his secret plan

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its official harry has been acting weird all day..maybe somethings wrong? so you went to go and ask him, walking upstairs to his room you called out for his name. no answer. hes not even here -strange- you thought. However you did seem to notice a little note and a box on the bed. Picking up the little golden paper with little black letters on it and read it.

get dressed, love. i hope you like it



you smile a little at the cuteness of the little letter and slowly let the fabric of the red ribbon around the box through your fingers. pulling it slightly and the ribbon came off easily so you could take a look at the   big white box. the box didn't give anything away about what it could be but you hoped he didn't spend a lot of money on it...

slowly, lifting the top of the box and it revealed some sort of blue silky fabric. taking it out of the box to get a better look at it, in front of you you held a beautiful blue cocktail dress. you quickly undressed and slipped it on but to make it really look spectacular, you decided to get your make-up and hair done as well. 

standing in front of the mirror, you see a reflection that just couldn't possibly be yours. the girl in the mirror had [hair color] straighten hair, your [eye color] eyes were darkened by make-up that made them look brighter and the dress hugged your figure perfectly. the blue dress ended mid-thigh and had a few layers. its a strapless dress with rather revealing V-neck. just by thinking you can just picture the boys whistling and drooling over your dress.

i mean its gorgeous! you couldn't believe harry bought this for you. making circles in front of the mirror looking at yourself from every angle. you walked over to  your closet and pulled out a black pair of heals to match perfectly with the dress, about to put them on you find another note on the bottom of the heal, when yet you found another golden paper...

nice choice;)



that cheeky curly headed boy! you giggled a little. wait....you giggle? you don't giggle! [Y/N] does not giggle! Gosh, you swear harry Edward will be the death of you. you walked downstairs and your heels made that annoying sounds that they do when it hits a wooden floor, now see this is why you really don't wear heels that often.

downstairs you knew harry wouldn't be there so you walked over to the kitchen and got a glass of sprite. pulling out the bottle, being used to the place where it usually is so you didn't even have to look, reaching your hand out for it you noticed it wasn't there. turning your head you see another golden piece of paper in its place and read it..

nice try love;)

but why don't you come outside 



closing the refrigerator with your throat a little dry but you just tried to ignore it and went outside without grabbing a jacket. outside it felt cold, you could feel the cold air hit your naked arms and legs, you shuddered at the sudden temperature difference.

"you look cold" hearing an familuar voice say in your ear as you feel something being put over your shoulders. turning around smiling at harry before looking at what he draped around your shoulders. a black jacket that belonged with a suit, you looked at harry and noticed that he was wearing the rest of the suit. Wow

"you look great" you said, nodding approving. the suit showed off his muscular arms and his large chest  easily said he just looked plain hot!.

"not too bad yourself babe" he said with a cheeky wink. you totally love this side of harry; his flirty side. you smiled a little at him and he put his arm around your waist and guided you to his black range rover. getting inside you let out a small squeal as the engine started. seriously you love the sound of these cars. harry let out a chuckle as you started grinning like an idiot once he started driving.

"do you like the car?" he asked, stealing a little glance in my direction but keeping his eyes firmly on the road afterwards. "like it? more like LOVE IT!" you said clapping your hands after in a very excited way. girls fangirling over boy-bands? nah, you'd rather fan-girl over your amazing boyfriend..well not yet boyfriend you thought, but also fanning over his car.

"too bad we have to get out of it" he said as he parked the car in front of a big beautiful building. it doesn't look like a restaurant at all so -wheres he taking me- you thought, harry kindly opened the door and you stepped out, making sure not to step into something dirty with those heals. harry stood in front of you and pulled out another golden paper and gave it to you. a sheepish grin appeared on his face.

will you be my date to this dace?



with your cheeks turning a bright shade of red and you dropped the note and jumped a little, putting your arms around Harry's neck and connected each others lips forcefully. he reacted immediately by putting his hands on your waist and slowly kissing you back. after a few seconds you broke the kiss and whispered a 'yes' which caused him to grin even wider.

the curly boy held out his hand and you linked your arms as you both walked over to the buliding. walking inside with harry by your side and the sight in front of you just had you overwhelmed. it was a beautiful white room with a lot of decorations and loads of people, dressed as snobs....not really your styles but whatever. 

"don't be scared" harry whispered in your ear and you turned to him with a confused look on your face. "why would i be-?" beginning to ask but you were cut off by a unfamiliar voice who yelled Harry's name and hugged him tightly. what the fudgecakes?!

"[Y/N], meet my sister, gemma meet my gorgeous date" harry introduced you to his sister gemma. your meeting his family and he didnt even tell you?! -harry styles you bastard!- you thought gemma shook my hand and you smiled at her after sending a dangering glare in Harry's direction. who just casually laughed it off. "did you meet our mum already?" gemma asked you after having some small talk.

"no is she her? id love to have some female company after being around so many boys" you said chuckling a little. gemma laughed but harry shot you a playful offended look. "oh, you know i love you." you said kissing his cheak softly.

all night, we talked to a lot of harrys relatives and, of course his mum Anne, she was so nice to you. which made you feel so welcomed by everyone. harry took you into a little room next to the big dance room and he just stood in front of you, running a hand through his hair you could clearly tell her was nervous. -whats going on with him?- you thought as you looked at him.

he let out a sigh and dug his hand into his right pocket and pulled out another golden paper and gave it you as a sheepy smirk grew acrossed his face

be my girlfriend [Y/N]?



your eyes began to water as you looked up at him, happiness filling every little nerve of your body. "of course, you dork!" you yelled at him, slinging your arms around his neck and pulled him into a short sweet kiss. harry smiled down at you and turned you around. softly he let his fingers run over your neck, stroked your [hair color] hair to the side and put something around your neck.

you could feel it...its....its a necklace. i was numb but thank god you still had your voice "i love you and Ive always have" harry whispered as he finished putting the necklace around you. making words come out of your mouth "i love you" you said to hid as you tilted your head back to rest on his shoulder, you both shared a passionate kiss together :)

this imagine was longer than the others, sorry if you guys thought it was going to be short but tell me what you think. ill try to stay on track and post more, ive just been so busy but thanks so much for all the fans and readers keep it up Xx:)

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