dear?" Madam Pomfrey said handing her a potion. "Like I was hit by the Knight Bus." She downed the potion and laid back down. "These kids.. They all refused to leave even after they were threatened with a months worth of detention. Professor Dumbledore of course let them stay in the end."

Harper smiled as she saw her friends sleeping figures next to her. "Rest now dear." She said before walking to check on another patient. Peter woke up and smiled at her. He went to wake the others but she stopped them, "Let them sleep. Merlin knows how much they've slept while in here." He nodded and looked around to make sure nobody was listening. "That Snape got -50 points from slytherin and detention for the next week. The git got lucky with that and got lucky that Sirius is under lock down in here."

She looked over to her sleeping boyfriend who looked like he hadn't slept in a year. She brushed his hair out his face and kissed his forehead. "Go back to sleep, Rossi. We'll be here when you wake up." Peter smiled at her. She nodded and closed her eyes. It took a while before she finally passed out. Peter watched her fall asleep as worry filled him up. She was one of the only people who ever cared for him. What if she'd died? He laid back down and fell asleep.

The next morning, she woke up to see her friends talking. "Damn. It's like I'm not even here." She smiled at them. They all turned to her and all piled into a hug. "You've finally woken up! I thought I'd have to pour water on you." Marlene smiled at her. "I actually woke up last night, right Pete? I didn't wake anyone since you all looked like you needed the rest." James hugged her tight again. "I thought I lost my little sister." Harper weakly grinned and turned to her boyfriend.

Sirius looked exhausted but was extremely happy she woke up. He kissed her lightly and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. "Don't fucking do that again, Harper Hippogriff Rossi." His happy face turned into a firm one. She nodded and turned to all her friends, "Go shower and get to class." They fought her on leaving but ended up losing. With Harper, you most likely aren't going to win. They waved goodbye and left, all but one.

Remus stood next to her and held her hand. "Harper.. I was so scared." He cried. She patted the bed meaning for him to lay down next to her. He got the memo and did as told. "Listen Rem, you can't get rid of me THAT fast." He smiled and wiped his tears away from his face. "I'm glad. I wouldn't want too anyway." She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder.

They talked all day until Pomfrey came over. "Alright Mr.Lupin, she's free to leave. Be careful with yourself alright Ms.Rossi? Everyone should be at dinner. If you're not well, feel free to return." Harper nodded as Remus helped her up. They walked the Great Hall but Harper hesitated before going inside. "What's wrong?" Remus asked. She took a deep breath and turned to him. "Don't want all the attention."

Remus rolled his eyes and opened the doors. All eyes snapped up to Harper and Remus as they walked to the Gryffindor table. "I didn't know you were getting out today, darling." Sirius kissed her cheek. She smiled and picked up a piece of chicken. "I'm famished." Dinner resumed and everything seemed to go back to normal. An owl swooped in which was odd since post came during breakfast. Harper noticed it was Eclipse.

Eclipse dropped the letter in front of her which earned her some treats. "Who's it from?" James asked looking over the table. She whispered to them, "Regulus." She tore the letter open and began to read it.
Dear Harper,
Harper - I am dearly sorry that I didn't stay back and help. I was so scared for you but I couldn't risk them hurting Mckinnon and Evans too. I knew you'd be heartbroken if anything happened to them so I did what I thought was best. I hope you aren't mad at me and can forgive me for what happened. I adore and love you like a sister.. Hope your well and pain-free. See you soon.
From, Regulus Black

She set down the letter and casually looked around so that it wouldn't be obvious she was looking for Reg. Their eyes met and she nodded at him which made a wave of relief wash over him. Guilt was all Regulus felt lately after the incident. He never wanted anyone to hurt Harper or his brother. He shrugged it off and returned back to his conversation with Lucius.

Lily gasped as she read the Daily Prophet, "The Dark Lord killed another family. He's getting worse." The group went quiet as James went on a rant. "Snivellous, Malfoy, and Lestrange have to be apart of his twisted games. I cant wait till I become an auror and kill this motherfucker." The friendgroup mostly worried for Lily since she was a muggleborn so naturally, James was the most protective. "Everything in our lives have been going pretty shot lately."

The whole group looked up at Peter who had been only talkative lately. "You're right, Wormy. It has. This is why, Harper's birthday is what we have to look forward too. A day of fun is just what we need, yeah?" Remus encouraged the small boy. Peter grinned greatfully at the boy and continued eating. Harper felt embarrassed that they were all planning this huge thing for her but it felt good that everyone was looking forward too it.

"I love you, darling." Sirius whispered in her ear before standing up and walking out with the boys. "Where are they going?" She frowned. Marlene smirked and said, "Don't worry about. Come on, you have a lot of make-up work. You can copy off me though." Lily went to argue but was cut off by Dorcas. "Come on Evans, she's missed 4 days of class!" That made Lily agree but she still wasn't happy with her cheating.

The 4 girls walked to the library but stayed on high alert incase any Slytherin's popped up. Luckily, they made it safe and worked till closing. "Ugh I still have a whole essay for Charms!" Harper cried sitting down in the Hufflepuff common room. "I'll help you ok? Just because we're not in the library doesn't mean we can't work." Lily said rubbing her back. Marlene groaned and stood up. "I'm out of here, no more work for me. Come on Meadows."

Dorcas and Marlene left after scaring a first year which made Harper and Lily roll their eyes. "Hey, sorry about her. She's kinda a bitch sometimes." Harper crouched down in front of the little boy. He smiled up at her and said "You're really pretty." She smiled and helped him pick his books up. She walked back over to where Lily was but she was grinning at her. "What, Evans?"

Lily laughed, "You just would make a really
good mother one day." Harper blushed and started working on her charms essay. Lily fell asleep on the couch as she worked making the room feel lonely. After finishing her essay, she crawled up onto the couch and laid her head down the other way from Lily. She started thinking about her father. He wouldn't ever get to meet her kids or Sirius. Her friends wouldn't get too meet the person she strived to be like and the person she loved most.

Brushing the thought aside, she fell asleep.

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