special tattoo

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"Harry, i dont care!, you promised me you wouldnt get anymore tattoos, and of course right after i tell you that you get another one!"

you yelled as harry walked though the house with yet another bandage on his arm.


"no harry!, no ifs, ands, or buts. you promised me and now youve lost my trust" you scold

closing the bedroom door in his face, you lay on the bed thinking. you loved harry so much but you just didnt approve of all of his seemingly meaningless tattoos.

harry knocked on the door and whined 

"pleaseeeeeee [Y/N] open up" he begged 

you would of ignored him, but something in his sweet voice made you open the door. you heard little sniffles. he was crying. you slowly opend the door a tad bit and you saw a teary faced harry. he was looking down at his arm and you noticed the tattoo was todays date.

"see harry. this is what i mean! i dont want you to get these stupid meaningless tattoos. what is happening today, whats so special about today? what are you going to get a date for every day that you live? you need to...."

harry got down on his knee to shut you up, he reached down into his pocket and brought out a ring with the same date as the tattoo read.

"this is whats happening today" he smile

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