after school

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first period starts, another morning thats going to go by so fucking slow you just wanted to go home and go to sleep.

"pppppsssssssstttt" your friend [F/N] said from the back of the room

your seat was in the front of the room so you really cant do much about it, trying so hard not to turn around your focus stood right on the board, and your teacher mr styles was standing right infront of you tapping his foot. 

-oh great- you thought 

letting out a sigh you look up, it was weird because the way he always looked at you was different than the way he looked at the other students, it was almost as if he gave you the flirty eyes. like he liked you.

putting both hands down on your desk mr styles glares down at you with his curly hair just so perfect and his gr-- you were stoped in mid thought by him clearing his throat to get your attention.

you always had a thing for mr styles but non of your friends new it, well except your best friend [F/N] she knew you liked him but nobody else. you always wondered if mr styles felt the same about you.

lifting your head so it was no longer focused on the textbook you met his deep gaze. slipping a note right under you book but then walked right away, feeling sick to your stomach you were so scared to open it, you never got in trouble before.

opening the flaps you read the note in your head;

meet me in room 205 after school alone , leave your things in this class ill see you there;)

ps- wear your gym clothes babe

harry <3

cheeks flushing all shades of red, closing the note you look up and meet eyes again with mr styles, sending a wink to you which made you melt. als you knew was that his names harry which is s hot you thought and that you couldnt wait to be alone with him after school.

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