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The next morning, Harper woke up earlier the anyone in her dorm. She snuck off to take a shower before Sirius could wake up and make her stay in bed till the last second with him. She got ready for the day; washed & brushed her hair, did her makeup, and made sure everything was packed. "Rise and shine, Black. Come on we've got to get to the train. Girls you too!" She yelled to her roommates. Earning groans back from the girls, Sirius seemed the only one to be happy to wake up.

He kissed her head and went into the bathroom to make sure his hair looked nice and so he could change. "Come on Sirius! We have to go. They're all probably waiting for us." Harper complained waiting for the boy after 30 minutes. All the girls had become to annoyed that he was taking so long, so they used another bathroom. "Damn, they left cause of me?" He laughed at the empty beds. She rolled her trunk out of the room as he followed her, still laughing his ass off.

"It's really not that funny!" She rolled her eyes at the boy. They reached the front of the school where their friends waited for them. "About bloody time. Thought we'd miss the train!" Marlene barked at them. Lily and Remus let out apologetic smiles while Marlene glared at them. "What's up your fucking ass, Mckinnon?" Harper crossed her arms. James could sense that it would turn out well, so he announced to them all that it was time to leave. "Come on. Bye Hogwarts. See you next year!" Peter squeaked.

The group fell into awkward silence as Marlene seemed to be in a shitty mood. "Bloody hell, I'll sit in another compartment when we get there if you all are gonna act like this." Sirius scoffed at her making everyone cringe. 'Merlin, someone's gonna die.' Harper thought to herself. Lily tensed as Marlene slapped Sirius in the face. "What the fuck, Marlene! Merlin, maybe you should sit in another fucking compartment." Harper screamed at her.

The rest of the way to the train station was tense until they arrived. The group filed into the compartment they usually sat in, minus a certain someone. "Bloody hell, I thought she'd kill us all." Remus shuddered at the thought. Everyone laughed but fell into silence again. "Evans? Do you know..?" Sirius asked rubbing his cheek that Marlene had slapped. "Well um.. She and Dorcas got into a fight about something.. She cheated on her and is super stressed about it."

Harper's jaw fell open at her friends words. Marlene adored her girlfriend, how could she do that? I guess James didn't find that too be a good enough reason as he ranted to them. "Wow. So she acts like a total git to her friends? Merlin, she SLAPPED Sirius! She even yelled at them for being a few minutes behind. I get shes upset but she should've come to us. We could've helped." The compartment door slid open and there stood a grinning Marlene.

"We're fine. She forgave me!" The group gaped at the mood swings of their friend. "No. You don't just get to do that Mars. Listen, you've been my best friend but you slap Sirius, scream at Harper for being late, and before these two got there: you tossed Remus's book into the fireplace!" Lily screamed making James rub her back soothingly. "I-I'm sorry." Marlene said dumbfounded. That seemed to work Remus up because he started yelling aswell, "You're always sorry, Marlene. No you need to change the way you act to us."

Harper laid her head in Sirius's lap, not wanting to be apart of the screaming match going on. Sirius and James were pulled into it as Peter observed as well. "Fine. I'm not coming to your beach house then, Potter. See you all next bloody year." She said slamming the door. Tension swarmed the room making them all burst into uncomfortable laughter. "Come on, let's enjoy the ride home." James said breaking out some wizard's chess.

Harper fell asleep on Sirius's lap while James and Peter played chess, Remus read a book, and Lily engaged in a conversations about the muggle world to Sirius. The ride home was rather peaceful and filled with joy which was unexpected. The friends filed out the train exchanging goodbyes until the next two days when they'd all meet at James's house to go to the shore house. The Potter's met Harper, James, and Sirius exchanging them all in strong hugs. "How we've missed you Harper. Boys.. Not so much." Euphemia smiled.

"That's a lie. She hasn't stopped talking to the picture, Ms.Rossi got us." Fleamont whispered earning laughs from each boy. "Come on let's go home." The apparated home and ran inside to the kitchen. "I'm so happy to be home!" James yelled stealing some cookies Euphiema had made. Sirius took some too and shoved one into Harper's mouth. Fleamont smirked at the two, "Am I going to be a grandfather one day to your baby? NAME IT FLEAMONT!" Sirius attempted to tackle him but was taken down instantly.

