Chapter 8

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"I don't understand..."

My heart felt like it experienced more than it being shattered into millions of pieces. Those millions of pieces can be repaired, but this time, it could not be.

When people exaggerate that their heart has shattered, it will slowly heal back for them. But not for me.

"Why have you not changed?"

This whole journey through 2nd year and 3rd year, was to change how Hikigaya-kun viewed society and the whole world.

The way I hated how he used himself as the sacrifice pawn as his absolute solution to solve problems. I thought he learned that using himself to be a toy was always not a good choice.

He said nothing, just letting me say things to him.

Has he not changed? Instead of using himself to sacrifice for relationships, he's using his own life to sacrifice for a country he doesn't even live in. Just what was wrong with him? Does he view society the same way back from the beginning of 2nd year?

"Hikigaya, this is coming to you as a friend. Could you possibly give me a reason why you want to join the army?"

Hiratsuka-sensei crumbled the paper with anger, waiting for his answer.

"My reasons are to be remained hidden. There's nothing that benefits from telling you."

He calmly speaks.

"Hikki... I... Why would you...?"

Yuigahama-san seemed to be in the same state of shock as me.

But both of ours don't rival Komachi-san's tears and emotions.

Despite teasing him a lot, she really does care for him, just like Hikigaya-kun cares for her.

And so by responding to that, Komachi-san leaves the room with tears coming out of her eyes like never before. I've never seen her cry before.

Of course, being mostly emotionless for the rest of his life, he didn't respond or ran after her. It seems very cliche but it's the right decision for this exact situation.

"Does your horrible attendance to this club have to deal with signing up to the army?"

I said with a cold glare.

"Yes. I was discussing a former recruiter at the job fair a few weeks ago. He tasked me with training my physical body to meet the requirements as a recruit. So I've been skipping club so I can properly work on my physical capabilities and extend it."

So that was who that person was.

The man who Hikigaya-kun was talking to when I encountered them both in front of the school building. And the mail... I think it has something to do more than just listing the requirements.

"Why did the school have to allow the Americans to advertise their own stuff."

Hirastuka-sensei took a deep sigh that failed to release stress or anxiety. She covered her face with both of her hands, rubbing it out of frustration.

"I did not force you into the Service Club to make you enlist in the army. What in gods name are you thinking? Why won't you tell us that reason? Did something major happened to your family?"

At the moment, Yuigahama-san and my mind's begun to remember something.

"Did you not know, Hirastuka-sensei?"

Yuigahama-san spoke.

"What? Did something happen to Hikigaya while I was not present?"

Due to our worries and frustration with Hikigaya-kun's horrible attendance, our minds were blocked from remembering the most important reason as to why he is enlisting in the army.

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