Shes Not Afraid

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[y/n] POV

I stood in front of my mirror and smiled. I was finally happy with my outfit choice. I was wearing a tight three quarter length sleeve, black dress that came above the knee and stooped in a heart shape along my chest. 

I didn’t really feel like wearing heels and I was in love with the new white converse I’d just bought so I slipped them on. I’d kept my make up neutral and curled my hair. I felt pretty.

I picked up my small white satchel and snuck into the hallway quietly. My parents were sleeping and if they caught me I would be so dead. I’d had to wait for my parents to fall asleep so all of my friends were already out. I got in the taxi that waited for me around the corner from my house and gave the driver the club address.

When I got there, I had butterflies in my stomach. I was excited to see Harry. Of course, I’d never admit it out loud because I was afraid that as soon as I did, Harry would lose interest and I’d be left alone.


My eyes had been glued to the door for the past twenty minutes. Everyone around me was dancing and laughing but all I could think about was Y/N. Where was she? She should be here by now. I was about to call her when she caught my eye. She took my breath away every time I saw her, which had been a lot since I was home for a little while.

I watched as she skipped over to our friends at the bar and I smiled, making my way over there. 

“Hey” I said as I put my hands on her hips.

Y/N spun around, out of my grip and smiled casually “Hi, Harry”. 

There it was again. The wall that she put up whenever we were around other people. When we were alone, it was amazing. She was sweet and caring. It wasn’t that she minded the attention from the media or my fans and she liked the way we did crazy things like driving to a lake at 2:00am. But for some reason, she was afraid to be that way around our friends. I didn’t know why. Maybe she was just trying to test me and see how hard I would work for her. Maybe she wanted me to make her feel like she was worth it. And she was worth it but nothing I said or did proved that to her.

I pulled her towards the dance floor and I saw her roll her eyes to her friends before letting me guide her to a dark corner.

“Are you trying to tease me on purpose?” I hummed in her ear. Her hair smelt so good.

She looked at me with a smile “What do you mean?”. 

“That dress. You look”- I took a deep breath -“Beautiful”. 

I saw the redness rise in her cheeks.

“Have I told you how much I like you?” I grinned as I pulled her close, placing my hands on her hips.

Y/N sunk into me, like she always did when I held her and shook her head, still smiling “No, you don’t. You’ll forget about me when your tour starts in a few weeks”.

It always upset me when she said things like that. She truly believed that I would just leave and never speak to her again. I could see that she was afraid. Afraid of falling in love and having her heart broken. But that doesn’t stop her from sneaking me into the house when her parents are asleep so we can watch scary movies and I know she likes the way we kiss in the dark. 

“What did I tell you on the phone last night?” I asked her.

Her face turned serious and she let out a small sigh “That you want me to visit you on tour”.

I put my lips next to her ear “Exactly. So I won’t forget you, Y/N. I won’t let you get away from me”.

Her lips were suddenly on mine. Her fingers found their way to my curly hair and she gripped it tightly. It wasn’t painful, it turned me on. My hands made their way to her bum and she pushed her crotch against mine, making me moan slightly. My lips were on her neck and she let out a moan of her own.

I knew she was afraid of falling in love with me. But I also knew she felt the same as me. She may not say it with words but I see it in her eyes. And I feel it in her touch.

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