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"Darling, here's the last box." Sirius said as he walked into the kitchen. Harper and Sirius decided on living together inside of Harper's parents house as it was now vacant and left to her. "Awesome. Just unpack it and we'll be free to relax. Have you uh.. Heard anything?" She asked only earning a shake of the head back. Pursing her lips, she walked out of the room and up to their bedroom to look through the mail they'd got that morning. There was the Daily Prophet that stated more muggleborns and muggles were being murdered then they'd ever seen and there was a pamphlet about how to stay safe and secure during these times. Nothing about Regulus. Harper felt her heart drop to her stomach once more at the thought of the boy not being found yet, which could only mean one thing. "You ok, Harp?" Sirius asked walking into the room and kissing her neck. "Yeah. We should get ready.." Harper sighed before walking over to the closet where she Maid of Honor dress laid. "You're probably right. I thought we'd have more time but I guess the Best Man has to make sure everything's perfect."

Harper let out a laugh before taking her pajama pants off along with her shirt. "Are you SURE we can't be a little late?" Sirius asked as he admired the girl in front of him who rolled her eyes at him. "Yes Sirius. I got up at 5 this morning to make sure my hair and makeup were perfect and we could finish with the last few boxes. Now we both need to get dressed and hurry! I've got to help the bride." He let out a sigh before taking his clothes off and slipping into his tuxedo and combing through his hair. Harper's dress was a light pink with rose gold flowers on the bottom of the dress. As soon as Sirius zipped her up, she put her heels on, and off to the Potter manor they went. Upon arrival, Marlene opened the door and pulled Harper in without even greeting them. "Sirius, James and the other two are in his room. Come on Rossi, we're in Euphemias room." The two girls hurried up into the bedroom where Lily sat getting her hair done by Euphemia and her makeup was half done. "Can you finish that so I can go get my dress on?" Marlene asked. She nodded and sat down in front of Lily who was looking panicked. "What's wrong, Evans?"

Inside Lily's mind, she was terrified she wouldn't be exactly how James would've dreamed all these years. Instead of saying the truth, she smiled and said, "Nothing, just nervous. Thank you guys for the help."  Euphemia went on a long rant about how happy she was for her son and Lily that after all these years, they'd be together in the end. "Dress time!" Marlene yelled as she walked out of the bathroom in her rose gold dress that went along with the other two bridesmaids; Alice Fortescue and Dorcas Meadows. Once both girls had finished with Lily, they helped her into her ballgown wedding dress that made her look like a princess. "You look.. Wow Lil." Marlene said before pulling the girl into a quick hug. "Knock knock!" Someone said from outside the door before it opened to show Remus and the other two bridesmaids. "You look amazing, Lily. James is gonna have a heart attack!" Dorcas yelled before giving Marlene a quick kiss. Remus hugged the girl and handed her a small flower, "My best friend is getting married to my other best friend." Lily laughed before pulling him into a hug that ended in her crying. "UGH! GET OUT REM! You're making her makeup run." Harper laughed as she pushed the boy out of the room.

Sirius and James waited at the front for the bride to come down with her father. "Ready Prongs?" Sirius asked, placing a hand on his best mates back. "Y-Yeah." James stuttered as Remus and Peter hurried to stand behind Sirius, as they were the groomsmen. All the bridesmaids hurried in to stand at the front meaning that the wedding was about to commence. "Take care of my girl, James." Harper smiled at him before turning her attention to the doors where Lily walked out with her father. She looked like a goddess with her red fiery hair tied up into a elegant bun, her white dress trailing behind her, and the biggest grin known to anyone on her face. James choked on his tears as the girl stood in front of him, making everyone laugh at the boy who was being slapped on the back by Sirius. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in matrimony." The way James and Lily were staring at eachother showed that nobody in the world would ever have as much love as they do.

What nobody noticed was that Sirius was staring at his girl while she had tears slip down her face while watching her best friends exchange there vows. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Cheers were heard loud from the crowd as everyone watched the two's lips connect with tears running down both of their faces. Harper and Sirius both flicked their wands and rose gold confetti fell from the ceiling while doves flew overhead. "Now if you'll all join us in the ballroom for the reception." Remus yelled out chasing the room to flood out after Lily and James. Harper wrapped her arms around Remus and Peter's necks as she walked out with them both, Sirius not too far behind, "I told you all in third year that they'd end up together. You all said no." Peter scoffed before passing over a galleon followed by the other three, "Pleasure doing business with you." Walking into the ballroom, Lily and James were surrounded by both of their parents as they were congratulated. James's eyes fell upon his friends so he excused Lily and himself before running over to them. "GUYS SHE ACTUALLY SAID YES!" He yelled before hugging Harper.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Prongs!" Peter smiled before hugging them both. "Thank you Wormy. After I finish seeing everyone and my first dance with my beautiful wife, I want a dance with the maid of honor." Harper nodded before winking at Lily who smiled in return before saying, "I get the best man then." Sirius grabbed onto Harper's hand before leading her and the two boys to the table they were sitting at, "I heard that the maid of honor and best man always hook up at weddings." Remus choked on the champagne he was drinking causing Peter to do the same at the sudden shock. "Shh! Look it's the first dance!" Harper pointed out. There was the newly weds, wrapped around each other, swaying to the music. "There awfully cute. You know what would be better-" Sirius began before being cut off by Marlene who sat next to him, "You're not bloody pranking them, Black! It's their wedding for Merlin's sake." He grumbled something under his breath before taking Harper's hand and leading her over to the dance floor. The floor began to fill with couples dancing, but the two didn't seem to notice as they stared at eachother, "Just think, in September we'll be doing this all over again for us." Harper giggled before kissing him and continuing their dance. The slow music turned into another slow one, causing Sirius to steal Lily away and James to dance with Harper.

"I'm really happy for you, Jamsie. I remember the first day you met her and you told me, 'I promise you I'm going to make her my wife.'" James laughed and twirled the girl around, "Do you remember what you said to me after? 'I'm sure you will Potter.' Nobody else believed I'd soften her up but looks like I did. Thank you for everything, Harp." Harper laughed before wrapping her arms around his stomach and hugging him while swaying to the music. "You not only make me and Lily happy, but Pads has never been this happy with anyone.. So thank you for keeping my best mate happy." Tears swelled in her eyes as she looked up at the boy who was like her younger brother, alongside Regulus. "Alright stop stealing my husband, Rossi." Lily joked before hugging her best friend. "Oh but he's so dashing! I love him, why can't you understand?" Harper joked before being picked up by Sirius, "take that back!" The married couple laughed at the two before looking at eachother and engaging in a kiss.

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