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Jungkook and I walked into the cafe and were disappointed that we didn't see Emma. We knew she pretty much worked everyday. We went to our usual table and sat down. Another waitress came over to us.

"You guys looking for Emma? She's in the back, but I'll go get her for you. By the way, it's her birthday." She says with a wink.

We both look at each other when she leaves. "Does this mean we can tell her now?" Jungkook asks.

"We will have to see if she mentions it first. Do not make first contact about it." I say.

Emma walks over and greets us and we returned at the same time. I notice a shudder run through her body and I can't help but wonder. She asks if we want our usual and we say yes. When she comes back and puts my drink in front of me, I see my name on her wrist and I can't resist grabbing her hand. I startled her I think and I tell her that its my name that written there as I run my fingers over the letters. The feeling that causes me is electric and it feels so good. I see Jungkook grab her other hand and run his fingers over his own name. We eventually end up showing her our own marks with her name and she believes us. Once they call her back over to her job, I know we have to leave her but we don't want to especially now that she knows who we are and who we are to her. Jungkook gets her number and we leave. We need to speak to Namjoon and the others and management as well. This is huge. Me and Jungkook are the last ones to find out soulmate officially. Everyone else's has moved in and are comfortable.

I call Namjoon from the car. I had not told him who my soulmate was although he has seen her name. He doesn't know about the cafe that Jungkook and I run off too whenever we get the chance. He doesn't even know that Jungkook and I have the same soulmate. That's what is going to be a big problem. Management is going to go crazy because Emma having to two soulmates is already a big deal and with both of her soulmates being in BTS is media gold and they won't ever leave us alone. None of the others have gone public with their soulmates. I hope we can do that too. I tell him that we need a family meeting as soon as me and Jungkook get home.

We walk through the door and everyone is already in the living room and sitting with the respective mates.

"What's this about Tae?" Yoongi asks. His mate's name is Jimin, which is hilarious to everyone except Yoongi.

"Well, I've met my soulmate." I say.

Before anybody can say anything else, Jungkook says, "I have as well."

Everyone looks shocked. "Wow! You both got your soulmates on the same day? That's amazing!" Jin says, whose soulmate, Jiyoung, nods her head agreeing.

"How did you find them?" Jimin asks. His mate is named, Soomin and is just returning to the living room as he speaks.

"Well....that part is kinda complicated. We will tell you but we need you to keep an open mind and ask questions at the end." Everyone agrees. Jungkook and I look at each other and he nods his head to me.

"Ok....well, as you guys know, the name Emma has been on my arm for almost 2 years. What I didn't tell you is that I knew who she was. Jungkook also has his soulmate's name on his ribs." Jungkook lifts his shirt to reveal Emma's name.

"Wait...." Hobi starts. His soulmate, Yoonah, stops him. "He said wait til the end."

"Thank you. We have both known since right after our marks who our soulmates were. Turns out, we both have the same one. Her name is Emma, obviously, she works at a cafe in town. Today is her 21st birthday and we saw our names on her. They are around each wrist. We finally approached her about it. She had no idea that we are part of BTS. She knows of our group but is not really a fangirl. We have her number and we told her we would call her after we had a couple of meetings. Her having two soulmates is a big deal. If the media finds out about that, they will hound her day and night and if they find out that it's two of us, the media circus will be crazy. We need to talk to PD-nim. He is going to be upset about this." I finally finish and look at all of them.

Nobody speaks for a moment.

Namjoon and his mate, Kristi, start speaking at the same time. She nods to him and he takes the lead.

"Well, first off, congratulations on finding your soulmate. Second, we need to call PD and discuss this. Of course, you guys will want her around. I can't believe you have lasted as long as you have without her around. I will call him immediately and we will talk to you guys together and then we will have a group meeting."

He walks away to make that call. As leader, he has handled every soulmate. His was rough because she isn't Korean and I think that will help seeing as Emma isn't either.

Namjoon walks back in and tells everyone to pile up. We are meeting with PD immediately.

We arrive at BigHit and Jungkook, Namjoon and I walk into his office.

"Well, boys, you find your soulmate. Congratulations. Although, I thought it would be easier with you guys but of course not. She is foreign and she has both of you. Does she know about the band?"

"She knows that we are part of BTS, but she didn't until we told her. She knows of the band, but did not realize who we are."

"I assume you boys would like her to move in with everyone else as well?"

"Yes, we would like that but we need to speak to her as well. We didn't really have time to earlier because she was working and we needed to speak to everyone. We told her we would call her and talk to her after everything was situated." I say.

"You need to go ahead and call her. She needs to come here. We need to head off any media for now. She needs to know what needs to be quiet. We can also talk about future arrangements and the living situation."

I nod and look at Jungkook. He walks off with his phone in his hand. PD smiles at me and I chuckle.

"I thought I had my hands full with Namjoon and Kristi but you guys definitely win. Both of you with the same soulmate. At least this is the last one. Nothing else to worry about for a while."

Namjoon coughs. "Everyone will find out about them eventually."

"Yeah, but I mean everyone will understand that it's a soulmate mark. Not something that can be controlled or changed. That can be handled with no problem."

"Until someone gets pregnant." I say lowly. Namjoon coughs again and PD puts his head down on his desk.

"Please let that be for a long time. You boys are going to be the death of me." We all laugh and Jungkook comes back inside.

"She will be here in about half an hour."

"Are you boys happy? Do you at least like the girl?" PD asks seriously.

"PD, I have known she was my soulmate for almost 2 years and Jungkook has known for a year. We visit her as often as we can at her job. We waited for her to turn 21 before we said anything. We both think she is beautiful and she's funny and thoughtful and kind." I say smiling.

"Yes. I met her before I got my mark and liked her then. She sits and talks to us sometimes. She is kind to the older lady who comes in at about the same time we do. I've seen her do considerate things when she thinks no one sees her. She is quick to smile and to offer help to the other workers."

"Well, I'm very happy. I'm sure we will all get along fine."

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