"Get em dad!" James yelled making Euphemia roll her eyes at them. "Harper dear, let's go drink some tea in the garden eh? We can discuss you naming your child Euphemia." Sirius turned to her but knew better then to attempt to tackle her. She'd take him down without hesitation. Queen shit, right? Harper nodded and walked outside with Euphiema to the garden hut where Sirius confessed his love to her. She pulled up chairs for the two and used her wand to pour the tea into their cups. "Here, darling." She smiled handing Harper the cup.

"So, what's up? Are you ok?" Harper asked taking Euphiemas hand into hers. "Well.. I'm quite scared Harper. Fleamont and I are pretty old for parents, as you can see. It took us some time to conceive and just as we were going to give up, James was blessed upon us. I'm scared that we're going to die before James ever gets to live his life.. He brought Sirius into our lives and he's become a son to us aswell. So I'm asking you something now Harper. Take care of my boys ok? When I'm gone.."

Euphemia began crying which triggered Harper too also. "Of course.. Anything. You're gonna stick around ok?" She said pulling her into a hug and crying more. "You're like my first daughter.. I truly am grateful and love you for it." Harper pulled herself away and look her in the eye. "I love you too, and I'm so grateful you took me in.." The girls laughed at themselves before finishing their tea with light hearted conversation.

Finishing up, the girls cleaned up and went inside just after dark. When they arrived inside, they noticed that their was dinner on the table with three smiling men sat waiting. "What the bloody hell took you so long?" James joked earning a scolding for his use of language. "This is nice. Yeah, ice cream and macaroni and cheese for dinner." Harper giggled. "It was hard work! Be grateful we cooked." Sirius pouted. Euphemia looked at him not sure if he was joking or not.

"Sit and eat! We have two days before our children leave for another month and a half. You kids are coming back after the cup right?" Fleamont asked. James nodded before shoving some ice cream into his mouth and doing a victory dance. "I actually was sent a record by Andromeda, mind if I put it on?" Sirius grinned. Fleamont nodded making Sirius run up to his room and back down to put the record on. It turned out to be Queen, which made Harper squeal. Her favorite song was Killer Queen but she also loved Good Old Fashion Lover-Boy.

When GOFLB came on, Euphemia and Fleamont got up and danced together. Sirius watched the two and admired the love they had for one another. Holding out a hand to Harper, James pulled her up and danced with her. "When you and Sirius get married, I want to dance to this song with my sister-in-law!" Harper laughed before slapping his chest and twirling. "Stop flirting with my girlfriend!" Sirius yelled smiling at his mate. "No, shes MINE now." James laughed before picking Harper up over his shoulder and ran upstairs.

"PUT ME DOWNNNNN!" Harper giggled while thrashing her body around. "I'm coming for you, Harper Gryffindor Rossi!" She heard Sirius call. James threw her on his bed and waited for Sirius to come in. Sirius burst through the door and tackled his best mate. "Wait, if you get Rossi does that mean I get your precious Lily-flower?" James flipped him over before punching him lightly. "I get BOTH!" Harper watched the two boys roughhouse before yawning. "Tired, Mrs.Black?" James asked sitting next to her.

"Yeah.. Also worried about Mars." The room fell into silence as they thought of how everything ended with the blonde-headed girl. "It'll be fine. I'll owl her and tell her to come. Bloody hell, Harper way to kill this vibes!" Sirius tickled her making her scream. "I'm sorry pleaseeee stop!" James kicked the two out flaming he wanted to sleep but they knew he'd be wanking to pictures of Lily probably. "Night brother." Sirius said hugging him.

"Night Mr. and Mrs. Black." James said closing his door as they walked out. Harper walked to their shared room and started talking her clothes off. Sirius walked behind her, kissing her neck. "Not right now love. Tired." She smiled. He nodded and helped her pull on some clothes. He then got changed into his own clothes before collapsing next to her on the bed. "Soon enough, we'll be at the cabin and we can shag without parents behind around." Harper cackled before turning around to sleep. He pulled her close, spooning her before kissing her goodnight.

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