loving you

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opeing your eyes cause the sun peared  through the window and righgt into your face. harry still had his arm wrapped around your waist. you tried to get up without waking him.

"babe what are you doing?" harry said with his morning voice.

"nothing just go back to sleep" you said in a whisper smiling.

"nooo [Y/N]" harry said pulling you back onto the bed.

you couldnt stop giggling at his actions, he was just so cute in the morning with his raspy voice and his cheeky smile.

"harry.." you whine still giggling 

"what? is it my fault that i dont want to let you go." he said looking into your eyes

"yes" you said

"well then" harry turned his head acting like he was "hurt" upon your words towards him.

once you get back to lying down next to harry on the bed, he starts kissing your neck. and then right back up to your cheek.

"what are you doing" you ask while moving your head to the side

he stops kissing you and looks at you and says "loving you" with a smile, then gets back to what he was doing.

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