first kiss

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entertwined fingers while walking up to the entrance of the carnival. you and harry have only been dating for not even a month and you honestly think you love this boy. 

you guys havent done a lot of things latly cause you wernt far into your relationship but today was a day dedicated to the two of you.

harry decided that he wanted to play a booth game. you lended him some money to go play and he grabs your hand and you both run over.

first ball was tossed and all three pins were whaled out of sight in seconds

-wow that boy has an arm- you though

"and we have a winner!" the guy with the red suit says, while lots of bells and sirens go off for harry victory.

harry "woos" and winks at you

"what prize would you like, pick a prize any prize" the guy asked harry

harry looks around and picks out a giant teddy bear the biggest one there. the guy hands the bear to harry and harry then hands it to you.

"so you can remember today" he says smiling

"whats so special about today" you ask

harry lifts you up spins you around and kisses you right on the lips

"our first kiss duh" harry says to you 

making you giggle you return the favor and kiss him again

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