gone for 3 months

110 2 0

you and harry have been together for a long time and for three months ago him and the boys left for a tour. you guys have never been apart for so long, and this is tearing you both apart.

of course you have been texting everyday, but you cant stand the fact that you're not able to fall asleep next to him, feel his warm higs and not able to kiss those soft lips you love.

you came home just an hour from a long stressful day of school. you have a project that has to be finished in just a few days and being the girl-who-starts-all-her-projects-the-last-minute have it even more stressful and it doesnt get any better, that the only thing you can be thinking of is harry..

not your project

half hour has gone by and you havent written a single word on your paper. just in a few seconds you were ready to pull out your hair and scream, you couldnt take all the stress and with missing harry you were ready to fall apart.

you started to tear up as you just stared down at you pen and paper untill you vision went blank, your eyes were covered by a pair oh hands.

"guess who" they said

your body filled with happiness, something you havent felt for three whole months. you can tell who that  deep raspy voice and british accent is from miles away.


you jumped up from the chair and turn around to face him and just the sight of him makes you melt into a puddle inside.

"ive missed you so much [Y/N] " harry said while looking down at you since there was a major hight difference...but it was cute you thought

the biggest smile ever appeared on your fac. the was he says your name gets you every single time. harry gave you a huge hug. 

but it wasnt the normal way he used to hug you, this time it was full of lust. something desparate and now you finally feel yourself at home, right in the love of your lifes arms.

after a while harry crushed his lips into yours, you can feel the way he starts to smile in the middle of the kiss before he backs up and breaks the kiss and says

"wow i love you"

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