Chapter 17

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"When do you think something interesting is going to happen, Corporal Hikigaya?"

A FNG Marine starts a conversation with me.

I went to a different village and started to patrol around for Taliban activity. The last village I went to seemed secured and safe so we were reassigned to a different one that had a lot more activities.

"Whenever it happens, Private. Whenever it happens."

I sat down on the floor, my back against a wall to protect soldiers from incoming rounds. He begin to sit right next to me, looking at all the children who were playing around with each other.

"Kids.. They shouldn't be here in the war zone yet here they are. Makes me feel grateful that even though my parents were poor, they still fed me and gave me a home."

I too was grateful for that. Thinking back at my middle school year, I find it so cringe that I said I hated society for who it was. But I never really got the full reality of it.

"Pretty cute girls. What are their names?"

He must've caught me looking at a particular photo only I am allowed to see.

Now that I was caught, I had to reveal it.

"Just some high school friends that I used to talk to."

"Used to? Considering you still look at the photo and still have it, you're gonna be talking to them once you get back."

Going back to Chiba? What fun will that be? I need to get promoted to a rank that is sustainable for a few years. Then I'll go back to doing more service and earn more cash.

"I had some problems with them but we eventually worked it out."

"Which one do you think is cuter? The black hair one or the pink hair one?"

This is why I tend to not talk to anyone in my infantry unless there's a firefight going on.

"I don't want to get married at such a young age."

"Shit, you're right. I heard some of the men from a different platoon had their wives cheated on. And I heard stories where all their army money were gone just like that. Makes me wonder if women should be allowed to control what their husband owns as well."

"Husbands tend to cheat too, don't forget that."


Gunshots were heard inside the vicinity of the village. We quickly got up and cautiously run towards the gunfire.

"This is 1-1, shots have been fired near the Mullah Village! Me and the FNG are going to proceed to identify the gunmen. Please assist backup!"

I gesture the PFC to follow me. Having earned the Corporal rank, I had to take a form of leadership which I was surprisingly good at.

As we get near to the area where we heard the gunshots, I see the village folks running to safety while thanking us on the way. I wish I knew their language or I had an interpreter so they could tell me who the gunmen were.

We put our shoulders on the wall, taking deep slow breaths from all the running.

"Watch my 6."

Going alone is a death sentence but I've already had near death experiences multiple times, I am prepared to die anytime. The only worry I had was for the FNG.

I revealed myself in the open and scanned for any enemy using my modified M4A1. But all I was introduced were dead bodies of the children we just saw playing around.

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