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!!Tw: Smut!!

The next two days spent at the Potter's was peaceful and a time for pure excitement. Sirius rode his motorcycle around with James most of the time while Harper hung with Euphemia.  The two boys and girl waited for their other friends to show up, hopefully Marlene would come, so they could apparate to the beach house. A knock came at the door making James shoot up from the couch, "Ugh, it's you. I thought it was Lily." Remus and Peter walked in, amused at the impatient boy. "Oh come on, Prongsie! You know you love us." Remus joked around with him.

Another knock came and it was Lily. "Oh my flower! I've missed you so much." He hugged her tightly before kissing her. "It's been two days, James." She laughed. Harper greeted the friends, anxiously awaiting to see if Marlene would arrive. "Is everyone here, James?" Fleamont asked looking around. "Uh, not sure. Might be waiting on one more." Lily looked questioningly at him but he kept looking towards his dad. "Alright. Let me know! Sirius, son - I got your motorcycle over to the beach house. Don't ask how." Fleamont smiled.

"Woah, motorcycle? You didn't tell me you got one!" Peter jumped up and down. "I forgot honestly with everything going on." The boys talked for 45 minutes about it as Harper filled Lily in on who they were waiting for. "I guess she's not coming then. I want to at least swim a little today." James shrugged before going to find his parents. "Alright. Rule one is to be safe. Rule two is to have fun. Rule three is nobody gets pregnant. Eh? That's it." Euphemia nodded before kissing each o their foreheads. The kids went to apparate but were stopped by a knock at the door. "I've got it." Harper smiled.

She opened the door and there stood Marlene Mckinnon. "Didn't think I was going to show?" She smiled at her. The girls hugged and walked inside to the rest. "We'll talk about it there. Come on." Remus said right before apparating. The rest followed close behind, Peter holding onto Lily since he still didn't have his license. Arriving outside of the house, it was a small house but was the cutest thing to exist. It looked over the ocean and was literally right next to the beach. It was the only house around, making it all that much better.

"Okay so there are five rooms. All based off of famous cities. There is New York, Rome, Paris, London, and Tokyo. Lily and I get Paris but you guys can fight over the rest. Put your stuff down then meet us in the dining room with your swim stuff on." James said before dragging a giggling Lily in. "I call New York!" Marlene screamed before rushing into the house. "Well we get Rome because we speak Italian!" Sirius yelled before picking up Harper over his shoulder. Remus ended up taking Tokyo and Peter took London.

Their room looked exactly how Harper's house did when her father was alive. He was the definition of Italian so naturally, Harper was too in a way. "I'm going to go out my bikini on, you can have the room if you want." Harper smiled at the boy who'd just thrown her down on the bed. "Rossi, I've seen you naked before. I've been inside you in fact. No need for you to leave the room, eh?" Sirius laughed at the blushing girl. She got undressed and pulled on a pastel pink binki that fit her perfectly.

Sirius walked over after pulling on black swim trunks and kissed her neck. "Come on, let's go wait in the dining room." He said tugging on her hand. They walked into the room where Marlene and Remus sat patiently waiting. "You look hot." Marlene smirked at the girl who laughed. James and Lily came out next, followed by Peter. "Before we go down.. I think we should clear everything up. Yeah?" Lily asked. Marlene nodded before standing up. "I'm sorry guys. I know I haven't been myself lately. I'm gonna try to work on it. Shouldn't have taken anything out on you guys."

The group accepted her apology before hugging her. "Night swimming!" James squealed as him and Sirius ran out into the sand. "Children. The both of them." Remus crossed his arms laughing. They all piled down onto the beach and ran into the water. All except Harper. She wasn't scared of the ocean, she just wasn't exactly set on not being able to see what's going on around her. "Come in, Harper Tankini Rossi!" James yelled at her before splashing Peter and Lily.

