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Emma has been coming with us to practice every day this week. We have been working on her leg with her but she also seeing the physical therapist at the company while we brush up on dances for the tour.

She is already improving immensely. We will be responsible for her therapy while on the tour. If the schedule becomes more hectic then we will hire someone to help her.

Tomorrow we leave really early for a short flight for the first stadium, Jeonnam Stadium.

I wake up to the sound of running feet. I sit up and see the bed empty. I hear sounds from the bathroom. I walk in and see Emma leaned over the toilet and Jungkook holding her hair and rubbing her back.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"She sat up and looked at me and said she felt weird and then came running in here. I followed to make sure she was ok." Jungkook explains while Emma continues vomiting.

She sits back and places her forehead on the cool tiles of the floor.

"You okay babe?" I ask.

"I'm okay. I think maybe I ate something that didn't agree with me. I feel a lot better now, thank you. I'm sorry I woke you guys up."

"I'll get you some water. Jungkook, why don't you help her get up and brush her teeth. I'm sure it will make her feel a lot better."

He nods and I leave the room and head down to the kitchen. I see Namjoon sitting in the rocking chair holding Ami as she sucks from a bottle.

"Hey. Did we wake you? I'm sorry. I tried to get downstairs as quick as possible." He says as he looks at me.

"No, no. You didn't. Emma got sick and we were checking on her. I'm just getting her some water."

"Oh no. Is she okay? Is she gonna be okay to fly in a couple of hours?" Namjoon asks concerned.

"I think so. She said she feels a lot better. She thinks maybe she ate something that didn't agree with her."

"Okay, if she needs a later flight or is still feeling bad when we get ready to leave, just let me know and I'll have someone take care of it."

"Thanks. I'm gonna take this back upstairs to her. Hopefully that beautiful baby of yours lets you get some sleep as well."

I head back upstairs and both are back in the bed. Emma is leaned against Jungkook and is almost asleep.

"Here you go babe, drink some before you go back to sleep. How are you feeling?" I ask.

"I'm okay, feeling a lot better. Thank you." She says sleepily. She takes a few sips of water before handing it back to me.

"Sleep well, baby. We have a few more hours before we need to get up."

We get up and 4 a.m. for the flight. Everything is smooth sailing to the airport. Emma feels fine and everyone seems in good spirits. We arrive at the airport and our flight is on time so we board quickly. We take off and Emma drifts back to sleep snuggled between the two of us. The only issue so far is the baby crying when the air pressure changes but she quickly settles back down.

Half way through the flight, we hit a little turbulence and Emma shoots awake. The plane is shaking and dips a little. As soon as it settles back, Emma races to the bathroom. I stand outside the door and can hear her getting sick. I'm worried that she has some kind of bug or something.

Jungkook comes over with her toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste. I knock on the door and let her know that we have her toothbrush and the door opens a crack and her hand come through reaching for her things. We hear a small thank you as her hand retreats.

"Is everything okay?" Jimin asks on his way back to his seat from the other bathroom.

"Yeah. Emma just got a little sick."

He nods and says he hopes she feels better. Emma comes out a few minutes later and snuggles into me once we are back in our seats.

"You okay?" I whisper.

"Yeah. I think the turbulence just got to me. The same thing happened the last time I flew and there was a good bit of turbulence. Hopefully the rest of the flight will be smooth."

Luckily, it was. We landed and headed to the hotel. Now the chaos of tour begins.


Once back at the hotel, I shower and brush my teeth again. I know that the boys are worried that I am getting sick but honestly, every time I have flown with some turbulence, I get sick so I'm not too worried about it. I feel 100% better and ready to watch the guys in action again.

We all go out to eat for dinner after the guys practice and when we get back, we break the rule for no sex before a show. We only go one round because we are a little tired. The guys have to be exhausted after getting up with me last night and getting up early and then practice and now sex.

As I lay and think about the day, my stomach churns and I head quickly and quietly to the bathroom. I don't know why I keep getting sick. What's wrong with me?

I quickly brush my teeth and head back to bed to snuggle with my guys, who instantly wrap their arms around me. "Everything okay?" Jungkook asks sleepily.

"Yeah. Just had to use the bathroom." It's not technically a lie, I did use the bathroom. Besides, I don't want to worry them.

The next day, we all eat breakfast together and head to the venue. While back stage, I get really hot and run out of the room to the closest bathroom. I get sick again. Once I am finished, I go over to the sink and wash my face with cold water. When I come back to the room, Soomin comes over to me.

"Are you okay? Do you think you have a stomach bug or something?"

"I don't know. I didn't think so before but now I think maybe I do."

"Before the show, I'm going back to the hotel with Ami, do you want to come with me?" Kristi asks from nearby.

"No thanks. I don't want to guys to worry and I feel much better now. I might just stay backstage though."

She nods and before long, heads back to the hotel with the baby.

The girls head out to their seats and I settle on the couch in front of the monitor to watch the show.

The show is about half way over when the door to the green room opens and a man walks in. He looks familiar and it takes a minute to place him. It's the doctor that the boys fired.

"What are you doing here?" I say standing.

He walks towards me. "It was the only time I could get you alone. You and your boyfriends ruined my life. No one will hire me, knowing that BigHit fired me."

"That's your own fault. You knew you weren't allowed alone in a room with me. I don't even want to think about what you did before they found you in the room." I say with a shaky voice.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid of me?"

"N-no." I cringe internally at how scared I actually sound.

"You should be. Your boyfriends ruined my life!" He screams.

"T-then why are you here with me?"

"Because now I'm going to ruin theirs."

With those words he rushes me and I see the light bounce off something shiny in his hands, before I feel the pain of the blade slice through my side. I feel him twist the knife twice before he pulls it out. Before he leaves, he spits on me. I watch him leave as I lay on the floor in a growing pool of blood.

I'm not sure how long I layed there as I tried desperately to stay awake. My eyes are drifting closed as I hear the guys laughing in the hall just outside the door. Jungkook is the first one through and as he sees me, a tear slips out of my eyes before everything goes dark.


Enjoy the cliff hanger. And there have been two options that are about tied for my next book so I need you guys to vote.

OT7 soulmate

Yoonmin w/ soulmate

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