hey weirdo

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watching all of the kids on roller coasters, swings, the ferris wheel and all the other rides was so nice. they all looked so happy with all their smiles and laughter.

you decided to go and grab a cotten candy for yourself while you wait for your dad to come back from the car, just cause he forgot one thing he had to walk all the way out into the parking lot, which was pretty far so i guess you had sometime to scoop for guys right?.

"hello miss can i help you?" the nice vender lady said with a smile which was sorta creeping you out a bit but you just shook it off.

"hi uh yes can i have a pink and blue cotten candy swirl?" you asked sweetly

"oh im sorry hun were all out of blue is just pink alright?" 

"yes thats fine" you assured her

turning your head around while waiting you spotted a really tall guy with curly brown chocolate hair with the most amazing locks. he had greenblue eyes that sparkled like no other. 

you melted

hearing the cotten candy machine spin round and round the sound finally stopped and you assumed it was done, which it was.

"here you go sweets"  she said

"thank you and heres your change" you handed her the ammount needed for the cotten candy

walking down the grass aisles of the carnival you spotted him again, that really cute guy you saw when you got cotten candy, for some reason you kept seeing him places even more.

"hey! you" a voice yelled

your heart skipped almost, you were so scared

you turned your head.

"down here miss!" a little boy yelled, he looked about 9, he wore a tan color pair of shorts with a blue shirt. he had red hair. a ginger! you shouted in your head, just like ed sheeran you thought.

"can i help you little boy are you lost?" you asked

"no but i sure want your cotten candy!"

"well ask your mummy maybe shell get you one"

"no you weirdo give me yours!" he yelled louder

people started staring at you now, they probably thought you were some type of person who never gave little kids what they wanted.

all of a sudden the little boy took your cotten candy right out of your hands and ran off to the roller coaster.

"hey!" you said all bummed out

sighing you walked off to the parking lot when you bump into someone who was on there phone.

it was him

the guy

omg, your heart stopped and your face flushed red

"im sorry" you said shyly

"perfectly fine love" he said with an adorable smile, he had dimples! wow can this boy define the definition of perfection anymroe you though

"well i must be going im sorry again" you said stepping around the curly headed boy

as soon as you knew it you felt a large hand grip your forearm and spin you around, at first you thought i was your dad but you were wrong.

he introduced himself "im harry"

"im [Y/N] nice to meet you"

"well i saw what happend with that little boy earlier" he laughed

"and erm i was wondering..."

"yeah" you said cutting him off

"if you would put your number in 'weirdo' " harry winked and smiled at you looking into your eyes no blinking.

he was gorgeous!

you put your number into harrys phone and every since that carnival you both would constantly text, video chat and call each other. after a while of talking harry became your boyfriend and you were confirmed as the cutest couple in the magazines <3

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