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Euphemia had sent a dress over for Harper as she asked for her to make it a surprise: color and all much to Euphemia's delight. Harper hadn't dared look at it until the day of the ball as she wanted to be surprised. She'd found out her and Sirius would have to dance together in the beginning as a way to show of the winners - making her stomach turn. Christmas day came and she woke up that morning with a splitting headache that "Moomy" (as Sirius and James called him) took care of it for them all. Harper giggled as she felt the relief and waited for Marlene to awake so the girls could run off to the bathroom that was in the room, and get ready. "Hey, Ill be right back. I want to go see Regulus." Harper yawned getting up making Sirius groan at the loss of the girl in his arms.

Harper walked out of the room, not caring her hair was a mess, and began her walk down to the Slytherin common rooms. Luckily, she didn't have to meet him there as was lurking around in the halls looking nervous as ever. "Happy Christmas Harper.." He smiled hugging her making her slap her forehead, "I forgot it's Christmas with all this stuff
going on - here.. Accio Regulus's present!" She yelled making a present zoom into her arms. He went to open it before he could she said, "I'm coming with you over the summer. Don't give me that look - I'd rather die then let you do it alone. I'm coming wether you want me to or not Reg." The boy wanted to fight her on this as he never wanted her to get hurt - but the look of determination and courage that flashed in her eyes made him think again. "Okay. It's me and you, Ms.Rossi." The girl jumped up and down before bringing him into a long hug and kissing his cheek. "We're all getting ready in the room of requirement if you'd like to join us. I see you are nervous for your date with Ms.Zabini, yes?" Harper joked making the boy blush.

"Shut up." Harper let out a laugh before hugging the boy once again and whispering, "Talk to me over that mirror when we leave Hogwarts for the rest of break. No excuses! Now here's your gift" The boy rolled his eyes over the fact she'd got him something but knew better then to argue with her. He took the small box that was green and black, opened it, and a found a small ring inside of it. "To match mine." Harper smiled as he examined the ring that looked almost identical to hers but more 'boy-ish' you could say. He placed it on his finger before picking her up and spinning her around, "It's amazing!" She giggled before he placed a huge box inside her hands making her almost drop it.

"Take it to the room and open it there. Not here. I'll talk to you soon." He said growing protective and pushing her away. She looked back to see Lucius and Evan Rosier trying to come down the hall after her but Regulus protecting the girl. 'That's my brother.' She thought, struggling to carry the huge box down the hall and into the room. Remus walked out of the room of requirements and noticed the girl struggling as he came down the hall and helped her. "Lucky i'm here. I was just about to go get toast." The girl giggled as he lead her into the room and placed the box onto the floor making Marlene gasp, "What the bloody hell is THAT?!" Sirius looked at the box questioningly before going to open it, making Harper slap his hand away. "Now, now Mr.Black that's my christmas present from little Mr.Black." The boy rolled his eyes and sat back to watch her open the gift.

Everyone was awake now and ready to see what this gift was and encouraged the girl to shut up and open up the gift so they could see what it was. Obliging, she began to tear off the wrapping paper and carefully yet not carefully broke the box open. Inside was a smaller grey oval that looked boring until Harper took her wand out and pointed at it. "Revealio." The room fell into pitch black making Peter scream and the others call out for their friends. Then, it began to shake and shoot out colors onto the ceiling. "Woah." Sirius whispered as he looked at the stars in the sky, shining bright above him, making the atmosphere calm. Harper began to grin and her heart filled with joy as everyone knew she loved nothing more then astronomy. Sirius pulled the girl to sit next to him as she rested her head on his shoulder and watched the sky. Forgetting they'd have to get ready, everyone laid down and watched the sky as a shooting star passed by.

After so long, the girls decided enough was enough and shut the astronomy thing off. "That was really cool, Rossi." James cheered before getting up and walking over to his suit that was hung next to the three other boys. Marlene grabbed the girls hands before dragging them into the bathroom for hair,
makeup, and dresses. They decided on doing Harper last as she'd be most important since she was a champion and all eyes were to be on here. Harper did Lily's hair and brought up into a bun with little crystals places in it while Marlene worked on her makeup which was a pink lip, gold eyeshadow with a bit of smokey eye, and some other things Harper didn't pay attention too. Finishing her up, it was Marlene's turn next which Harper straightened her curly hair - making it look extremely long. "Your hair is so long, Mars!"

The girls all giggled and continued talking while getting one another ready. Lily's dress was pale pink that was more of a down-to-earth dress yet she looked absolutely stunning in it. Marlene's dress was short and black with lace on it but Lilt decided to make it all pop a bit with a purple lip - which was also Dorcas's favorite color. "I bet she's gonna look hot." Marlene said looking in the mirror before sitting Harper down and examining her face. "Lily and I looked at your dress - so we know how to match the colors. Don't look in the mirror or I'll chop your legs off." Harper giggled before relaxing and letting the girls do their magic. She could hear the 4 boys out in the room singing to the Beatles while getting ready for the ball. Sirius would be going with Harper, James with Lily, Marlene with Dorcas, Remus and Peter alone as Remus didn't want to go with anyone but Carter and Peter just couldn't find anyone.

The girls both worked extremely hard to make her look perfect as all eyes would be on her. The nerves began to get to her as she began to shake making Lily yell at her for almost messing up her eyeliner. Finally, the girls concluded their makeover as Harper's hair was pulled into a half up half down look with curls and her makeup was navy blue eyeshadow, false eyelashes, and a black lip. "I'm guessing my dress is navy?" Harper giggled as she admired herself in the mirrors but Marlene joked back, "No, it's bright orange with pink heels to match." Harper rolled her eyes and ran over to her dress but was told "you go last - we'll help" from Lily. Lily put her dress on at the same time as Marlene and came out looking drop-dead gorgeous. Harper bent down and began to fake pray, "Merlin, please. These women look so hot that I may have to steal them from their significant others. Love, your favorite Hufflepuff witch - Harper May Rossi." All three girls giggled before pulling her off her knees to help her into her dress.

As Lily pulled the dress out, Harper let out a gasp. It was a ball gown in navy, off the shoulder, and silky. "Mama Potter did bloody amazing!" Marlene yelled out to James before closing the door and helping the girl into her elegant gown. Looking at herself in the mirror, she left like a Goddess with her long dress and amazing makeover. "I've got to thank Euphemia as soon as I can." Marlene bent under her dress to help put her shoes on making many inappropriate jokes fly from the girls. "Come on guys - we've got to be down there soon." Remus yelled outside the door. Marlene walked out first, then Lily, and then Harper as the boys gawked at them. James wore a regular black suit, Remus wore a velvet color, Peter in a cream one, and Sirius in an all black one as it was his signature. "You lot look amazing!" Lily gasped as she stared at the four boys. "Us? Evans, look at you three." Remus smiled making them all laugh. Sirius walked over to his date and kissed her before Marlene screamed, "don't mess up our work! Everyone has to see her". Laughing, the 7 piled out to walk down to the ball and said they'd opened presents tomorrow much to James's protest.

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