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During dinner, Harper had become extremely distracted at the fact Estelle kept trying to get her attention - much to Sirius's annoyance. "Harp, you know what really confuses me.." Lily said gaining everyone's full attention. "Estelle is a Veela, yes? So why had her veela powers not worked on you?" Remus's seemed to become more involved as he looked anxious for an answer. "I-I'm not sure. I mean I've felt it happen before. Like my heart races and my palms get sweaty. Just when it comes down to it, nothing happens I guess." Sirius's mind began to race of thoughts like 'what if she falls for it? what if the bitch steals her? i cant lose her..' James shrugged before saying "Ask Dumbledore. He knows everything. Anyway tomorrow we have OOTP meaning."

The conversation soon changed to what they'd be going over in the meeting before Estelle walked over to the table. "Can I zpeak to you?" Standing up, Marlene took her wand out and placed it under her chin. "Didn't have enough from before, Annette?" The girl began to shake before walking off in fear and anger. "Nice one, Mckinnon."Peter said before chomping down on the food in front of him. Harper saw Narcissa leaving so she told Sirius it was time to go. "Going to hell now, guys. Bye!" He said to their friends before picking up Harper's books and walking with her. The walk was pleasantly silent for a while until Sirius brought up the Tournament. "Did you do any research on the note, pet?" She shook her head no and turned down the corridor to see Peeves.

He was taunting a bunch of 2nd year Ravenclaws which made Harper's skin crawl. "No - he hasn't seen us Harper, come on let's go the other way." Directing her downstairs to the dungeons, they passed Mike Chang who waved to them before running off to his friends. Harper knocked on the door which opened right away to show Narcissa Black, "Hello Rossi! Sirius." The boy looked as excited as she did to see her, "Sorry, he's wanted to stay with me. Shall we sit down and work?" The girl nodded before leading the two to the couches where they began to label their work. Many Slytherins that walked through the common room gave the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor looks of disgust but only earned two middle fingers back from Sirius. "Sorry, they obviously don't enjoy this." Narcissa giggled making Harper do it too.

"It's ok, hey this one is wrong." Harper pointed out making Narcissa groan and fall back onto the couch. "I'm rubbish at this class." Sirius made a funny noise which made both girls look up to see Regulus and Lucius walk in. Harper's palms began to clam up but she just finished labeling and writing the use for her knotgrass. Sirius seemed to find interest in sitting upside down in his chair and reading some book about Defense Against the Dark Arts, much to the humor of them being in the room with becoming-death eaters. Regulus sat down next to Narcissa while Lucius walked up to his room, scowling about something. "What are you two doing here? Are you mental! He was going to jinx you." Sirius let out a laugh before sitting up-right and saying, "Yeah okay, is if I wouldn't do it back. I'm Sirius Orion bloody Black."

Harper let out a laugh before finishing her last label. "Finally! Here Cis, you can copy." Regulus turned to the girl after looking around and pulled her into a hug, "I've missed you. Want to go on a walk tonight?" Nodding, she grabbed her work back from Narcissa. "Thanks Rossi. Have you figured out the next task? I know Viktor has." Feeling her heart drop to the ground, Harper felt nervous that even though she still had Christmas and New Years, plus additional months - he'd found out the task. Who's to say Estelle hadn't done it too? "No, I'll start trying to work on it tonight. Come on Black Brothers." She said before hugging Narcissa and bidding her goodnight. The three walked in silence upstairs before Sirius whispered, "Be careful love. Here I'll take your books. Take care of my girlfriend, Reggie." Regulus rolled his eyes at the nickname which was a new move but nodded.

The girl and younger boy walked out of the castle to stare at the stars in the night sky. "Beautiful isn't?" He whispered before linking their arms and walking on. "Yeah.. Reg how are you doing on the horcrux?" The boy tensed at the topic but didn't speak for a few minutes. "It's dangerous. I'm doing it this summer. I promised myself.. But Harper I wanted to give you something." Pulling out a small rectangular box, Harper's heart lept. "Christmas isn't for another week, Regulus." He laughed at her before embracing her once more. "Not a Christmas gift, doll. This is a remember me gift in case anything happens ever. I got my mirror back by the way, so I'm expecting to hear from you. Now enough talk, take it." Her eyes filled with tears at the thought of the young boy thinking he weren't going to survive. He was like her younger brother. Taking the box out of his hand, she opened it up.

