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The girls and I take the next day to make sure everything is ready for when they come home with Ami. We make the nursery is set up with supplies like diapers, wipes, clothes, baby powder and lotion. We also make sure their room is set up as well. We put the basinet next to the bed and we make sure there are diapers and all the other supplies in there as well.

I am in charge of folding all the baby clothes as the other girls continue washing and the guys are making sure we have plenty of food and such in the house that we are at least prepared for the week.

I just finished the last load of clothes and Jimin was taking them upstairs when the front door opened and Namjoon came carrying the car seat with baby Ami inside and Kristi right behind him. I smile at them.

Namjoon puts the car seat down in front of me and turns around to help Kristi gingerly sit down on the couch beside me. She smiles.

"How are you doing?" I ask.

"A little weak and tired but overall, pretty good."

"We made sure everything was ready for you when you got home. The nursery and your room are ready."

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. I love Joon but I really wasn't looking forward to directing him all day to get it ready."

"The guys also took care of food for the rest of the week. I know Joon will be here for a little while but then it will be just you, me and Ami for a couple of days while the girls are visiting their families. We tried to make sure that we are taken care of while everyone is out."

"Thank you guys." Joon said, walking into the room.

Soon, everyone was gathered in the living room, just talking and hanging out. After hours, we finally went to bed.

I wake up suddenly to a screaming baby. I sit straight up in the bed and so do Tae and Jungkook.

"What happened? Whats going on?" Jungkook asks, looking around the room.

"I think it's Ami." I said softly, voice rough from sleep.

Soon, it's quiet and we all lay back down only to awoken again about an hour later. I look at the time and its like 4 am. I get up and go to the rest room and slowly make my way downstairs.

I enter the kitchen and see Namjoon warming up a bottle. I open the fridge and grab a juice before hobbling to the living room where I see Kristi sitting on the couch holding a whimpering Ami.

"I'm sorry. Did she wake you. We tried to quiet her as quick as we could." Kristi says while covering a yawn.

"No, no. It's fine. The guys went back to sleep. They are the ones that are going to be working. I can take a nap later if I need to. I know that babies wake up in the middle of the night. Since I'm up, if you and Joon want to head back to bed and get some extra rest, I will feed her and keep her down here so you can rest. I don't mind."

"Are you sure? Will you be okay?" Joon says entering with the bottle.

"Yeah, positive. I've got diapers and such right here and I'll be feeding her so I shouldn't need to get up. If I do need to, you can put the baby seat right here next to the couch and I can put her there before getting up. Plus, I have my cell and I can call someone if I need help."

"Emma, you are a saint!" Kristi says. She gets up and hands me the baby. I make myself comfortable and Joon puts my leg up on the ottoman on a pillow and gives me the bottle to feed her.

"You guys rest and me and the others will take care of her for a little while."

They head upstairs and you grab the remote and turn on something to watch while feeding the baby. I feed her and continue to watch the show mindlessly while she finishes. Once she is done, I burp her and turn my body on the couch to lay down and put her on my chest and relax.


I wake up and find only Jungkook in the bed. He is looking at me with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning, handsome." I say.

"Good morning, gorgeous." He says.

"Where is Emma?"

"I don't know. I woke up a few minutes ago and she was gone. I thought maybe she was in the bathroom but she's not. Let's go downstairs and fix some breakfast. Maybe she is down there. She has gotten better about getting around on her own." Jungkook says.

We both get up and go brush our teeth. We go downstairs and everything is really quiet. You would think there would be more activity with a newborn in the house. At least Kristi would be awake.

As we come to the living room, I can see the TV is on but I don't see anyone immediately. As we walk closer Kook nudges me with his elbow and points to the couch. There is Emma with Ami on her chest, sleeping on the couch. Its so cute. I pull out my phone and snap a couple of pictures.

We decide to leave them alone and let them sleep. I start taking things out the fridge as Kook takes out the cinnamon buns to put them in the oven.

As the smell of food starts to drift out of the kitchen, people start to trickle in, each making a comment about Emma sleeping on the couch with the baby on her chest. The only people missing other than her, are the new parents.

"Tae, why don't you go wake Emma. She needs to eat."

I go in the living room and very gently try to take the baby off of her chest. She has her hands around the baby and they tighten immediately when the baby shifts and her eyes pop open.

"Emma, it's time to eat baby."

She nods and hobbles to the kitchen as I grab the baby seat in one hand and cradle Ami in the other.

"Emma, why did you have the baby instead of the actual parents?" Jungkook asked.


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