wont be apart for long

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its been 8 months into your relationship with harry and you guys were so happy but now you had a problem.

school time came around again and you needed to fly to california for an exchange program that your class is doing to go and study and learn new things but you have never been away from harry at all.

this trip was going to be two weeks and its going to kill you, you felt to broken inside you thought you wouldnt see him again but that was silly you thought cause when you got back harry would be waiting happily.


"do you have everything you need love?" harry asked

looking through your luggage again and making sure you nodded at harry

you still felt so upset and hurt about all of this you wish the flight got cancelled so bad but a chance of that happening is never.

"im all ready" you said in a whisper hopping harry didnt hear you so you could miis your flight. but harry did hear you and he had your ticket right in his hand so you couldnt do anything bad to it.

getting into the car you both drove for about a half hour, the car ride was silent, despite the fact for the radio.

while pulling up to the airport parking lot you started to feel your stomach get into knots but that was cause you didnt want to leave, you got all hot and pale...harry noticed.

"baby its going to be fine i promise well skype everynight" he said in soothing

so many people rushing all over getting to their flights on time and then there was people coming back and seeing family it was just so crazy.

"[Y/N] were over here, come now or well miss our flight" your teacher called out waving his hand in the air, you looked up at harry.

"i dont want to go" you said falling into harry, wrapping your arms around his neck and having the tears fall from your eyes.

"sh sh its okay, please dont worry, your going to have a great time, take lots of pictures and have fun" harry rubbed repeating circles on your back kissing the top of your head. "we wont be apart for long baby"

looking up to see harry and his dimples while he smiled, made you smile even under your tears you were still happy that he was the person you saw before you left.

 walking to the glass doors you take one look back and saw harry with his head down already walking away, you couldnt bare to watch anymore so you just kept walking and tryed to be 'happy'


"please keep all luggages up in the space above, please stay seated at all times, there is a button located on your left if you need any assistance thank you and we shall be arriving in Huntington California in a few hours thank you and enjoy your flight" the lady on the loud speaker announced

well with that you decided to pop in your earphones and listened to some music, you put your head back and took a peak out the window, well that waqs untill you felt home sick again and missed harry even more.

so you told the guy next to you just to pull down the blind, you couldnt bare to watch the airport get smaller and smaller, even further from harry. :(

just before you were able to close your eyes and fall asleep the person from behind tapped you on the shoulder. taking out your earphones you turned around to see who it was.

your jaw dropped in surprise, you couldnt believe it, your eyes widened in surprise at first you thought you were seeing things untill he spoke.

"surprised much love?" 

you couldnt make words to leave your mouth he was here, harry he came 

you nodded

harry leaned his head between the seats and kissed you softly. even if it was only about and hour you missed those soft plump pink lips of his so much.

"now why dont you come and sit next to me miss adorble"

you nodded again still shocked that he did this for you and sat next to him

harry drapped an arm around you, and then you leaned into him closing your eyes. "so how did you do it haz?" you asked with your eyes still closed

"i know people, but ill explain to you when we land now go to sleep ill be here when you wake up" harry said as he placed yet another kiss on your forehead.

"i love you" you whispered

"i love you more" 

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