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I jump awake when I hear the door open. I see Jimin standing in the door way.

"Sorry, sorry! But there is something you guys really need to see."

He walks away and Tae gets Emma downstairs while I make my way down behind them. Tae gets her settled on the couch and we sit beside her.

"Ok, Jimin. What was so important that you burst into our room and woke Jungkook up?" Tae says.

Jimin looks worriedly over to Namjoon.

"We came across this on the internet this morning. We have already contacted PD but you guys really need to know." Namjoon says solemnly.

He turns to the tv and plays a video. It is shot from inside the hospital. Someone hidden behind a corner. Suddenly I see both myself and Tae come out of Emma's hospital room. We walk down the corridor away from the room. Once we are out of sight, this person makes their way into the room and then Emma is on screen. She is unconscious. You can see her broken leg, hung up in the sling attached to the bed, and you can see the bruises all over her. This person even had the nerve to lift the sides of her gown and show the dark bruises there. Then the person's face is on screen and I stand up out of rage and pace around the room.

"Who is this mystery girl that has both Jungkook and V visiting her in the hospital? Is she someone special to them? What happened to her? Will BTS answer these questions now that the girl's face as been seen?"

The video stops and I let out a frustrated growl.

"It's the same fucking reporter that tried to get me to answer questions that day in the hospital cafeteria. I thought I got rid of him. This must have been when the hospital security was having a meeting about not leaving the door unattended and not letting anyone in who wasn't me or Tae. They left the door to have this meeting thinking it would be fine and Tae and I were there. We should have just stayed there." I say running my fingers through my hair. "I'm so sorry I let this happen baby."

"This is not your fault, JK. This reporter was clearly just waiting for an opportunity to see who was in there. Now, the question is, what do we do now that my face has been broadcasted?" Emma says.

Tae sighes. "We will need to talk to PD." Right as he says that, my phone rings.

"It's PD." I say before walking a little away from everyone to talk." Yes, sir.....Yes, she's seen it too.....absolutely........We will discuss that and we will let you know. Thank you sir."

I hang up the phone and walk back over to everyone.

"Well, what did he say?" Hobi asks.

"He said that we will be pursuing criminal charges against the reporter and his company for invasion of privacy and the possibly the hospital as well for allowing him back in. He also said that we need to discuss whether or not we want to announce the fact that she is at least one of ours soulmate." I explain.

"I don't want to tell anyone that both of you are not my soulmates. I don't wanna pick just one to expose.  I love you both." Emma says with a pout.

"I know, baby, but you already might be attacked online for us even being in your hospital room, if you tell them one of us is your soulmate, there will be backlash online. If we tell them that both of us are your soulmates, there is no telling what some crazy fan might do. Only giving them, a little information is better for all of us. It's better for your safety as well." Tae says.

"Ok....let PD know that we can make an announcement I guess." She says still pouting. "But you guys are gonna choose who we say it is. I will not pick between the two of you."

"Tae, it should be you who we say. You got your mark first." I say.

"No, it should be you. You were the one seen in the hospital before we were seen coming out of her room."

It comes down to rock paper scissors and I 'win.'

"Good, then it's settled. We will call PD back and tell what you guys have decided." Namjoon says as he walks away with his phone.

I see Emma on her phone and the sad look on her face. I know she is reading comments online and I don't like it.

"Emma, stop looking at that. People are going to be upset. You can't read those comments and have that look on your face. I don't want you reading hate comments about you. You are perfect. You are beautiful and kind and sweet and smart. You can't let them get to you." I say taking her phone from her and punctuating each sentence with a kiss to her head.

She hisses and grits her teeth. "I know. I just hate that this happened like this. I don't like being forced into something." She says wincing again.

"Baby, are you in pain? You need to say something. There is no need for you to suffer." I say going to get her medicine and a glass of water.

When I come back, she is leaning against Tae's chest and she looks pale. I wonder how long she has been hurting without saying anything. I give her the pills and she takes them.

"Let the medicine help you, Emma. Let us worry about everything else." Tae says.

We all still sit around the living room, when PD stops by.

"Hello, Emma. How are you feeling?" He asks.

She mumbles a response and stays slumped against Tae.

"She has taken her medication and it makes her very tired. We already discussed everything with her so we can talk. She already knows everything." I say.

"Alright, well, we have come up with a few ideas on how to tell the world about you guys. I think that only telling them about one of you for now is the best option. Namjoon said that it will be you, Jungkook?"

"Yes sir. Tae and I decided between ourselves who it would be. Emma refused to pick between us."

"Yes, I imagine she would. Ok. We can do a press conference, but that might be a bit much for her right now. We can do a vlive or a just post a statement. Which ever you guys choose is what we will go with."

"I agree that a press conference will be too much for her. A posted statement seems impersonal and I think we owe ARMY more than that so a vlive will work. We can start it off as a group and then work our way to Emma. She can come on after we explain a little bit." I say.

"Okay. You boys let me know when and I will be sure that something will be posted about an upcoming live on weverse. Until then, you guys rest up and take care of yourself and her." He says pointing to the sleeping girl in Tae's arms.

"We will absolutely do that." I says, running the back of my hand down her cheek.

Once PD is gone, everyone funnels back into the living room. We explain to them what we are going to do. We agree to do it tomorrow evening. Yoonah pointed out that there might be more sympathy if Emma is still injured and she has a point. If people see that my soulmate was hurt, then maybe they will be nicer.

Now we just have to convince Emma to be on screen.

AN: Last update before I head to California to see our boys in concert. Wish me luck. It's my first time flying and I'm literally going from coast to coast. I live in GA so we got a way to go to get there.

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