Hania Is Two!

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


I know Hania plays a major role in this story, but considering that she's the daughter of the main FOL couple, it makes sense to me.

It's a coincidence that this chapter comes now, because I have planned my characters' birthdays in a particular way (I'm weird that way), and according to that, Hania's birthday should be on the 1st of February (which was yesterday, at the time of writing this chapter).



"Zoya kahan hai?" I asked, walking in the kitchen after an after-work nap.

*"Where is Zoya?"

"You are her husband, Bhai. You should know." Arhaan Bhai, who was making coffee turned to grin at me.

Ammi, who was preparing dinner, looked up from chopping tomatoes. Despite all the maids, Ammi loved to cook, especially now that she was retired. She has taken an early retirement when she had started suffering from arthritis. "She went to help Jasmina with Hania's party decorations for tomorrow. In fact, your sister said to send you over when you are awake."

"You coming?" I asked Arhaan Bhai.

"I wish, but duty calls." He sighed. That's when I noticed that he was ready for work.

"You better come tomorrow or Fawad Bhai will actually kill you, not to mention Jazzy."

"In Sha Allah. I really wouldn't want to miss our baby Hani's birthday. I booked it off a long time ago, when I realised that they will be coming to Lahore to celebrate it."

"Ahad, tell Zoya that her outfit for tomorrow is ready to be picked up. The designer called." Ammi told me.

"Cool. I'll see you guys then." I walked out of the kitchen, but not before I heard Bhai laugh and say, "Look how eager he is to see Zoya."

I couldn't help grinning. It was true. I looked forward to seeing her. When I had come home from work, she was out with Ammi, and when I woke up, she wasn't there again, which almost disappointed me. My life wasn't complete without our regular banter.

I got my helmet and pulled it over my head as I got on my bike, and then sped off towards the Ali mansion.

As I drove into the driveway, I saw Hania playing in the garden, watched over by a maid. It was probably a parental technique to get her away from where the decorations were being done, in order to stop her from getting in the way, and possibly getting hurt.

"Hani Jaani!" I walked over and picked her up. "Mamu's favourite niece... actually, I should stop saying that now that I know that you're about to have a sister. We don't want Iman to feel bad, do we?"

Hania, who was starting to recognise me now, smiled happily.

"If only you knew that you were about to have a baby sister. It was a devastating shock to me when I was young and innocent." I chuckled. "Good luck, my little Hani Jaani." I told the maid that I was taking Hania inside, and walked in, carrying my niece.

"Bhai, you're here!" A hassled looking Jasmina came out into the hallway. "Assalam Alaikum."

"Walaikum Assalam!" I glanced around. "Is the royal birthday going to be in the drawing room?"

"Yes. Go on in. Zoya Bhabi is in there already." Jazzy grinned, knowingly. "Hani, come on. Milk time."

I set Hania down and she walked into the kitchen with her mother as I headed into the drawing room.

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