unconditional love

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Being harry styles girlfriend may seen like the best thing in the world. and it can be at times. but other times people constanly send you hate about how you arent good enough for him, how you arent even pretty, and how you "use" him for his money.

everything builds up until you just cant take it anymore, you want everything to just end and today is was the day that you decided to end it all and make the painful words go away.

thinking that you are home alone you walk upstairs and into your bathroom, get the razor, and then sit on your bed. 

sitting there staring at nothing but the razor and your clean wrist thinking that this holds the answer to all of your problems. maybe it does. you slowly raise the blade to your tear soaked wrist. take in a deep breath and place it to your skin.

starting to cut you kear a knock at your door and then the door opens. looking up through all of your tears you see harry standing there staring at you like a little puppy.

"please dont ruin your wrist like that." he says very quietly

harry takes a few steps closer to sit down beside you.

"please [Y/N] never try that again, you are beautiful and perfect in every possible way. there is no reason that you should be doing that. dont listen to what they all say there all just jealous of what you have right not and thats me. i love you and there is nobody ele i would rather be with than you." he says

whiping the left over tears that fled from your eyes to your cheeks. he then pulls you closer to him and just holds you telling you over and over again how much he loves you and how perfect you are to him.

"im sorry.." you said in a bare whisper

"baby dont speak just let everything out into my chest im here for you no matter what" he says

hugging harry tightly around his body you give him a soft kiss on his cheek thanking him for everything hes done for you and how he loves you no matter what you do.

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