my motivation

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"10 more minutes mr styles" the reff said to you and harry

harry was a boxer and he was about to go out for a match against this other guy, you didnt quite remember his name cause you didnt care to shits about it, so you just brushed it away.

"harry babe are you sure you really wan to do this" you ask

"babe ive been doing this for 2 years of course i want to do this, you dont have to worry" 

you sighed and sat back down on the bench, fiddling with your thumbs still praying that harry wont go through with this cause you care so much about him.

"harry i c--" cutting you off harry called you over to him

"uhh y-yeah?" you say

"babe lye down for me" 

you did what harry told you to do and you layed down on the cold floor, which sent shivers through your body but you didnt mind it.

"now close your eyes" harry said

doing as he said again you felt the room get darker, and felt as if there was no lights on anymore. feeling so confused you wanted to open your eyes but before you could you felt a warm pair of lips press against yours.

opening your eyes you see that harrys doing push ups above you and everytime he comes down he kisses you and it counts as one.

"whats this about" you ask the muscular boy above you

"baby you my motivation, and i love you" he says coming down once more kissing you

yeah i know this is from dark, but i just had to i thought this was the cutest thing ever! i mean really just imagine harry doing this to you before every fight, id probably die but i also added some of my own to this just to make it a bit longer. 

Nights out with HarryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