chapter 59

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-Y/N's POV-

Okay, back to me. Most of you are probably asking 'why didn't I just ask for the stone as I am the Stonehearted?'. Well, everything has to play out how it did in the movies. Moving forward, so, after about 5-10 minutes, the teleporter turned on and I teleported myself back to the future. Oh, I loved that movie.


Shh. Anyway, I teleported back and ran as fast as I could to everyone, not caring that past Nebula was there. I found Clint having a phone call with Laura, I think, and went behind him.

"Clint" I call but he doesn't move. He looks around and puts his phone down "Clint" I call again but he sighs.

"I can still hear that little idiot in my head. Good to know she's not gone" he says and I roll my eyes. I turn him around and his eyes widen "Y/N?" he asks and I hug him tight. He hugs me back tighter and starts crying "Y/N! I thought you died. Wait, how are you here?" he asks, pulling back. I chuckle a little.

"I used my magic to save me without you knowing. Where is everyone else?" I ask and he hugs me again.

"I love you. You're like that piss taking sister everyone has" he says and I scoff.

"Thanks. Nice to know I'm piss taking" I say sarcastically and he chuckles a little.

"Come on, lets go. Everyone thinks you're dead" Clint says but we are cut short when the building is attacked. Thanos.

"Clint!" I yell as we fall through the building, the Nano gauntlet coming with us.

I hear Clint get up and try to myself but I can't. My leg is stuck. I try to turn around as best as I can and move the rocks and boulders that are on my leg.

"Y/N! Cap!" Clint calls and I struggle.

"I'm here" I say and move away from the rocks, getting up. My leg is covered in blood and I heal myself.

"Y/N! Where are you?" Clint asks and I look up.

"Behind" I say and he sees me. He runs to me and sees me healing my leg. Once I'm done I look for the glove. Clint finds it, after a while, under some rubble and is about to grab it when something growls "Oh, shit" I mumble and Clint shoots an arrow behind him. It lights up the tunnel as it passes and we see creatures coming towards us.

"Okay" Clint said and grabbed the glove, grabbing my hand as he runs away. I run faster than him and he lets go of my hand, but I limp ever so slightly.


We were still running and more of them were coming. Clint put some explosive arrows in the tunnel and when they exploded I covered us both with a layer of rubble. I dropped the rubble and Clint gives me a grapple. I shoot it at the ceiling and Clint does the same. As we go up, we fight off any creatures that come near us. We land and Clint yells as he looks down the tunnel we just went through to see the creatures dead. Past Nebula comes to us and Clint looks at her, panting.

"Oh, hey. I know you" he says and gives her the glove, resting his head down.

"Clint, no!" I yell and try to get up but am too tired.

"Father..." She says and Clint looks up at her "I have the stones"

"What?" Clint asks. He's about to get up but she puts a foot on his chest and points the gun at me, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Stop" Gamora says and I get really happy.

"Yes" I say and get up slowly. Past Nebula moves behind Clint and moves the gun to face him.

"You're betraying us?" past Nebula askes and I scoffed. Nebula comes into view and p-Nebula points the gun at Nebula. Clint moved out of the way.

"You don't have to do this" Nebula said.

"I am this" p-Nebula said. I moved next to Clint, letting this play.

"No, you're not" Gamora said.

"You've seen what we become" Nebula said.

"Nebula, listen to her" Gamora said, her gun still pointed to p-Nebula.

"You can change" Nebula said. Gamora put her gun down.

"He won't let me" p-Nebula said. She almost shot Gamora but Nebula shot p-Nebula.

Clint picked up the gauntlet and held it with his arm. I got ready and felt myself go in the state, getting ready to kick ass.

"I'll meet you outside" I say and fly up, breaking the building even more as I got to the top.


I landed and saw everyone there, all the people that were snapped. I ran to dad and he looked at me in disbelief.

"Y/N?" dad asked and I nodded my head "How did you-"

"I used my magic to save myself and made the death look real so you would get the Soul Stone" I say and get on my knees, hugging dad as tight as I could. He hugged me back and wouldn't let go "Dad, we have a battle to fight" I say and he pulls away, nodding his head. I kiss his cheek and make my way to Steve.

"Y/N? We brought you back as well? I thought it was impossible. I thought I lost my best friend forever" he says and I hug him.

"First of all, I never died, I faked it, pretty well actually, and second of all, you'll never get rid of me that easily" I say and kiss his cheek "Wait, Loki, Pietro and Bucky. I have to see them. I have to find them" I say but the battle was about to begin. I groan and take my place next to Steve as all of us get ready to fight. I saw Nat and she looked at me with her mouth wide open. I waved at her to make sure she knew I was real and got ready. I flew up and waited for the infamous lines.

"Avengers... Assemble" Steve said and we all yelled, letting out a battle cry. I was flying well ahead of everyone else. I went really high and came crashing down, punching the ground to create an earthquake on Thanos' side of the playing field. I got up and went on my quest to find everyone and see them, in case they died here.

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