Chapter 45

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I... I don't know what to say about this.

Just one person that I never thought would be alive again was able to make my knees shake and my body shiver even though it wasn't even near as cold as night.

I walked towards him in a fast pace manner and just hugged him.

My hugs were tight and possibly painful, but sometimes, love is too powerful that people turn into a masochist. Like a certain blonde crusader.

"Hey, that hurts."

"Shut up! Just shut up! Let it happen!"

I knew he heard my crying voice and felt my tears staining his clothes. Then I took a good look at his clothes.

The clothes he was wearing... were the same clothes I wore in my nightmare. I was in the same scenario he was in. He was taken as a prisoner and he was rescued by soldiers.

Then I recall my nightmare of soldier Hachiman dying.

"Did anyone die when they saved you?"

"No casualties. 2 wounded JSDF soldiers that will eventually recover soon and 1 Delta Force member received a bullet to the helmet. He has a small concussion but will recover from it in a week or 2."

How can he say this so casually?

And how can he talk to me so casually? I am over here with literal tears on my face and he's only showing a glad expression.

"You idiot. At least give me some kisses to show me that you miss me!"

"That sounds like something from a romance movie."

"This is a romance book!"


I slammed my lips onto his.

Oh how I miss this feeling. I never thought I was going to feel this moment or relive this moment ever again. You never show how glad you are about the things you do for your daily lives until they are permanently gone.

After a minute of passionate kissing, I stopped and laid my forehead against his.

"I... I thought you were dead.. I saw your dash cam footage and saw the bullet go through you!"

He put his index finger on my lips.

"Explain how a human eye is capable of seeing a bullet that can surpass the speed of sound?"


I lost my own consciousness for a moment.

"You were bleeding! Look at your left leg! Everything below your left knee is gone. You could've bled to death."

Hachiman only sighed.

As if losing a leg was natural for him.

"They fired a concussion round on my forehead. That's why you could see the bullet. After knocking me unconscious, they burned below my amputated leg to stop the bleeding. I didn't feel it at all because I was unconscious. But after I woke up, I felt unbearable pain."

This was horrible for Hachiman to endure.

It hurts that many people like him endure the same amount of pain.

But there was still an elephant in the room.

An important question that determines the future as well.



"Are you still going to be on active duty? Are you still going to the military?"

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