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When I wake up the next morning, I see Tae just sitting and looking at Emma like he's willing her to wake up.

"Morning baby." I say, my voice rough from sleep.

"Morning." He replies and looks at me.

"How long have you been up?" I ask making my way to the bathroom to relieve myself and brush my teeth.

"A while." He says vaguely.

I stand in the doorway and watch as he continues to look at her. As I turn to go back to the bathroom, I see him reach out and run his finger down her cheek. She shuffles slightly in her sleep and leans more into his hand. He chuckles and does it again. Her eyes open as I reenter the room.

"Morning beautiful." He says smiling at her.

"Good morning, gorgeous." I say slipping back into the bed.

"Mmmhhhhmm. Good morning, my babies." She said stretching. "can one of you please help me to the bathroom?"

"I will be happy to."

I help her to the bathroom and come back out to Tae.

"Please don't just ambush her about last night. Ease into it. She will be more willing to talk if you do." I say to him. He nods.

I can hear Emma rinsing her mouth and see her hobbling back into the room. I scoop her up and place her in the middle of the bed between me and Tae. She looks back and forth between the two of us.

"What?" She asks nervously.

"Can we talk to you?" I ask.

"O-of course. Is something wrong?"

"Everything is good. We just want to make sure that you are ok."

"I-I'm fine."

"Emma, will you tell us about your nightmares? And please don't say you don't have them because we witnessed it last night for ourselves." Tae says. I lay a hand on his shoulder.

"What d-do you mean you witnessed it last night?" She says biting her bottom lip nervously.

"We came home and you were asleep on the couch with Kristi. Suddenly you were whimpering and crying and having a panic attack. Luckily, Yoongi was able to get you to calm down. We took you upstairs and put you to bed but you continued to cry until eventually we both cuddled up to you and held you close between us." I explained.

"O-Oh. Um, I sometimes dream about the accident and how I laid there for a long time, trying to call for help before I lost consciousness. I can sometimes hear a man walking around and calling me a bitch. Sometimes he kicks me and other times he taunts me from the side where I can't see him. I can never see his face but he hurts me every time and there's nothing I can do to stop him." She says and starts to have a panic attack again.

Tae leans forward and grabs her face. "Breathe with me Emma. Match my breaths. Come on."

Gradually she does match it and she calms. She leans into Tae and I watch as she subconsciously rubs little circles on his leg and her hand inches towards me. I grab hold of her hand and move closer to the two of them until we are all smushed together.

"Do you think these are actually memories from the accident or just something to come from your nightmare?" I ask rubbing my hand up and down her back.

"I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure I lost consciousness quickly after being hit but what never changes is the fact that I do hear a man say bitch every time. Maybe it could have been a guy that hit me."

I listen thoughtfully. Maybe.

"The next time you have a nightmare, tell us so that we can get all the details possible. You subconsciously be remembering things that happened."

After snuggling for a bit, we head downstairs to everyone else. I place Emma down on the couch and watch as she looks at Yoongi. He glances at her and then I me. I shake my head to let him know that everything is ok.

Around lunch time, I walk into the kitchen to find Namjoon with Kristi pinned against the refrigerator.

"Really guys? In the open?"

They laugh. Joon grabs Kristi's hand and tugs her gently away from the fridge. About the time she steps away, there is a gush of water hitting the floor and a gasp from Kristi.

I jump back and look at them.

Joon is staring at her and she is smiling and holding her stomach.

"I think you better get the car babe and my bag. Looks like we are having a baby."

I let out a whoop as Joon starts running around to get everything. I wrap my arm around Kristi and gently guide her to the door.

"What's going on?" Everyone asks from the living room as we pass by.

"My water broke. It's time we go to the hospital."

"Where's hyung?" Jimin asks right as Namjoon comes into the room with a large duffle bag, car seat, car keys and a panicked look on his face.

"Should someone else drive?" Soomin asks, half joking.

"I'm fine. I was just trying to grab everything quickly. We will see you guys at the hospital."

I continue to help Kristi to the car as Joon puts everything inside. Before I close to passenger door, I lean in and give her a hug and a kiss to the cheek. "Good luck, sister."

"Thank you Kookie."

With that, they drove away.

I make my way inside and everyone is getting up and getting ready to head to the hospital. I look at Emma and see that she is trying to get someone's attention so that they can help her upstairs to get ready as well. Tae is not in the room but no one's paying her any attention. They are too caught up in the excitement. I chuckle when I see her pout.

"Need some help, princess?" I say scooping her up.

She sighs. "Thank you. I thought I might get left behind in the all the excitement." She laughs.

"I'd never leave you baby."

I take her upstairs where Tae is laying out everyone's clothes so that we can get dressed quickly. We all dress and by the time we get downstairs, everyone else is pulling out of the driveway. We finish putting our shoes on and helping Emma into hers and grabbing her crutches, we make our way to the hospital to await the arrival of the first bangtan baby.

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