Marlene swam to shore before dragging Harper in. "Marlene no no no no!" Harper yelled before being surrounded by the cold water. "Fuck!" Marlene laughed before swimming deeper to where the group was. Getting used to the temperature, Harper swam over to her friends. "About time you joined us, darling." Sirius yelled. She giggled before submerging herself underwater. She swam up and heard Lily yell, "Chicken fight!" It was Lily and Remus against Marlene and Sirius against James and Harper.

Peter cheered Lily and Remus on as Harper fell down into the water. James joined Peter except yelling for his best mate. "Come on Pads!" Harper decided on cheering for Remus and Lily. "Come on Lupin, don't let her fall off. You're strong!" In the end, Sirius and Marlene won not shocking anyone. The two won bragging rights but Peter wanted a go. Peter chose James as his partner leaving Lily and Marlene to go against them. "Hey I'm gonna swim out more. Wanna join me?" Harper whispered to Remus. He nodded and swam further.

The two met out as far as they could, so they would still able to swim back. "So, how's mystery boy?" She smiled at him. He got this look of love in his eye before throwing his head back in laughter. "He's good. I miss him a lot but we spent the past 2 days together. He's pretty cool." Harper adored the way he spoke up about his lover since he seemed so genuine. "You know, I had a crush on Sirius for the longest time?" He splashed her. She splashed him back and yelled, "I took your man!"

The two engaged in a splashing battle until it hurt so much they couldn't breathe. "Ok, let's swim in, eh? Seems Lily and James have 'gone to bed' and so has Peter." Marlene sat on the beach besides Sirius who was smoking. "Welcome back." She sat up before walking over to Harper. "Someone's a little, let's say, eager to get you into bed. I'll sit with Lupin." Harper's cheeks began to heat up before hugging the two friends goodnight. Sirius practically dragged her into their bedroom before pushing her against the wall.

He kissed her roughly while Harper ran her fingers through his wet hair. "Muffilto" He whispered after taking out his wand. She laughed before they both got undressed. Harper straddled the boy before kissing down his neck. He groaned out in pleasure, holding her ass in both hands. "I love you Harper Amortenia Rossi." She laughed into the crook of his neck and said, "I love you too, Sirius Orion Black." She sank down onto his dick making him groan out in pleasure. She bit her lip before rocking her hips back and forth.

"Fuck, pup. Just like that." He growled running his hands up and down her back. Her hands tossled his hair as she let out a moan. His hands moved to her chest, bringing her boob to his mouth. "Mmm Sirius." She groaned feeling his tongue lick around the nipple. He flipped them over before slamming himself into her repeatedly. "S-Sirius! Fuck..!" He let out a loud groan feeling her nails dig into his bag. Claw marks were left over on him as hickeys were left all over her.

They both finished with a "fuck pup.." from Sirius. He rolled off of her before kissing her again. "I love you." She whispered before getting up and pulling some pajamas on. He watched her get dressed before saying, "I love you more Harp." He pulled on boxers and pajama pants before crawling into bed with his girl. He played with her hair as she drifted off to sleep. "Goodnight." He whispered. It took him some time to fall asleep as the thought of Regulus came into mind. If he'd dragged his brother out of the house with him, he would've been saved.

The next morning, Harper woke up before anyone so she went into the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. She decided on eggs, pancakes, and bacon which she had the help of magic. Now that she was 17, she was legal and eligible to use her wand outside of school. Sipping coffee, she fried the bacon before feeling a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. "Morning, darling." She smiled and leaned back onto him. "You better cook like this when we have kids." He said kissing her forhead. "Who said she wanted to have kids with you?" Remus's voice came into the kitchen.

Sirius playfully glared at the boy before the two set the table together. Eventually the group came out to eat and have a peaceful morning together. "I'll be right back, ok?" Sirius said before walking to his room. He sat down at the desk, and grabbed a piece of parchment. He wrote:

Dear Regulus,
I'm staying at the Potter's beach house. If you come to your senses, you are welcome here. You can still get out of this predicament, Reg. You're still my brother and I love you. Harper and I have been worried sick about you. You haven't answered your mirror for her. Hope your safe. Please come stay with us. Please, Reggie.
Love, Sirius
p.s. Harper makes good breakfast. You'd like it.

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