Inside lay a ring and a small tape recorder. Gasping, she picked the ring up placed it on her right ring finger. On it read, "To the one person who ever really cared for me." It was gold but had an emerald on it making her gasp and cry. "R-Regulus please. Why..Why t-these gifts for y-y-you dying?" He laid down on the grass and patted the spot next to him before breaking down into sobs. "I l-love you Harper. You're l-l-like my o-older sister. Don't lis-listen to the recording un-until.." Harper laid her head on his chest and they both sobbed into one another. "Don't forget me." She broke down more making him sit up and wrap his arms tightly around her. "I'd never Regulus Arcturus Black. Don't go through with this. Please Reggie." The boy shook his head and said, "I have to Harper.. I love you so much Bee."

Regulus was the only other person who called her Bee besides her parents. Her dad was gone and in a way, so was her mom, so when she lost Regulus it would be like a blow to the heart she couldn't fathom. "Stay with me and Sirius.. Please Regulus I'll get you out of this. One way or another.." Helping her up, he walked up to the castle while she sobbed next to him. "Stop crying, Harper. Sirius will kill me." She let out a laugh before wiping her tears and hugging him once more. "Make more time to see me." She whispered. He let out a sob before saying,
"That'll make it hurt more, Rossi." Wrapping his
arms around her waist once more, he left her alone in front of the Gryffindor portrait. "Password, dear?" The Fat Lady said not caring Harper was a Hufflepuff, she let her in without the password as she saw what just happened.

The girl stumbled into the common room where her friends sat alone gathered by the fire. She fell onto the floor in tears making her friends turn to her. "Harper?!" Remus yelled before rushing off to comfort her before anyone else could. "H-He's gonna bloody ki-kill himself doing thi-this.." Sirius was the only person who understood what she was talking about which made him stumble back. "Pads? What's she talking about?" James asked helping the boy stand up straight. Marlene and Lily helped the sobbing girl to the couch before Sirius told them all what was going on. Harper then went onto tell them the story as Peter stood shocked looking at the beautiful ring Regulus had given her. "Harper.." Lily cried into her shoulder followed by Sirius who dropped to his knees next to her. "We can help him okay? We're gonna help him. Look at me, love." Tears swelled in his eyes as he spoke.

The rest of the night was trying to find out ways to get Regulus out of the death eaters but deep down, they all knew that it wouldn't happen. "For Merlin's sake, there has to be a way." James slammed his hands onto the table making everyone jump. Marlene rubbed Sirius's back who was shaking violently. "I'm going with him this summer. None of you are stopping me." Harper finally concluded standing up. "Oh the hell you are." Sirius roared standing up and getting into Harper's face. "Watch me." She growled before tasking the box Regulus have her and stomping off. "I don't get how she's a Hufflepuff. Like at all." James joked earning glares from his friends. "She's damn near insane if she think's I'm just gonna let her go and kill herself along with him. He's got himself into this as much as I hate to say it." Marlene turned a shocked expression to the boy.

"Sirius Orion Black. You must be joking. You don't 'let her go.' She does what she wants - no man can tell her she can or can't. Remember that. Off to bed. All off you." Nobody dared cross the girl when she was mad, so they all stalked off to bed besides the one boy. The two stated angrily into each others eyes before he walked off into his bedroom, slamming the door, and looking around to his friends. "He's a fucking idiot. She is too.." Sirius whispered before falling to the ground in tears. All the boys sat next to him and leaned against him. "He's done this. He got himself into the death eaters shit. She's going along with it. She's not gonna focus on the task coming up either. I can't lose her.. I can't lose my little brother either. Reggie why.." He cried into Remus's shoulder as Peter rubbed his back. "Prongs.. Moony?" Sirius looked up.

He had thought he was leaning on James but when he looked up - it was Remus. James began to play a song on Sirius's record player that always calmed the boy down. "Listen, it's been a shit day for you. Let's get some sleep?" Peter suggested before Remus helped the poor boy over to his bed. The Marauders crawled into their beds and listened to the song play while falling asleep. Harper on the other hand was listening to her own sobbing, outside, in the Forbidden Forest. "I can't do this without you dad.." She whispered before falling asleep in the dead leaves that covered the ground.

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