Just a little Cheshire magic

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So you were back home in Cheshire. 

The first week, you didn't get any news from Harry, which hurt so much, as he promised he would try to keep in touch during this month. 

But the weekend that followed, you got a letter from him and it was the best feeling in the world to get one every weekend, as he promised on the first one, it was something to look forward to.

So then it started to become a rotine that you would recieve one. But this week, nothing.

At first, you thought the letter was delayed, so you waited.

But then next week rolled around and there was still no letter, starting to get worried you paced around

not knowing if something happened to him, or if he was simply too busy.

so you forced youself to think he was busy, but then, you had the scared feeling he forgot you.

you knew a long distance relationship would never work. It never does. -guess mom was right- you thought

It was a friday night, when you were reading through old messages with Harry that you suddenly felt the urge to call him.

 lying alone in your bed so you dialed his number.

not knowing what to say, or what to do, but you needed to hear his voice.

It rang once, twice, heart started to beat faster.

'Hello, this is Harry. Leave a message.'

Ah, that wonderful feeling to hear the voice you once loved so much. 

But your heart suddenly stopped, trying to talk but no words would come out, tongue went silent and twisted inside. you wanted to leave a message but you did something you knew you would regret, you hung up instead.


still no news from Harry, not even a call back.

you started to tell yourself that he actually did forget you, and never held his promises.

you needed him right now, and he wasn't there, so many things were going wrong, school was horrible, weekends werent the same anymore without your curly headed freak. you missed the warm bear hugs, his fingers entwinded in yours and the soft touch of his lips. but you understood that now that he was famous, he didn't have time for you.

Harry's band, One Direction, had become so famous, and their debut album made it to number one in so many countries, including america. you were really proud but just wished he wouldn't have forgotten about you because of it.


your eyes slowly opened , to let in the morning light, as you rubbed the sleep out of them.

Something suddenly hit the window, making me jump.

getting up and walking to the window to open it, cause it was just to hot.

And what you saw there, gave you the best feeling ever.

A huge smile was drawn on your face.

His brown locks so perfectly done and his big green eyes starring at his guitar.

Harry was sitting on the bench underneath my window.

And then the song started, you listened pleasantly. 

'Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed, 

cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart. 

I tore it apart. And girl what a mess i made upon your innocence.

No woman in the world deserves this.

But here I am, asking you for one more chance.

Can we fall one more time?

Stop the tape and rewind?

Oh and if you walk away I know I'll fade because there is nobody else.

It's gotta be you

Only you

It's gotta be you, oh only you'

He looked up with hope in his beautiful eyes.

you both looked at each other for a while, before you giggled and ran down the stairs as fast as you could.

Of course I couldn't stay mad at him.

opening the front door in such a rush, it slammed on the wall.

Which made your mum ask what was happening and walk after you outside

you ignored him when you arrived on the front porch stopping for a while to look at Harry, as handsome as always.

you ran to him and leaped in his arms. 

'I thought you would be mad'

He laughed.

you got out of his grip and crossed your arms, giving him a mad look.

'I am'

He grinned and took you in his arms again.

'I'm so sorry [Y/N]. My manager took our phones away because of the tour and wouldn't let me send letters anymore, because he said it was making me loose focus on the fans. He banned me from seeing you because ently the fans don't like my girlfriends and I was loosing fame because of you. So I had to pretend I was coming to see my family. I tried to forget you, I guess for my own good, but I couldn't. I've never loved somebody as much as I love you.'

'Why don't the fans like me?'

you asked confused

'I don't know, there is nothing not to like.'

'Yeah but-'

you got interupted by harry putting his funger on your lips

'But I love you and that's all that matters.

I don't care about my manager, I'll find another one if I have to.'

Harry said before kissing your lips softly.

In a way, you wanted to protest, or maybe pretend you didn't love him for his own good because you didn't want  to hold him back from his dreams.

But in another, if you did, you would loose him again and you didn't want that at all.


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