my freaky boyfriend

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You have "Did It On Em" By Nicki Minaj stuck in you head. You keep quietly singing it to yourself while you and Harry are walking down the side walk. The song has a lot of curse words in it, and Harry happened to catch you singing the line "All these bitches is my sons"...

"Excuse me [Y/N]!?" Harry exclaimed 

"Oh, sorry! i didnt know i was singing that loud, its a song babe so dont get your knickers in a twist, haha"

"well, id like to hear this song that is making my sweet [Y/N] curse like that"

"haha okay haz, just let me get my ipod" 

you whip out your ipod from your back pocket and scroll through all of your songs you had. It took you a while cause you had just a little over 500 songs. Harrys head is on your shoulder helping you find the song as well. he laughs, and your wondering why, so you look at him in the corner of your eye.

"whats so funny?"

"do you really have that song on there?" he asked you laughing a little

"which song i have a lot you curly head freak:)" 

"the Nandos song haha"

your cheaks got a little red and after a few seconds you just kind of said it

"yes harry i do but only because niall downloaded it"

He just laughed. NIall was one of the members from the band and he was a caring person. he happend to be your bestfriend you were able to tell him anything.

"so, [Y/N] can i hear that song now?"

"oh right sry haz i forgot, and yes you can."

you start playing the sing and sing every word to it, harrys face had a bit of a confused look on it cause hes never heard of it before, hes just kind of a love guy whos used to the songs him and his lads write together.

"well could you teach me this song?" Harry said. you were very shocked, you didnt think harry cared that much about this kind of music.


"yay!" Harry placed a light kiss on your lips and hugged you softly before you started teaching him he words. After a while it started to get dark, you both headed back to his flat knowing that the rest of the boys will be there to. You guys always have so much fun together. when you got to harrys place, he darted through the door , burst it open and yells " ALL THESE BITCHES IS MY SONS!" pointing to all of the boys. you start to crack up laughing uncontrollably.

"[Y/N], i see you have corrupted Harry." louis said to you between laughs

"guilty as charged" you said after finally catching your breath. you shake your head just looking at your crazy boyfriend in the middle of the room dancing thinking to yourself 'you wouldnt know what you would do with out him and what a loser he is but you love him lots'

Harry sees you staring at him so he glances over and winks at you, charges over he picks you up and throws you on the couch hitting you with a pillow.

Few minutes later you and the rest of the boys were in a huge pillow fight, feathers going everywhere, out of breath you just threw yourself on to the couch and harry falls next to you kissing your cheak

"i love you [Y/N] he says trying to catch his breath

" i love you too"

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