summer love

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packing your bags and loading in the trunk with all of your belongings and tears starting to form in your eyes.

you had the best summer vacation of your life, but now it had to end because school was starting up again and you didnt want to go back.

over the summer you met this really sweet and romantic guy everyday you would hangout everyday, go to the beach take nice walks, and go to the carnivals together but for some strange reason you never got a chance to ask him about his name. he never told you.

 you honestly just felt like turning time around just to go back to that last night you were with him, you both fell asleep on the beach under the moonlight.


"that will be 7.50: the cab driver said to you, getting out of the cab and walking to the drivers window to pay him. you got your bags right out of the car soon after. saying goodbye to the kind man you walked up to your apartment door and took out your key.

turning your wrist to the right the door opened. and you just threw yourself down on your couch making a big 'thud' sound so tired and exhausted you were so happy you were home, but a little part inside you was telling you that you felt hurt, upset, broken. you didnt know how you actually felt.

stomach growling you decided to make some dinner, just a quick mac&cheese will do the trick, nothing big but good enough it fills you up.

about an hour went by and you were looking at the letter that boy gave you during the summer, alls it had on it was a heart. hurt filling in your own heart you put the letter on the side table.

minutes later there was a knock at your door. groaning and getting up to go answer it alls you could make out was that it was a tall figure outside.

reaching for the knob you open the door.

"the names harry" the tall boy said with a smile

grinning really wide you jump into his arms

"how did you find me" you asked 

"lets just say the driver to your cab was a friend of mine"

you never thought you would see harry again after that summer, you never thought you would love again.

"and its [Y/N] " you said to him

"well [Y/N] i love that name, but can i tell you something?" harry asked you smiling form one dimple to the next

you nodded

"i think im in love with you" 

not believeing the words that came out of harrys mouth you were speachless. frozen in the position you were in..his arms.

"me to" you said shyly

"well in that case i would love to see you again tonight at [fav restaurant] at about say 8ish?" 

"yes you will, ill see you there" you smile

"cant wait love" harry said walking away and blowing a kiss 

yes thats right mac&cheese so had to be put in this, cause i was eating it at the time and it was the first thing that came to mind haha but jope you guys enjoyed it! keep voting reading and commenting! <3 Xx

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